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Change notifications Page Signals already described what an Event in Ditto is. Events are emitted after an entity (either a digital twin or an actual device) was changed. At the Ditto API there are different ways for getting notified of such events: Via the WebSocket API a WebSocket client...
Conditional requests on things Page Ditto already supports Conditional Requests as defined in RFC-7232 where the If-Match and If-None-Match headers can be used to specify if a request should be applied or not. With the condition header it is possible to specify a condition based on the state of the...
RQL expressions Page Ditto utilizes a subset of RQL as language for specifying queries. The RQL project page says about it: Resource Query Language (RQL) is a query language designed for use in URIs with object style data structures. […] RQL can be thought as...
Search functionality Page Ditto provides a search functionality as one of the services around its managed digital twins. The functionality is available for the following APIs. API Access Method Characteristics HTTP HTTP request-response Stateless Ditto protocol Websocket and connections <a...
AMQP 0.9.1 protocol binding Page Consume messages from AMQP 0.9.1 brokers via sources and send messages to AMQP 0.9.1 brokers via targets. Content-type When messages are sent in Ditto Protocol (as UTF-8 encoded String payload), the content-type of AMQP 0.9.1 messages must be set to: application/vnd.eclipse.ditto+json...
AMQP 1.0 protocol binding Page Consume messages from AMQP 1.0 endpoints via sources and send messages to AMQP 1.0 endpoints via targets. Content-type When messages are sent in Ditto Protocol (as UTF-8 encoded String payload), the content-type of AMQP 1.0 messages must be set to: application/vnd.eclipse.ditto+json...
HTTP 1.1 protocol binding Page Perform HTTP request (with verbs GET, POST, PUT, PATCH) to HTTP endpoints via targets. Specific connection configuration The common configuration for connections in Connections > Targets applies here as well. Following are some specifics for HTTP connections: Source format Note:...
Apache Kafka 2.x protocol binding Page Consume messages from Apache Kafka brokers via sources and send messages to Apache Kafka brokers via targets. Content-type When messages are sent in Ditto Protocol (as UTF-8 encoded String payload), the content-type of Apache Kafka messages must be set to: application/vnd.eclipse.ditto+json...
WebSocket protocol binding Page Ditto Protocol messages can be sent as is as WebSocket message. The Ditto Protocol JSON must be sent as UTF-8 encoded String payload. WebSocket features The WebSocket provides an alternative to the HTTP API in order to manage your digital twins. The benefits of the...
HTTP API search Page The search aspect of Ditto can be accessed via an HTTP API. Note: Find the HTTP API reference at the Search resources. The concepts of the RQL expression, RQL sorting and RQL paging are mapped to HTTP as query...
HTTP API server sent events (SSE) Page Server-Sent Events (SSEs) can be used to get notified when the state of digital twins change, and to receive a search results stream. Server-Sent Events Server-Sent Events are...
Support conditional requests for live messages Post With the upcoming release of Eclipse Ditto version 3.1.0 it will be possible to process live messages based on conditions. Conditional live messages Ditto now supports conditional message sending based on a specified condition in the request. This functionality can be used via the HTTP API with an HTTP...
Support conditional requests for things resources Post With the upcoming release of Eclipse Ditto version 2.1.0 it will be possible to execute conditional requests on things and their sub-resources. Conditional requests for things resources Ditto now supports conditional requests on things and all of its sub-resources based on a specified condition in the request. This functionality...
Selective push notifications available Post The connectivity service supercharged Ditto’s flexibility in integrating with other services. It’s such a great feature to let the other connected services know about thing updates and property changes. Even the direct exchange with real-world assets became more flexible through the multi-protocol support. But with a steady increase in...