Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 3.4.0

The Eclipse Ditto teams is proud to announce the availability of Eclipse Ditto 3.4.0. Version 3.4.0 mainly concentrates on exchanging the use of the Akka toolkit (due to a change in licensing) with its fork Apache Pekko which remains Apache 2.0 licensed. Apart from that, several...

Eclipse Ditto Benchmark

This blog post is presenting a benchmark of Eclipse Ditto. It consists of a few scenarios to cover most important ditto functionalities, test the performance and provide a tuning guide. This benchmark is done via the benchmark-tool, based on k6 load testing tool Setup and used tools...

Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 3.3.0

The Eclipse Ditto teams is proud to announce the availability of Eclipse Ditto 3.3.0. Version 3.3.0 contains features improving merge/PATCH commands, skipping modifications of a twin if the value would be equal after the modification and a more production ready Ditto Helm chart. Adoption Companies are willing to...

Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 3.2.0

The Eclipse Ditto teams is proud to announce the availability of Eclipse Ditto 3.2.0. Version 3.2.0 brings a new History API, Eclipse Hono connection type, case-insensitive searches and other smaller improvements, e.g. on the Ditto UI and in the JS client. Adoption Companies are willing to show their...

Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 3.1.0

The Eclipse Ditto teams is proud to announce the availability of Eclipse Ditto 3.1.0. Version 3.1.0 brings policy imports, AMQP 1.0 message annotation support, conditional message sending and other smaller improvements, e.g. regarding shutdown/restart improvements. Adoption Companies are willing to show their adoption of Eclipse Ditto publicly:

Support conditional requests for live messages

With the upcoming release of Eclipse Ditto version 3.1.0 it will be possible to process live messages based on conditions. Conditional live messages Ditto now supports conditional message sending based on a specified condition in the request. This functionality can be used via the HTTP API with an HTTP...

Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 3.0.0

The Eclipse Ditto teams is proud to announce the availability of Eclipse Ditto 3.0.0. With 3.0.0, the required amount of different service roles was reduced from 6 to only 5 as the “ditto-concierge” service’s responsibilities (performing authorization) was moved to other services. That reduces the overall resource consumption...

Reactive MQTT Connectivity

The upcoming Eclipse Ditto version 3.0.0 will ship with a major refactoring of the MQTT connectivity module. In this post we want to highlight what’s new and why this could be interesting for you. Backpressure via throttling The most noteworthy innovation is that Ditto now consumes incoming publish...

Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 2.4.0

The Eclipse Ditto teams announces availability of Eclipse Ditto 2.4.0. The main topics in this release were the move from Java 11 to Java 17 (and the switch in Ditto’s pre-built Docker containers from OpenJ9 to Hotspot runtime), W3C WoT (Web of Things) integration and enhanced placeholder capabilities, e.g....

W3C WoT (Web of Things) integration

The upcoming Eclipse Ditto version 2.4.0 will add support for W3C WoT (Web of Things) integration by referencing WoT Thing Model in Ditto managed twins describing the Things’ capabilities. Using this integration, Ditto managed digital twins can be linked to WoT “Thing Models” from which Ditto can create WoT...

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