With the upcoming release of Eclipse Ditto version 2.1.0 it will be possible to use HMAC-SHA256 signing for connections. The currently implemented algorithms support you in authenticating requests against:

  • Azure IoT Hub REST API
  • Azure IoT Hub AMQP 1.0
  • Azure HTTP Monitor Data Collector API
  • Azure Service Bus REST API
  • Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS)
  • other AWS services supporting Signature Version 4 signing (see external AWS documentation on Signing AWS API requests)

Detailed information can be found at Connectivity API > HMAC request signing.

This blog post shows different configurations with the az-sasl algorithm, that allow you to sign requests against Azure IoT Hub (HTTP Push and AMQP 1.0) as well as Azure Service Bus (HTTP Push).


For the examples you’ll need a running instance of Eclipse Ditto (see Running Ditto). Additionally, a simple Thing is required, to which messages can be sent to. Create the Thing ditto:thing with a PUT request to <ditto>/api/2/things/ditto:thing and content

  "thingId": "ditto:thing",
  "attributes": {},
  "features": {},
  "_policy": {
    "entries": {
      "DEFAULT": {
        "subjects": {
          "{{ request:subjectId }}": {
            "type": "the creator"
          "integration:ditto": {
            "type": "the connections"
        "resources": {
          "policy:/": {
            "grant": [
            "revoke": []
          "thing:/": {
            "grant": [
            "revoke": []
          "message:/": {
            "grant": [
            "revoke": []

Azure IoT Hub REST API

This example shows how to invoke a direct method on a device using Eclipse Ditto and Azure IoT Hub.

For creating signed requests against the Azure IoT Hub REST API, you’ll need the following information from your Azure IoT Hub instance:

  • The hostname (e.g. my-hub.azure-devices.net).
  • The name of a (Azure IoT Hub) shared access policy, which has the Service connect permission. By default, there should be a policy named service which provides this permission.
  • The primary or secondary key of above policy.
  • A device in Azure IoT Hub with the ID ditto:thing (for the example this needs to be the same ID as the Thing created in prerequisites).

What follows is a sample connection JSON for a connection named Azure IoT Hub HTTP, using hostname my-hub.azure-devices.net and shared access policy service with key theKey. You can set the correct values from your Azure IoT Hub subscription in the fields uri, credentials.parameters.sharedKeyName, credentials.parameters.sharedKey and credentials.parameters.endpoint.

		"id": "60d193e3-2639-415b-af29-0e337741141d",
		"name": "Azure IoT Hub HTTP",
		"connectionType": "http-push",
		"connectionStatus": "open",
		"uri": "https://my-hub.azure-devices.net:443",
		"sources": [],
		"targets": [{
				"address": "POST:/twins/{{ thing:id }}/methods?api-version=2018-06-30",
				"topics": ["_/_/things/live/messages"],
				"authorizationContext": ["integration:ditto"],
				"issuedAcknowledgementLabel": "live-response",
				"headerMapping": {},
				"payloadMapping": ["javascript"]
		"clientCount": 1,
		"failoverEnabled": true,
		"validateCertificates": true,
		"processorPoolSize": 5,
		"specificConfig": {
			"parallelism": "1"
		"mappingDefinitions": {
			"javascript": {
				"mappingEngine": "JavaScript",
				"options": {
                    "incomingScript": "function mapToDittoProtocolMsg(\n  headers,\n  textPayload,\n  bytePayload,\n  contentType\n) {\n\n  if (contentType === 'application/vnd.eclipse.ditto+json') {\n    return JSON.parse(textPayload);\n  } else if (contentType === 'application/octet-stream') {\n    try {\n      return JSON.parse(Ditto.arrayBufferToString(bytePayload));\n    } catch (e) {\n      return null;\n    }\n  }\n  return null;\n}\n",
                    "outgoingScript": "function mapFromDittoProtocolMsg(\n  namespace,\n  name,\n  group,\n  channel,\n  criterion,\n  action,\n  path,\n  dittoHeaders,\n  value,\n  status,\n  extra\n) {\n\n  let headers = dittoHeaders;\n  let payload = {\n      \"methodName\": action,\n      \"responseTimeoutInSeconds\": parseInt(dittoHeaders.timeout),\n      \"payload\": value\n  };\n  let textPayload = JSON.stringify(payload);\n  let bytePayload = null;\n  let contentType = 'application/json';\n\n  return Ditto.buildExternalMsg(\n    headers, // The external headers Object containing header values\n    textPayload, // The external mapped String\n    bytePayload, // The external mapped byte[]\n    contentType // The returned Content-Type\n  );\n}\n",
                    "loadBytebufferJS": "false",
					"loadLongJS": "false"
		"credentials": {
			"type": "hmac",
			"algorithm": "az-sasl",
			"parameters": {
				"sharedKeyName": "service",
				"sharedKey": "theKey",
				"endpoint": "my-hub.azure-devices.net"
		"tags": []

This connection configuration sends live messages to the endpoint at https://my-hub.azure-devices.net:443/twins/{{ thing:id }}/methods?api-version=2018-06-30 and signs each request with a Shared Access Signature. The configuration also contains an outgoing JavaScript payload mapping, which extracts the subject of the live message, its timeout and its payload and uses this to construct a JSON message in the required direct method format. You’ll see that format below.

Listen for direct method on the device

Your Azure IoT Hub device needs to listen to the direct method you’re calling. Imagine you want to call a device method getDeviceLog on a device. You can use the Nodejs sample device_methods.js from azure-iot-sdk-node/device/samples as a starter. You’ll need to set the DEVICE_CONNECTION_STRING environment variable to a connection string of the device you are using and can run the device with npm install && node device_methods.js.

Send a live message to the Thing

To invoke the getDeviceLog method on the device, you should now be able to send a live message to the Thing. The message will be forwarded through your connection Azure IoT Hub HTTP to the Azure IoT Hub, which will route it to the device and respond with its response.

POST a message to <ditto>/api/2/things/ditto:thing/inbox/messages/getDeviceLog?timeout=5s with content:

  "service": "my-microservice",
  "amount": 9000

The payload mapping of the connection will turn this into a direct method:

  "methodName": "getDeviceLog",
  "responseTimeoutInSeconds": 5,
  "payload": {
    "service": "my-microservice",
    "amount": 9000

If you didn’t change the sample code of the device, you should get a response containing example payload.

Azure IoT Hub AMQP

For using the Azure IoT Hub AMQP endpoint, basically the same prerequisites as for the HTTP endpoint apply. The difference is, that it’s not possible to invoke direct methods using the AMQP endpoint. Instead, you can send a Cloud To Device (C2D) message, on which the device listens.

You can use the Nodejs sample simple_sample_device.js from azure-iot-sdk-node/device/samples to listen on C2D messages as a device. You’ll need to set the DEVICE_CONNECTION_STRING environment variable to a connection string of the device you are using and can run the device with npm install && node simple_sample_device.js.

What follows is a sample connection JSON for a connection named Azure IoT Hub AMPQ, using hostname my-hub.azure-devices.net and shared access policy service with key theKey. You can set the correct values from your Azure IoT Hub subscription in the fields uri, credentials.parameters.sharedKeyName, credentials.parameters.sharedKey and credentials.parameters.endpoint.

  "id": "8caca8c6-10d1-4886-a61f-3ea6270f9d8e",
  "name": "Azure IoT Hub AMQP",
  "connectionType": "amqp-10",
  "connectionStatus": "open",
  "uri": "amqps://my-hub.azure-devices.net:5671",
  "sources": [],
  "targets": [{
    "address": "/messages/devicebound",
    "topics": ["_/_/things/live/messages"],
    "authorizationContext": ["integration:ditto"],
    "headerMapping": {
      "iothub-ack": "full",
      "to": "/devices/{{thing:id}}/messages/devicebound"
  "clientCount": 1,
  "failoverEnabled": true,
  "validateCertificates": true,
  "processorPoolSize": 5,
  "credentials": {
    "type": "hmac",
    "algorithm": "az-sasl",
    "parameters": {
      "sharedKeyName": "service",
      "sharedKey": "theKey",
      "endpoint": "my-hub.azure-devices.net"
  "tags": []

Instead of applying a payload mapping like in the HTTP example, the connection just sends the ditto protocol live message and you should see its content on the device.

POST a message to <ditto>/api/2/things/ditto:thing/inbox/messages/C2DMessage?timeout=0 with content

  "Hello": "from Ditto"

and see it arrive at the device.

Azure Service Bus

This example shows how to send a message to an Azure Service Bus via Eclipse Ditto.

For creating signed requests against the Azure Service Bus, you’ll need the following information from your Azure IoT Hub instance:

  • A queue (e.g. my-queue).
  • The hostname (e.g. my-bus.servicebus.windows.net).
  • The name of a (Azure Service Bus) shared access policy, which has the Send and Listen permissions. By default, there should be a policy named RootManageSharedAccessKey which provides this permission (but shouldn’t be used in production scenarios).
  • The Base64 encoded primary or secondary key of above policy. The signing will only work if you encode the key with Base64 (although it already has Base64 encoding). E.g. if the primary key is theKey, you need to use its encoded version dGhlS2V5.

What follows is a sample connection JSON for a connection named Azure Service Bus HTTP, using hostname my-bus.servicebus.windows.net and shared access policy RootManageSharedAccessKey with encoded key dGhlS2V5 (theKey). You can set the correct values from your Azure Service Bus subscription in the fields uri, credentials.parameters.sharedKeyName, credentials.parameters.sharedKey and credentials.parameters.endpoint (which is a combination of the hostname and queue name).

  "id": "adec2846-4d11-4e0a-b456-d8bfc2192fc6",
  "name": "Azure Service Bus HTTP",
  "connectionType": "http-push",
  "connectionStatus": "open",
  "uri": "https://my-bus.servicebus.windows.net:443",
  "sources": [],
  "targets": [{
    "address": "POST:/my-queue/messages",
    "topics": ["_/_/things/live/messages"],
    "authorizationContext": ["integration:ditto"],
    "issuedAcknowledgementLabel": "live-response",
    "headerMapping": {}
  "clientCount": 1,
  "failoverEnabled": true,
  "validateCertificates": true,
  "processorPoolSize": 5,
  "specificConfig": {
    "parallelism": "1"
  "credentials": {
    "type": "hmac",
    "algorithm": "az-sasl",
    "parameters": {
      "sharedKeyName": "RootManageSharedAccessKey",
      "sharedKey": "dGhlS2V5",
      "endpoint": "https://my-bus.servicebus.windows.net/my-queue"
  "tags": []

This connection configuration sends live messages to the endpoint at https://my-hub.servicebus.windows.net.net:443/my-queue/messages and signs each request with a Shared Access Signature.

Listen for the message

To listen for the message you send into the Service Bus, you can use the Nodejs sample receiveMessagesStreaming.js from azure-sdk-for-js/sdk/servicebus/service-bus/samples/v7/javascript. You’ll need to set the SERVICEBUS_CONNECTION_STRING environment variable to the connection string of the used shared access policy. Also, you’ll need to set the QUEUE_NAME environment variable to the used queue (e.g. my-queue). You should be able to run the sample using npm install && node receiveMessagesStreaming.js.

Send a live message to the Thing

To send a message to Service Bus, you can simply send a live message to a Thing. The message will be forwarded through your connection Azure Service Bus HTTP to the Azure Service Bus, from which the sample app can read the message.

POST a message to <ditto>/api/2/things/ditto:thing/inbox/messages/HelloServiceBus with content:

  "Hello": "from Ditto"

If you didn’t change the sample code you should see the message arriving there.


Find details on the different algorithms and their parameters at Connectivity API > HMAC request signing.

Please get in touch if you have feedback or questions regarding this new functionality.


The Eclipse Ditto team