It has been quite lately on our website and on GitHub as the Ditto team currently prepares its new connectivity microservice. Until now Ditto’s amqp-bridge service could connect to AMQP1.0 endpoints (e.g. Eclipse Hono).

That worked quite well, but still had some issues:

  • failover/reconnection was not always done properly
  • the current connection state could not yet be retrieved
  • AMQP 1.0 is a great protocol including reactive principles but it still is not very “mainstream”
  • the AMQP 1.0 messages consumed by Ditto already had to be in Ditto Protocol, otherwise Ditto could not understand them

Our current implementation focus lies on two GitHub issues resolving those problems:

Changes and Enhancements


With the new responsibilities of the former amqp-bridge we have renamed the amqp-bridge-service to connectivity-service.
The Docker image and the Maven artifacts are affected by this change.

Enhanced connectivity

The new connectivity microservice can now manage and handle both AMQP 1.0 and AMQP 0.9.1 connections at the same time.
That means that Ditto from now on supports connecting to running AMQP 1.0 endpoints or to AMQP 0.9.1 brokers (e.g. RabbitMQ). The architecture of the connectivity microservice is designed to also support connecting via other protocols in the future.

Need to connect to a Kafka in order to process digital twin commands from there or publish change notifications?
Or want to send all state changes happening to twins to a time series database?

The connectivity service is the new place to integrate your managed digital twins with other systems.

JSON format of connections

As Ditto now supports more than AMQP 1.0, we had to adjust the JSON format for creating new connections. The new one is documented here: Manage connections in connectivity.

Payload mapping of external messages

Eclipse Ditto is about providing access to IoT devices via the digital twin pattern. In order to provide structured APIs for different heterogeneous devices Ditto defines a lightweight JSON based model.

Devices in the IoT, may they be brownfield devices or newly produced devices, will probably not send their data to the cloud in the structure and protocol Ditto requires. They should not need to be aware of something like Ditto running in the cloud mirroring them as digital twins.

That’s why we added a JavaScript based payload mapping to the connectivity service which is responsible for:

  • transforming text- or byte-payload from messages consumed via a source of a created connection to Ditto Protocol commands and messages
  • transforming back responses issued by commands and events from Ditto Protocol to some text- or byte-payload before sending the message back via the configured target channel

The incoming and outgoing scripts must be configured when creating a new connection via DevOps commands.


Please find more information and examples at:


The Eclipse Ditto team