Class LoggingProxyDistributionListener

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LoggingProxyDistributionListener
extends AbstractDistributionListener
implements IProxyDistributionListener

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void registered(IRemoteServiceEndpointDescription endpointDescription, IRemoteServiceContainer remoteServiceContainer, IRemoteServiceReference remoteServiceReference, org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration proxyServiceRegistration)
          Event that indicates that a remote service proxy has been successfully been looked up, created, and registered in the local service registry.
 void registering(IRemoteServiceEndpointDescription endpointDescription, IRemoteServiceContainer remoteServiceContainer, IRemoteServiceReference remoteServiceReference)
          Event that indicates that the given endpointDescription and remoteServiceContainer have resulted in a remoteServiceReference that will be used to register a remote service.
 void retrievingRemoteServiceReferences(IRemoteServiceEndpointDescription endpointDescription, IRemoteServiceContainer remoteServiceContainer)
          Event that indicates that an endpointDescription has been discovered and that the remote service references (specified by the endpointDescription) are being lookedup using the given remoteServiceContainer.
 void unregistered(IRemoteServiceEndpointDescription endpointDescription, org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration proxyServiceRegistration)
          Event that indicates that a remote service proxy has been unregistered from the local service registry.
Methods inherited from class
createTabs, getLogLevel, log, printID, printRemoteServiceContainer, printRemoteServiceReference, printRemoteServiceReferenceProperties, printRemoteServiceRegistration
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LoggingProxyDistributionListener()
Method Detail


public void retrievingRemoteServiceReferences(IRemoteServiceEndpointDescription endpointDescription,
                                              IRemoteServiceContainer remoteServiceContainer)
Description copied from interface: IProxyDistributionListener
Event that indicates that an endpointDescription has been discovered and that the remote service references (specified by the endpointDescription) are being lookedup using the given remoteServiceContainer. If multiple remoteServiceContainers are found, this method will be called multiple times, each with a distinct remoteServiceContainer.

Specified by:
retrievingRemoteServiceReferences in interface IProxyDistributionListener
endpointDescription - the endpointDescription that describes the discovered endpoint that exposes some remote services. Will not be null.
remoteServiceContainer - a remote service container that has been found (via the IProxyContainerFinder) and will be used for remote lookup.


public void registering(IRemoteServiceEndpointDescription endpointDescription,
                        IRemoteServiceContainer remoteServiceContainer,
                        IRemoteServiceReference remoteServiceReference)
Description copied from interface: IProxyDistributionListener
Event that indicates that the given endpointDescription and remoteServiceContainer have resulted in a remoteServiceReference that will be used to register a remote service.

Specified by:
registering in interface IProxyDistributionListener
endpointDescription - the endpointDescription that describes the discovered endpoint that exposes some remote services. Will not be null.
remoteServiceContainer - a remote service container that has been found (via the IProxyContainerFinder) and will be used for remote lookup. Will not be null.
remoteServiceReference - a remote service reference that has resulted from using the endpointDescription meta-data and remoteServiceContainer to successfully lookup this reference. Will not be null.


public void registered(IRemoteServiceEndpointDescription endpointDescription,
                       IRemoteServiceContainer remoteServiceContainer,
                       IRemoteServiceReference remoteServiceReference,
                       org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration proxyServiceRegistration)
Description copied from interface: IProxyDistributionListener
Event that indicates that a remote service proxy has been successfully been looked up, created, and registered in the local service registry.

Specified by:
registered in interface IProxyDistributionListener
endpointDescription - the endpointDescription that describes the discovered endpoint that exposes some remote services. Will not be null.
remoteServiceContainer - a remote service container that has been found (via the IProxyContainerFinder) and will be used for remote lookup. Will not be null.
remoteServiceReference - a remote service reference that has resulted from using the endpointDescription meta-data and remoteServiceContainer to successfully lookup this reference. Will not be null.
proxyServiceRegistration - the local ServiceRegistration that was created when the local proxy was successfully added to the service registry.


public void unregistered(IRemoteServiceEndpointDescription endpointDescription,
                         org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration proxyServiceRegistration)
Description copied from interface: IProxyDistributionListener
Event that indicates that a remote service proxy has been unregistered from the local service registry.

Specified by:
unregistered in interface IProxyDistributionListener
endpointDescription - the endpointDescription that describes the discovered endpoint that exposes some remote services. May be null if the service is unregistered for some event other than discovery (e.g. container disconnection).
proxyServiceRegistration - the local ServiceRegistration that was created when the local proxy was successfully added to the service registry.