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Architecture overview Page The architecture chapter describes the overall architecture of Eclipse Ditto and in detail which sub-components fulfill which responsibilities. Top level component view This overview shows the Ditto services (components), the externally provided and consumed API endpoints, the external dependencies (MongoDB and nginx) and the relations of the services to...
Connectivity service Page The “connectivity” service enables Ditto to establish and manage client-side connections to external service endpoints. You can communicate with your connected things/twins over those connections via Ditto Protocol messages. The connectivity service supports various transport protocols, which are bound to the Ditto Protocol via specific Protocol Bindings....
Gateway service Page The “gateway” service is responsible for providing Ditto’s HTTP + WebSocket API. Model The gateway service has no model by its own, but uses the model of all the services it provides the HTTP + WebSocket API for. Signals The gateway service has no signals by...
Policies service Page The “policies” service takes care of persisting Policies. Model The model of the policies service is defined around the entity Policy: Policy model Signals Other services can communicate with the policies service via: PolicyCommands: implementing classes provide commands which are processed...
Things-Search service Page The “things-search” service takes care of: updating an optimized search index of Things based on the events emitted by the things and policies services when entities are changed there executing search queries against the search index in order to find out which Things (which...
Things service Page The “things” service takes care of persisting Things and Features. Model The model of the things service is defined around the entities Thing and Feature: Thing model Signals Other services can communicate with the things service via: ThingCommands: implementing...
Support for OAuth2 client credentials flow for HTTP connections Post The upcoming release of Eclipse Ditto version 2.2.0 supports HTTP connections that authenticate their requests via OAuth2 client credentials flow as described in section 4.4 of RFC-6749. Detailed information can be found at Connectivity API > HTTP 1.1 protocol binding. This blog post shows an example of publishing...
Support for HMAC-SHA256 signing for connections Post With the upcoming release of Eclipse Ditto version 2.1.0 it will be possible to use HMAC-SHA256 signing for connections. The currently implemented algorithms support you in authenticating requests against: Azure IoT Hub REST API Azure IoT Hub AMQP 1.0 Azure HTTP Monitor Data Collector API Azure Service Bus REST...
Support SSH tunneling for managed connections Post With the upcoming release of Eclipse Ditto version 2.0.0 it will be possible to SSH tunneling for managed connections With the upcoming release of Eclipse Ditto version 2.0.0, managed connections support establishing an SSH tunnel, which is then used to connect to the actual target endpoint. This is useful...
Use Eclipse Ditto with Azure IoT Hub as message broker Post This blogpost is based upon Eclipse Ditto Version 1.5.0, the Azure IoT Suite as of 2021-03-19 and the azure-iot-device-client version 1.29.2. Connecting devices to Eclipse Ditto via Azure IoT Hub This blog post elaborates on connecting and managing devices in Eclipse Ditto by using the Azure IoT Hub as...