Class AbstractOutgoingFileTransfer

  extended by org.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer.outgoing.AbstractOutgoingFileTransfer
All Implemented Interfaces:
org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable, IIdentifiable, IFileTransfer, IOutgoingFileTransfer, ISendFileTransferContainerAdapter, ISendFileTransfer
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractUrlConnectionOutgoingFileTransfer, LocalFileOutgoingFileTransfer

public abstract class AbstractOutgoingFileTransfer
extends java.lang.Object
implements IOutgoingFileTransfer, ISendFileTransfer

Field Summary
protected  int buff_length
protected  long bytesSent
protected  IConnectContext connectContext
protected  boolean done
protected  java.lang.Exception exception
protected  IFileTransferInfo fileTransferInfo
protected job
protected  IFileTransferListener listener
protected localFileContents
protected  java.util.Map options
protected  Proxy proxy
protected remoteFileContents
protected  IFileID remoteFileID
protected remoteFileURL
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addListener(IIncomingFileTransferRequestListener l)
          Add incoming file transfer listener.
 void cancel()
          Cancel this file transfer.
protected  java.lang.String createJobName()
protected  void fireSendStartEvent()
protected  void fireTransferSendDataEvent()
protected  void fireTransferSendDoneEvent()
 java.lang.Object getAdapter(java.lang.Class adapter)
 long getBytesSent()
          Get the number of bytes sent for this outgoing file transfer.
 java.lang.Exception getException()
          Get any exception associated with this file transfer.
 long getFileLength()
          Return resulting file length (in bytes) for this file transfer instance.
protected  IFileTransferInfo getFileTransferInfo()
protected  org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus getFinalStatus(java.lang.Throwable exception1)
 ID getID()
          Return the ID for this 'identifiable' object.
 IFileTransferListener getListener()
protected  java.util.Map getOptions()
 Namespace getOutgoingNamespace()
          Get namespace for outgoing file transfer.
 double getPercentComplete()
          Get the percent complete for this file transfer.
protected getRemoteFileURL()
protected  void hardClose()
 boolean isDone()
          Return true if this file transfer is done, false if not yet completed.
protected abstract  void openStreams()
          Open incoming and outgoing streams associated with this file transfer.
 boolean removeListener(IIncomingFileTransferRequestListener l)
          Remove incoming file transfer listener
protected selectProxyFromProxies(java.lang.String protocol,[] proxies)
          Select a single proxy from a set of proxies available for the given host.
 void sendOutgoingRequest(IFileID targetReceiver, localFileToSend, IFileTransferListener transferListener, java.util.Map ops)
          Send request for outgoing file transfer.
 void sendOutgoingRequest(IFileID targetReceiver, IFileTransferInfo localFileToSend, IFileTransferListener transferListener, java.util.Map ops)
          Send request for outgoing file transfer.
 void setConnectContextForAuthentication(IConnectContext connectContext)
          Set connect context for authentication upon subsequent ISendFileTransferContainerAdapter.sendOutgoingRequest(IFileID, IFileTransferInfo, IFileTransferListener, Map).
protected  void setInputStream( ins)
protected  void setOutputStream( outs)
 void setProxy(Proxy proxy)
          Set proxy for use upon subsequent ISendFileTransferContainerAdapter.sendOutgoingRequest(IFileID, IFileTransferInfo, IFileTransferListener, Map).
protected  void setupAndScheduleJob()
protected  void setupProxies()
protected abstract  void setupProxy(Proxy proxy)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DEFAULT_BUF_LENGTH
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected job


protected remoteFileURL


protected IFileID remoteFileID


protected IFileTransferListener listener


protected int buff_length


protected boolean done


protected long bytesSent


protected localFileContents


protected remoteFileContents


protected java.lang.Exception exception


protected IFileTransferInfo fileTransferInfo


protected java.util.Map options


protected IConnectContext connectContext


protected Proxy proxy
Constructor Detail


public AbstractOutgoingFileTransfer()
Method Detail


protected getRemoteFileURL()


protected void setInputStream( ins)


protected void setOutputStream( outs)


protected IFileTransferInfo getFileTransferInfo()


protected java.util.Map getOptions()


protected org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus getFinalStatus(java.lang.Throwable exception1)


protected void hardClose()


public ID getID()
Description copied from interface: IIdentifiable
Return the ID for this 'identifiable' object. The returned ID should be unique within its namespace. May return null.

Specified by:
getID in interface IIdentifiable
the ID for this identifiable object. May return null.


protected void fireTransferSendDoneEvent()


protected void fireTransferSendDataEvent()


public long getBytesSent()
Description copied from interface: IOutgoingFileTransfer
Get the number of bytes sent for this outgoing file transfer. Returns 0 if transfer has not be started, and -1 if underlying provider does not support reporting number of bytes sent during transfer.

Specified by:
getBytesSent in interface IOutgoingFileTransfer
number of bytes sent. Returns 0 if the outgoing file transfer has not been started, and -1 if provider does not support reporting of number of bytes received during transfer


public void cancel()
Description copied from interface: IFileTransfer
Cancel this file transfer. If file transfer has already been completed, then this method has no effect. If the file transfer has not been completed then calling this method will result in an IFileTransferEvent being delivered to the IFileTransferListener indicating that transfer is done (IFileTransfer.isDone() returns true), and some exception will be made available

Specified by:
cancel in interface IFileTransfer


public java.lang.Exception getException()
Description copied from interface: IFileTransfer
Get any exception associated with this file transfer. The value returned from this method is valid only if IFileTransfer.isDone() method returns true. If the file transfer completed successfully, IFileTransfer.isDone() will return true, and this method will return null. If the file transfer completed unsuccessfully (some exception occurred), then IFileTransfer.isDone() will return true, and this method will return a non-null Exception instance that occurred.

If the the file transfer was canceled by the user, then the exception returned will be an instance of UserCancelledException.

Specified by:
getException in interface IFileTransfer
Exception associated with this file transfer. null if transfer completed successfully, non-null if transfer completed with some exception. Only valid after IFileTransfer.isDone() returns true.


public double getPercentComplete()
Description copied from interface: IFileTransfer
Get the percent complete for this file transfer. The returned value will be either -1.0, meaning that the underlying provider does not support reporting percent complete for this file transfer, or a value between 0 and 1 reflecting the percent complete for this file transfer. If 0.0 no data has been sent, if 1.0, the file transfer is 100 percent complete. The value returned from this method should not be used to determine whether the transfer has completed, as it may not show completion in the event of an transfer failure. Note that the IFileTransfer.isDone() method should be consulted to determine if the file transfer has completed (with or without error).

Specified by:
getPercentComplete in interface IFileTransfer
double percent complete. Returns -1.0 if the underlying provider does not support reporting percentage complete, or between 0 and 1 to indicate actual percent complete for this file transfer


public long getFileLength()
Description copied from interface: IFileTransfer
Return resulting file length (in bytes) for this file transfer instance. If the length is not known, -1 will be returned. Note that if a IFileRangeSpecification is provided that the returned file length is the expected file length of just the range retrieved (and not the entire file).

Specified by:
getFileLength in interface IFileTransfer


public boolean isDone()
Description copied from interface: IFileTransfer
Return true if this file transfer is done, false if not yet completed. The file transfer can be completed successfully, or an exception can occur and the file transfer will have failed. In either case of successful or unsuccessful transfer, this method will return true when the file transfer is complete. To determine whether the transfer completed successfully, it is necessary to also consult the IFileTransfer.getException() method.

Specified by:
isDone in interface IFileTransfer
boolean true if file transfer is done, false if file transfer is still in progress.


public java.lang.Object getAdapter(java.lang.Class adapter)
Specified by:
getAdapter in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable


protected abstract void openStreams()
                             throws SendFileTransferException
Open incoming and outgoing streams associated with this file transfer. Subclasses must implement this method to open input and output streams. The remoteFileContents and localFileContent must be non-null after successful completion of the implementation of this method.



public Namespace getOutgoingNamespace()
Description copied from interface: ISendFileTransferContainerAdapter
Get namespace for outgoing file transfer.

Specified by:
getOutgoingNamespace in interface ISendFileTransferContainerAdapter
Namespace for outgoing IFileID instances. Will not return null.


public IFileTransferListener getListener()


protected java.lang.String createJobName()


protected void setupAndScheduleJob()


protected void fireSendStartEvent()


protected abstract void setupProxy(Proxy proxy)


protected void setupProxies()


protected selectProxyFromProxies(java.lang.String protocol,
                                                             [] proxies)
Select a single proxy from a set of proxies available for the given host. This implementation selects in the following manner: 1) If proxies provided is null or array of 0 length, null is returned. If only one proxy is available (array of length 1) then the entry is returned. If proxies provided is length > 1, then if the type of a proxy in the array matches the given protocol (e.g. http, https), then the first matching proxy is returned. If the protocol does not match any of the proxies, then the *first* proxy (i.e. proxies[0]) is returned. Subclasses may override if desired.

protocol - the target protocol (e.g. http, https, scp, etc). Will not be null.
proxies - the proxies to select from. May be null or array of length 0.
proxy data selected from the proxies provided.


public void sendOutgoingRequest(IFileID targetReceiver,
                                IFileTransferInfo localFileToSend,
                                IFileTransferListener transferListener,
                                java.util.Map ops)
                         throws SendFileTransferException
Description copied from interface: ISendFileTransferContainerAdapter
Send request for outgoing file transfer. This method is used to initiate a file transfer to a targetReceiver (first parameter) of the localFileToSend (second parameter). File transfer events are asynchronously delivered to the file transferListener (third parameter)

Specified by:
sendOutgoingRequest in interface ISendFileTransferContainerAdapter
targetReceiver - the ID of the remote to receive the file transfer request. Must not be should not be null.
localFileToSend - the IFileTransferInfo for the local file to send. Must not be should not be null.
transferListener - a IFileTransferListener for responding to file transfer events. Must not be should not be null.. If the target receiver responds then an IOutgoingFileTransferResponseEvent will be delivered to the listener
ops - a Map of options associated with sendOutgoingRequest. The particular name/value pairs will be unique to the individual providers. May be should not be null..
SendFileTransferException - if the provider is not connected or is not in the correct state for initiating file transfer


public void sendOutgoingRequest(IFileID targetReceiver,
                                IFileTransferListener transferListener,
                                java.util.Map ops)
                         throws SendFileTransferException
Description copied from interface: ISendFileTransferContainerAdapter
Send request for outgoing file transfer. This method is used to initiate a file transfer to a targetReceiver (first parameter) of the localFileToSend (second parameter). File transfer events are asynchronously delivered to the file transferListener (third parameter)

Specified by:
sendOutgoingRequest in interface ISendFileTransferContainerAdapter
targetReceiver - the ID of the remote to receive the file transfer request. Must not be null.
localFileToSend - the File for the local file to send. Must not be null.
transferListener - a IFileTransferListener for responding to file transfer events. Must not be null. If the target receiver responds then an IOutgoingFileTransfer will be delivered to the listener
ops - a Map of options associated with sendOutgoingRequest. The particular name/value pairs will be unique to the individual providers. May be null.
SendFileTransferException - if the provider is not connected or is not in the correct state for initiating file transfer


public void addListener(IIncomingFileTransferRequestListener l)
Description copied from interface: ISendFileTransferContainerAdapter
Add incoming file transfer listener. If the underlying provider supports receiving file transfer requests

Specified by:
addListener in interface ISendFileTransferContainerAdapter
l - to receive incoming file transfer request events. Must not be null.


public boolean removeListener(IIncomingFileTransferRequestListener l)
Description copied from interface: ISendFileTransferContainerAdapter
Remove incoming file transfer listener

Specified by:
removeListener in interface ISendFileTransferContainerAdapter
l - the listener to remove. Must not be null.
true if listener actually removed, false otherwise


public void setConnectContextForAuthentication(IConnectContext connectContext)
Description copied from interface: ISendFileTransferContainerAdapter
Set connect context for authentication upon subsequent ISendFileTransferContainerAdapter.sendOutgoingRequest(IFileID, IFileTransferInfo, IFileTransferListener, Map). This method should be called with a non-null connectContext in order to allow authentication to occur during call to ISendFileTransferContainerAdapter.sendOutgoingRequest(IFileID, IFileTransferInfo, IFileTransferListener, Map).

Specified by:
setConnectContextForAuthentication in interface ISendFileTransferContainerAdapter
connectContext - the connect context to use for authenticating during subsequent call to ISendFileTransferContainerAdapter.sendOutgoingRequest(IFileID, IFileTransferInfo, IFileTransferListener, Map). If null, then no authentication will be attempted.


public void setProxy(Proxy proxy)
Description copied from interface: ISendFileTransferContainerAdapter
Set proxy for use upon subsequent ISendFileTransferContainerAdapter.sendOutgoingRequest(IFileID, IFileTransferInfo, IFileTransferListener, Map). This method should be called with a non-null proxy to allow the given proxy to be used in subsequent calls to ISendFileTransferContainerAdapter.sendOutgoingRequest(IFileID, IFileTransferInfo, IFileTransferListener, Map).

Specified by:
setProxy in interface ISendFileTransferContainerAdapter
proxy - the proxy to use for subsequent calls to ISendFileTransferContainerAdapter.sendOutgoingRequest(IFileID, IFileTransferInfo, IFileTransferListener, Map). If null, then no proxy will be used.