The upcoming Eclipse Ditto version 2.4.0 will add support for W3C WoT (Web of Things) integration by referencing WoT Thing Model in Ditto managed twins describing the Things’ capabilities.

Using this integration, Ditto managed digital twins can be linked to WoT “Thing Models” from which Ditto can create WoT “Thing Descriptions” containing the API descriptions of the twins.

By integrating WoT, Ditto takes a big step forward towards:

  • increased interoperability
  • introspection of twins to find out their capabilities
    • which properties are provided and their data type and format
    • which actions can be invoked on the devices, including their expected input/output data type and format
    • which events the devices are able to emit, including their data type and format
  • addition of semantic context to Ditto managed digital twins and their capabilities
  • description of Ditto twin HTTP APIs in an open, established, well specified, “web optimized”, active IoT standard
  • backing Ditto managed twins with WoT models, also supporting “brownfield” setups, without the need for actual devices to be aware of WoT
  • opening the door to a new ecosystem of tools

To learn more about WoT (Web of Things), please visit: Web of Things in a Nutshell

WoT integration in Ditto

The WoT integration in Ditto covers several aspects:

For additional details about the WoT integration, please check the full WoT integration documentation.

The WoT integration is still marked as “experimental” as the WoT Thing Description version 1.1 is not yet published as “W3C Recommendation” and may still change - as well as the implementation of the standard in Ditto.


For a full example of the different aspects of the WoT integration, please check the full WoT integration example.

To summarize:

  • “link” a Thing with a publicly available WoT Thing Model by specifying the URL in its Thing Definition.
  • creation of a new Thing can use a Thing Model (e.g. the example model in order to generate a JSON skeleton:
      curl --location --request PUT -u ditto:ditto '' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data-raw '{
          "definition": ""
  • which results in a Thing like this:
      "thingId": "io.eclipseprojects.ditto:floor-lamp-0815",
      "policyId": "io.eclipseprojects.ditto:floor-lamp-0815",
      "definition": "",
      "attributes": {
        "manufacturer": "",
        "serialNo": ""
      "features": {
        "Spot1": {
          "definition": [
          "properties": {
            "dimmer-level": 0.0,
            "color": {
              "r": 0,
              "g": 0,
              "b": 0
            "on": false
        "Spot2": {
          "definition": [
          "properties": {
            "dimmer-level": 0.0,
            "color": {
              "r": 0,
              "g": 0,
              "b": 0
            "on": false
        "Spot3": {
          "definition": [
          "properties": {
            "dimmer-level": 0.0,
            "color": {
              "r": 0,
              "g": 0,
              "b": 0
            "on": false
        "ConnectionStatus": {
          "definition": [
          "properties": {
            "readySince": "",
            "readyUntil": ""
        "PowerConsumptionAwareness": {
          "definition": [
          "properties": {
            "reportPowerConsumption": {}
        "SmokeDetection": {
          "definition": [
        "Status-LED": {
          "definition": [
          "properties": {
            "color": {
              "r": 0,
              "g": 0,
              "b": 0
            "on": false
  • the WoT Thing Description of Things containing a Thing Model in their "definition" may then be retrieved by invoking the existing endpoint
    GET /api/2/things/<thingId> with the Accept header application/td+json:
    curl --location --request GET -u ditto:ditto '' \
    --header 'Accept: application/td+json'
  • Features of Things are handled as WoT “submodels” and also can describe themselves with the same approach, e.g.:
    curl --location --request GET -u ditto:ditto '' \
    --header 'Accept: application/td+json'

Ditto WoT Java model

As part of the integration of WoT in Ditto, a Java module has been added to provide a Java API for the WoT “Thing Description”/”Thing Model” and their parts - this module can also be used separately from Ditto in order to e.g. have a builder based API for building new objects or to read a TD/TM from a string:

    <version>${ditto.version}</version> <!-- the ditto-wot-model is available since "ditto.version" 2.4.0 -->

Please have a look at the added ditto-wot-model module to find out more about example usage.


Please get in touch if you have feedback or questions towards this new functionality.


The Eclipse Ditto team