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In order to comply with the Ditto Protocol, a protocol message must consist of

  • a Ditto Protocol envelope (JSON) and
  • a Ditto Protocol payload (JSON).

Ditto Protocol

The communication protocol envelope is implicitly defined by the underlying messaging system (e.g. WebSocket) used to transport/serialize the messages over the wire. Please refer to the respective communication protocol binding for information how to encode the data in a protocol specific way.


Ditto Protocol messages are identified by the IANA registered “Content-Type”:


Ditto Protocol envelope

The Ditto Protocol envelope describes the content of the message (the affected thing entity, a message type, protocol version etc.) and allows the message to be routed by intermediary nodes to its final destination, without parsing the actual payload.

The Protocol envelope is formatted as JSON object (content-type=application/json) and must correspond to the following JSON schema:

Ditto Protocol payload (JSON)

The Ditto model payload contains the application data, e.g. an updated sensor value or a Thing in JSON representation.

Ditto Protocol response

When sending a command, a response can be requested. A response can indicate either the success or the failure of the command. The Ditto response for a successful command has the following format:

In case the execution failed, an error response with information about the error is sent:

The following sections specify in detail, which fields of the protocol envelope, payload, and response use to contain which information.


Protocol messages contain a topic, which is used for

  • addressing an entity,
  • defining the channel (twin vs. live) and
  • specifying what the intention of the Protocol message is.


Protocol messages contain headers as JSON object with arbitrary content. The keys of the JSON object are the header names; the values are the header values.

The header names are case-insensitive and case-preserving in the following sense:

  • Case-insensitive: Capitalization of header names does not affect evaluation of the headers by Ditto; setting correlation-id or CORRELATION-ID has the same effect. If 2 headers differing only in capitalization are set, Ditto’s behavior is not defined.
  • Case-preserving: Capitalization of headers by the sender of a Ditto protocol message is visible to the receiver. An exception to case-preservation are the headers of HTTP requests and responses, since they are themselves not case-sensitive.

There are some pre-defined headers, which have a special meaning for Ditto:

Header Key Description Possible values
content-type The content-type which describes the value of Ditto Protocol messages. String
correlation-id Used for correlating protocol messages (e.g. a command would have the same correlation-id as the sent back response message). String
ditto-originator Contains the first authorization subject of the command that caused the sending of this message. Set by Ditto. String
if-match Has the same semantics as defined for the HTTP API. String
if-none-match Has the same semantics as defined for the HTTP API. String
if-equal Has the same semantics as defined for the HTTP API. String - currently possible: [‘update’,’skip’] - default: 'update'
response-required Configures for a command whether or not a response should be sent back. Boolean - default: true
requested-acks Defines which acknowledgements are requested for a command processed by Ditto. JsonArray of String - default: ["twin-persisted"]
ditto-weak-ack Marks weak acknowledgements issued by Ditto. Boolean - default: false
timeout Defines how long the Ditto server should wait, e.g. applied when waiting for requested acknowledgements. String - e.g.: 42s or 250ms or 1m - default: 60s
version Determines in which schema version the payload should be interpreted. Number - currently possible: [2] - default: 2
put-metadata Determines which Metadata information is stored in the thing. JsonArray of JsonObjects containing metadata to apply.
condition The condition to evaluate before applying the request. String containing condition to apply.
live-channel-condition The condition to evaluate before retrieving thing data from the device. String containing live channel condition to apply.
live-channel-timeout-strategy The strategy to apply when a live command was not answered by the actual device within the defined timeout. fail: let the request fail with a 408 timeout error - use-twin: fall back to the twin, retrieving the persisted data.
at-historical-revision The historical revision to retrieve an entity at, using the history capabilities. Number - a long value of the revision to retrieve.
at-historical-timestamp The historical timestamp in ISO-8601 format to retrieve an entity at, using the history capabilities. String containing an ISO-8601 formatted timestamp.
historical-headers Contains the historical header when using at-historical-* headers to retrieve an entity at a certain history point. JsonObject of the headers which were configured to be persisted as historical headers.

Custom headers of messages through the live channel are delivered verbatim. When naming custom headers, it is best to attach a prefix specific to your application, that does not conflict with Ditto or HTTP protocol, for example the prefix ditto-*.

  • Permanent HTTP headers are to be avoided.
  • Ditto uses the following headers internally. If these headers are set in a Protocol message, they will be ignored and will not be delivered.

The interaction between the headers response-required, requested-acks and timeout is documented here.


Contains a JSON pointer of where to apply the value of the protocol message. May also be / when the value contains a replacement for the complete addressed entity (e.g. a complete Thing JSON).


The JSON value to apply at the specified path.


Some protocol messages (for example responses) contain an HTTP status code which is stored in this field.


When using signal enrichment, in order to ask for extraFields to be included, the Ditto Protocol message contains a field extra containing a JSON object with the selected extra fields.

Tags: protocol