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Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 3.3.0 Post The Eclipse Ditto teams is proud to announce the availability of Eclipse Ditto 3.3.0. Version 3.3.0 contains features improving merge/PATCH commands, skipping modifications of a twin if the value would be equal after the modification and a more production ready Ditto Helm chart. Adoption Companies are willing to...
Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 3.2.0 Post The Eclipse Ditto teams is proud to announce the availability of Eclipse Ditto 3.2.0. Version 3.2.0 brings a new History API, Eclipse Hono connection type, case-insensitive searches and other smaller improvements, e.g. on the Ditto UI and in the JS client. Adoption Companies are willing to show their...
Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 3.1.0 Post The Eclipse Ditto teams is proud to announce the availability of Eclipse Ditto 3.1.0. Version 3.1.0 brings policy imports, AMQP 1.0 message annotation support, conditional message sending and other smaller improvements, e.g. regarding shutdown/restart improvements. Adoption Companies are willing to show their adoption of Eclipse Ditto publicly: <a...
Support conditional requests for live messages Post With the upcoming release of Eclipse Ditto version 3.1.0 it will be possible to process live messages based on conditions. Conditional live messages Ditto now supports conditional message sending based on a specified condition in the request. This functionality can be used via the HTTP API with an HTTP...
Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 3.0.0 Post The Eclipse Ditto teams is proud to announce the availability of Eclipse Ditto 3.0.0. With 3.0.0, the required amount of different service roles was reduced from 6 to only 5 as the “ditto-concierge” service’s responsibilities (performing authorization) was moved to other services. That reduces the overall resource consumption...
Reactive MQTT Connectivity Post The upcoming Eclipse Ditto version 3.0.0 will ship with a major refactoring of the MQTT connectivity module. In this post we want to highlight what’s new and why this could be interesting for you. Backpressure via throttling The most noteworthy innovation is that Ditto now consumes incoming publish...
Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 2.4.0 Post The Eclipse Ditto teams announces availability of Eclipse Ditto 2.4.0. The main topics in this release were the move from Java 11 to Java 17 (and the switch in Ditto’s pre-built Docker containers from OpenJ9 to Hotspot runtime), W3C WoT (Web of Things) integration and enhanced placeholder capabilities, e.g....
W3C WoT (Web of Things) integration Post The upcoming Eclipse Ditto version 2.4.0 will add support for W3C WoT (Web of Things) integration by referencing WoT Thing Model in Ditto managed twins describing the Things’ capabilities. Using this integration, Ditto managed digital twins can be linked to WoT “Thing Models” from which Ditto can create WoT...
Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 2.3.0 Post The Eclipse Ditto teams announces availability of Eclipse Ditto 2.3.0. It contains mainly new features around the Ditto “live” channel which can be used to directly interact with devices. Such live commands may now be easily created via the HTTP API - and in addition a conventional...
Conditionally direct retrieving API calls to either live or twin channel Post After the added option to target the live channel by adding the channel=live to HTTP requests (see also blog post about “HTTP live channel”), Eclipse Ditto version 2.3.0 will in addition support to define a live channel condition, which, when evaluating to true, will retrieve...
Sending live channel commands via HTTP to devices Post The upcoming release of Eclipse Ditto version 2.3.0 will support sending commands via the HTTP API directly to devices using the live channel by just adding the channel=live query parameter to the same HTTP API request which would target the twin. HTTP Live channel Ditto supports...
Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 2.2.0 Post The Eclipse Ditto teams announces availability of Eclipse Ditto 2.2.0. It features several nice added features and e.g. allows using the dash - in the namespace part of thing IDs. Adoption Companies are willing to show their adoption of Eclipse Ditto publicly: From our various...
Support for OAuth2 client credentials flow for HTTP connections Post The upcoming release of Eclipse Ditto version 2.2.0 supports HTTP connections that authenticate their requests via OAuth2 client credentials flow as described in section 4.4 of RFC-6749. Detailed information can be found at Connectivity API > HTTP 1.1 protocol binding. This blog post shows an example of publishing...
Completed Kafka Connectivity Post Consuming messages from Apache Kafka in Eclipse Ditto Eclipse Ditto did support publishing events and messages to Apache Kafka for quite some time now. The time has come to support consuming as well. A Kafka connection behaves slightly different from other consuming Connections in Ditto. The following...
Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 2.1.0 Post The Eclipse Ditto teams announces availability of Eclipse Ditto 2.1.0. As the first minor of the 2.x series it adds a lot of new features, the highlight surely being the full integration of Apache Kafka as Ditto managed connection. Adoption Companies are willing to show their adoption...
Support conditional requests for things resources Post With the upcoming release of Eclipse Ditto version 2.1.0 it will be possible to execute conditional requests on things and their sub-resources. Conditional requests for things resources Ditto now supports conditional requests on things and all of its sub-resources based on a specified condition in the request. This functionality...
Support for HMAC-SHA256 signing for connections Post With the upcoming release of Eclipse Ditto version 2.1.0 it will be possible to use HMAC-SHA256 signing for connections. The currently implemented algorithms support you in authenticating requests against: Azure IoT Hub REST API Azure IoT Hub AMQP 1.0 Azure HTTP Monitor Data Collector API Azure Service Bus REST...
Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 2.0.0 Post Today, ~1.5 years after release 1.0.0, the Eclipse Ditto team is happy to announce the availability of Eclipse Ditto 2.0.0. With the major version 2.0.0 the Ditto team removed technical debt and ended support for APIs which were deprecated long ago in order to have a better maintainable...
Support SSH tunneling for managed connections Post With the upcoming release of Eclipse Ditto version 2.0.0 it will be possible to SSH tunneling for managed connections With the upcoming release of Eclipse Ditto version 2.0.0, managed connections support establishing an SSH tunnel, which is then used to connect to the actual target endpoint. This is useful...
Use Eclipse Ditto with Azure IoT Hub as message broker Post This blogpost is based upon Eclipse Ditto Version 1.5.0, the Azure IoT Suite as of 2021-03-19 and the azure-iot-device-client version 1.29.2. Connecting devices to Eclipse Ditto via Azure IoT Hub This blog post elaborates on connecting and managing devices in Eclipse Ditto by using the Azure IoT Hub as...
Support merge functionality for things resources Post With the upcoming release of Eclipse Ditto version 2.0.0 it will be possible to merge existing things and their subresources. Merge functionality for things resources Ditto now supports merging of existing things and all of its subresources with the provided payload in the request. This can be done by...
Policy actions: token based subject activation Post The upcoming version of Eclipse Ditto 2.0.0 will be enhanced with the ability to alter policies based on policy actions. Policy actions This new concept of Policy actions allows upfront defined modifications to policies without the need for the one invoking the action to have “WRITE” permissions...
Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 1.5.0 Post Wrapping up this crazy year, the Ditto team is happy to announce the next feature update of Ditto 1.x: Eclipse Ditto 1.5.0 1.5.0 focuses on: Desired properties management (CRUD) Addition of “cloudevents” HTTP endpoint Ditto internal pub/sub supports using a “grouping” concept which improves Ditto’s scalability capabilities Issuing...
Weak acknowledgments to decouple signal publishers and subscribers Post Motivation Ditto 1.2.0 introduced at-least-once delivery via acknowledgement requests. It increased coupling between the publisher and the subscriber of signals in that the subscriber is no longer at the liberty to filter for signals it is interested in. Instead, the subscriber must consume all signals in...
Desired Feature Properties Post Desired feature properties added to things model With the upcoming release of Eclipse Ditto version 1.5.0 desired feature properties are introduced to the things model for API versions later than 1. The desired properties for features are added on the same level of the model as the feature...
Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 1.4.0 Post Today, the Ditto team is happy to announce the next feature update of Ditto 1.x: Eclipse Ditto 1.4.0 1.4.0 focuses on: Declaration of acknowledgement labels unique to each subscriber Please have a look at the 1.4.0 release notes for a more detailed information on the release....
E2E acknowledgment Post E2E acknowledgement using Eclipse Ditto By adding the new acknowledgements feature to Ditto, it is now possible to provide an end to end QoS (quality of service) with level 1. Previously the connectivity service of Ditto did accept all incoming messages immediately as soon as it received...
Asynchronous Client Creation in Ditto Java Client 1.3.0 Post Before Ditto Java Client 1.3.0, a client object connects to a configured Ditto back-end during its creation. // create a client object and block until it connects to the Ditto back-end. final DittoClient client = DittoClients.newInstance(<span...
Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 1.3.0 Post Today, the Ditto team is happy to announce the next feature update of Ditto 1.x: Eclipse Ditto 1.3.0 1.3.0 focuses on the following areas: Implicit/automatic creation of digital twins (things) Use response of HTTP push connections as live message response “Raw” payload mapper for “pass-through” connectivity scenarios not...
Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 1.2.0 Post Today, the Ditto team is happy to announce the second minor (feature) update of Ditto 1.x: Eclipse Ditto 1.2.0 1.2.0 focuses on the following areas: “At least once” (QoS 1) processing of messages consumed/sent via Ditto’s managed connections (via acknowledgements) Addition of a "_created"...
Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 1.1.0 Post Today, approximately 4 months after Eclipse Ditto’s 1.0.0 release, the team is happy to announce the first minor (feature) update of Ditto 1.0: Eclipse Ditto 1.1.0 The Ditto team was quite busy, 1.1.0 focuses on the following areas: Management of Policies via Ditto Protocol...
Digital twins of devices connected via LoRaWAN to TTN Post A workshop of the 2020 The Things Virtual Conference on April 16th 2020 is/was about how to connect Eclipse Ditto to “The Things Network” via TTN’s MQTT broker in order to automatically update digital twins of devices connected via LoRaWAN...
Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 1.0.0 Post Today the Eclipse Ditto team is thrilled to announce the availability of Eclipse Ditto’s first major release 1.0.0. Maturity The initial code contribution was done in October 2017, 2 years later and 2 releases (0.8.0 and 0.9.0) later, we think its time to graduate from the...
Announcing Ditto Milestone 1.0.0-M2 Post The second and last milestone of the upcoming release 1.0.0 was released today. Have a look at the Milestone 1.0.0-M2 release notes for what changed in detail. The main changes and new features since the last release 1.0.0-M1a release notes are invoking custom foreign HTTP endpoints...
Integration of HTTP endpoints/webhooks Post By adding another connectivity type - HTTP - to Ditto’s connectivity, it is now (to be released in the next Ditto milestone 1.0.0-M2) possible to publish twin events, messages, live commands and events to existing HTTP servers/endpoints. That is especially useful for invoking existing APIs (which are most of...
Announcing Ditto Milestone 1.0.0-M1a Post Today the Ditto team is happy to announce the first milestone of the upcoming release 1.0.0. Have a look at the Milestone 1.0.0-M1a release notes for what changed in detail. The main changes and new features since the last release 0.9.0 are initial contribution of Java...
Eclipse Ditto now supports OpenID Connect Post Eclipse Ditto now supports all OAuth 2.0 providers which implement OpenID Connect out-of-the-box. You can find a list of certified providers at OpenID Connect - Certified OpenID Provider Servers and Services. With this post, we want to give an example of this new feature using the open source...
Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 0.9.0 Post Today the Eclipse Ditto team proudly presents its second release 0.9.0. The topics of this release in a nutshell were: Memory improvements for huge amounts (multi million) of digital twins which are held in memory Adding metrics and logging around the connectivity feature in order to enable being...
Announcing Ditto Milestone 0.9.0-M2 Post The second milestone of the upcoming release 0.9.0 was released today. Have a look at the Milestone 0.9.0-M2 release notes for what changed in detail. The main changes and new features since the last milestone 0.9.0-M1 are rewrite of Ditto’s “search” service in order to use...
Announcing Ditto Milestone 0.9.0-M1 Post Today the Ditto team is happy to announce the first milestone of the upcoming release 0.9.0. Have a look at the Milestone 0.9.0-M1 release notes for what changed in detail. The main changes and new features since the last release 0.8.0 are memory optimizations when working...
Connectivity to Apache Kafka in Eclipse Ditto Post Today we added connectivity to Apache Kafka. In a first step, it is possible to publish twin events, messages, live commands and events to Kafka topics. Since the last addition to Ditto’s connectivity which added MQTT connectivity, the connectivity feature got a lot of stabilization and new smaller...
Using Eclipse Hono's Command&Control with Eclipse Ditto Post With version 0.8.0 Eclipse Ditto can now interact with Eclipse Hono using the “Command & Control” feature. It is possible to send a Thing (or Feature) message at the Ditto Message API, which is then forwarded to Hono as a command message. Hono routes the message to the device,...
Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 0.8.0 Post Today the Eclipse Ditto team proudly presents its first release 0.8.0. Please have a look at the 0.8.0 release notes for a more detailed information on the release. The main changes and new features since the latest milestone 0.8.0-M3 are: Support Eclipse Hono’s command&control in Ditto...
Announcing Ditto Milestone 0.8.0-M3 Post Preparing the upcoming first release 0.8.0 of Eclipse Ditto, this milestone is a last checkpoint to ensure that the release will be performed smoothly. Therefore, this milestone release primarily focuses on stabilization. Have a look at the Milestone 0.8.0-M3 release notes for what changed in detail. <div...
Example demonstrating connectivity to an MQTT broker Post Eclipse Ditto can now connect to MQTT 3.1.1 brokers. Perfect timing to happily welcome a new colleague to our team behind Eclipse Ditto: David. In order to get familiar with Ditto and the development with digital twins, David was assigned with one of his first tasks to get his...
Announcing Ditto Milestone 0.8.0-M2 Post Brace yourself, Eclipse Ditto is preparing for its first release 0.8.0. We are happy to announce our next milestone towards that goal. Have a look at the Milestone 0.8.0-M2 release notes for what changed in detail. The main changes and new features are enforcement of max. entity...
Selective push notifications available Post The connectivity service supercharged Ditto’s flexibility in integrating with other services. It’s such a great feature to let the other connected services know about thing updates and property changes. Even the direct exchange with real-world assets became more flexible through the multi-protocol support. But with a steady increase in...
Announcing Ditto Milestone 0.8.0-M1 Post Even during the summer break the Ditto team worked hard in order to provide the next milestone release. Here it is: Milestone 0.8.0-M1. Have a look at the Milestone 0.8.0-M1 release notes for what changed in detail and why there was a version bump from 0.3.0-M2 to 0.8.0-M1. The...
Announcing Ditto Milestone 0.3.0-M2 Post Today we, the Eclipse Ditto team, are happy to announce our next milestone 0.3.0-M2. The main changes are improvement of Ditto’s cluster performance with many managed Things a new Ditto service “ditto-concierge” was added for this improved cluster bootstrapping based on DNS with the potential to...
Connecting Eclipse Ditto to Eclipse Hono Post Warning: This guide does no longer work with the latest (1.x) versions of Ditto + Hono. Please take a look and make use of the Eclipse IoT Packages “cloud2edge” package in order to setup and automatically connect Ditto + Hono. With the recently...
Announcing Ditto Milestone 0.3.0-M1 Post After some time of silence of Ditto milestone releases we are very proud to present our next one to the public. Have a look at the Milestone 0.3.0-M1 release notes. The main changes are switch to Eclipse OpenJ9 JVM in Ditto’s Docker images renaming of Ditto’s “AMQP...
Ditto's connectivity capabilities are pimped up Post It has been quite lately on our website and on GitHub as the Ditto team currently prepares its new connectivity microservice. Until now Ditto’s amqp-bridge service could connect to AMQP1.0 endpoints (e.g. Eclipse Hono). That worked quite well, but still had some issues: failover/reconnection was not...
Introducing Feature Definition Post Brace yourselves, Eclipse Vorto is going to be integrated with Ditto. Rationale By now you most probably represented your devices as things with features. This is indeed the proper way to do it. This approach is flexible and easy so far. But wouldn’t it be nice to have...
Announcing Ditto Milestone 0.2.0-M1 Post The Ditto team is proud to announce the next milestone release. Have a look at the Milestone 0.2.0-M1 release notes. The main changes are being able to search in namespaces which can speed up search queries when applied to a large population of digital twins the enhancement...
Example demonstrating REST and WebSocket API Post There’s a new example showing how to combine the REST and WebSocket API over at the Eclipse Ditto examples repository. Right from the project’s description: This example shows how to leverage the powers of combining the REST and WebSocket Messages API of Eclipse Ditto. It demonstrates how...
Announcing Ditto Milestone 0.1.0-M3 Post We wish you all a happy new year and an hope you are curious about our new Eclipse Ditto milestone. Milestone 3 Our new milestone, namely 0.1.0-M3, adds an AMQP 1.0 bridge. The bridge enables to connect to a running instance of Eclipse Hono. Ditto can...
Announcing Ditto Milestone 0.1.0-M1 Post We finally managed to build our first milestone of Eclipse Ditto: 0.1.0-M1 Java artifacts were published to both the Eclipse Maven repository as well as Maven central. Additionally Docker images were pushed to Docker Hub: eclipse/ditto-policies eclipse/ditto-things eclipse/ditto-things-search eclipse/ditto-gateway You can...
Welcome to the Eclipse Ditto project site Post This is our very first blog post of our new project site and we continue to add more documentation.