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Server-Sent Events (SSEs) can be used to get notified when the state of digital twins change, and to receive a search results stream.

Server-Sent Events

Server-Sent Events are unidirectional originating from the back-end towards the client. Via SSEs the client can only be notified, it cannot send data back (it can use plain HTTP for that).

For a detailed introduction into SSEs, please visit the HTML5 specification.

SSEs in JavaScript

Using the EventSource object in JavaScript is also covered in the HTML5 specification.

SSE API /things

The SSE API for receiving change notifications is the /things endpoint:


This is a mechanism to get change notifications. The benefit of this mechanism in comparison to the WebSocket channel is, that it is even easier to open a SSE connection from the client than a WebSocket, and that in Ditto’s interpretation of SSEs the events sent back from the backend have the same JSON structure as the HTTP API on which they are invoked.

When the endpoint is invoked with an HTTP header Accept with value text/event-stream, a Server-Sent Event stream of change notifications is created by Ditto and for each notification for which the caller has READ permissions (see authorization), an event is sent to the client.

The format of the event at the /things endpoint is always in the form of a Thing JSON.

For partial updates to a Thing however, only the changed part is sent back via the SSE, not the complete Thing.

Only get notified about specific changes

In order to apply a server side filtering of which Server-Sent Events should be emitted to a consumer, Ditto provides several possibilities listed in the sections below.

All of the query parameters below can be combined, so that you can for example express that only events from a certain namespace with a specific RQL expression should be emitted, which could look like:


Specify the IDs of the Things

When the /things endpoint is used for connecting to the SSE stream, all things visible for the authenticated user are included in the stream. If only specific things should be watched, the query parameter ids can be added:


Fields projection

Additionally, using the fields parameter of the partial request feature, only specific parts can be watched for changes, e.g.:


Field enrichment

In addition to the fields projection, one can also choose to select extra fields to return in addition to the actually changed fields, e.g.:


The result is, that the server-sent events are merged, i.e. the SSE contains the actually changed data + the extra fields.

This can be used in combination with the below mentioned RQL filter, e.g.:


For combined usage of fields and extraFields one needs to specify all fields, selected as extra fields, for the field projection, too. This is required to allow filtering based on extra fields but still omit them in the payload. An example without filtering would look like this:


Filtering by namespaces

As described in change notifications, it is possible to subscribe only for changes done in specific namespaces. At the SSE API, simply specify the namespaces parameter and provide a comma separated list of which namespaces to select, e.g.:


Filtering by RQL expression

As also described in change notifications, it is additionally possible to specify an RQL expression expressing on which occasions to emit an event via the SSE API. Simply specify the filter parameter with an RQL expression, e.g.:


Example for SSE on Things

Assuming we have a thing with the following JSON content:

  "thingId": "org.eclipse.ditto:fancy-thing",
  "policyId": "org.eclipse.ditto:fancy-thing",
  "attributes": {
    "manufacturer": "ACME corp",
    "complex": {
      "some": false,
      "serialNo": 4711
  "features": {
    "lamp": {
      "properties": {
        "on": false,
        "color": "blue"

From within JavaScript we can now create an EventSource in order to open up a SSE stream in Ditto and simply print each event to the console. This one tracks only changes to the thing with ID org.eclipse.ditto:fancy-thing and only watches for changes on the feature lamp:

// the javascript must be served from the same domain as Ditto is running in order to avoid CORS problems
let source = new EventSource('/api/2/things?ids=org.eclipse.ditto:fancy-thing&fields=thingId,features/lamp', { withCredentials: true });
source.onmessage = function (event) {

By defining { withCredentials: true } at the new EventSource(), the browser credentials (Authorization header) of the already authenticated browser against that domain are sent along, this works for Basic Auth as well as for JWT based authentication using a Bearer token.

This would log the changed content of each thing the authenticated subject is allowed to READ.

So when the on property of the lamp feature is changed to true via such an HTTP API call:

PUT /api/2/things/org.eclipse.ditto:fancy-thing/features/lamp/properties/on
payload: true

the JavaScript snippet would log to console:

  "thingId": "org.eclipse.ditto:fancy-thing",
  "features": {
    "lamp": {
      "properties": {
        "on": false

SSE API /things/<thingId>

Subscribe for changes of a single Thing

Opening the SSE on the /things/<thingId> endpoint is used for connecting to the SSE stream in order to watch changes for only one specific thing:


Example - only get the changes of the thing org.eclipse.ditto:thing-1:


Subscribe for changes of a specific path inside a Thing

Opening the SSE on the /things/<thingId>/<jsonPointer> endpoint is used for connecting to the SSE stream in order to watch changes for only one specific thing on only a specific path in that thing:


The data contained in the event will be the same as when the endpoint would be queried via a normal HTTP GET.

Example - only get the value of the attribute location whenever that changes:


Subscribe for messages for a specific Thing

Opening the SSE on the /things/<thingId>/inbox/messages or /things/<thingId>/outbox/messages endpoint is used for connecting to the SSE stream in order to receive messages sent to or sent by the thing:


In order to subscribe just for a specific message subject, just use the same path as you would for e.g. sending the message via HTTP POST:


Example - receive whenever a device sends a “smoke-alarm” message to its outbox:


Subscribe for messages of a specific Feature of a specific Thing

Opening the SSE on the /things/<thingId>/features/<featureId>/inbox/messages or /things/<thingId>/features/<featureId>//outbox/messages endpoint is used for connecting to the SSE stream in order to receive messages sent to or sent by the thing feature:


In order to subscribe just for a specific message subject, just use the same path as you would for e.g. sending the message via HTTP POST:


Example - receive whenever a device sends a “ping” message to the outbox of its “Pinger” feature:


SSE API /search/things

The SSE API to stream search results is the /search/things endpoint:


This is the second mechanism of Ditto in order to get search results. The benefits of this mechanism over the search protocol are:

The drawback is, that SSE has no application-layer flow control and must rely on the transport layer (TCP) for back-pressure. In contrast, the search protocol supports back-pressure and cancellation over any transport layer by reactive-streams means.

When the endpoint is invoked with an HTTP header Accept with value text/event-stream, a Server-Sent Event stream of things is created by Ditto and for each thing matching the search filter for which the caller has READ permissions (see authorization), an event is sent to the client.

The format of the event at the /search/things endpoint is always in the form of a Thing JSON (in API 1 format or API 2 format depending on which endpoint the SSE was created).

Filtering by RQL expression

Specify the filter parameter with an RQL expression to restrict the search results to things matching the RQL expression. For example, the SSE stream below emits only things which have a counter attribute with value 42:


Filtering by namespaces

Specify the namespaces parameter to restrict search to the namespaces given as a comma separated list. For example:


Sorting by RQL sort option

Specify the option parameter with an RQL sort option to stream things in a certain order. For example, the SSE stream below emits things according to the timestamp. The timestamp of their last updates is stored in the _modified field, and - describes the descending order, thus the thing with the newest changes appears first:


Fields projection

Use the fields parameter to retrieve only specific parts of things in search results, e.g.:


Resuming by Last-Event-ID

The HTML5 SSE specification permits clients to resume from interrupted streams by sending a header Last-Event-ID. Each thing in the search result has its thing ID set as the event ID. To resume the stream from the point of its interruption, start another SSE stream with identical query parameters and the Last-Event-ID header set to the last received event ID. Specification-conform SSE clients perform resumption automatically, making SSE a simple way to export large numbers of things over a slow connection for long periods of time.



GET http://localhost:8080/api/2/search/things?fields=thingId&option=sort(+thingId) HTTP/1.1
Accept:        text/event-stream
Last-Event-ID: ditto:device7152


HTTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/event-stream



Tags: http rql