- Priority
- Resolved
in the last week
- Inbox
- These are the bug reports which have been entered against the Platform/Core
component and are either awaiting more information from originator or
have not yet been verified as a bug. The general state of bugs in this
query is uncategorized.
- Open
Bugs - These are the bug reports which have either been verified
as real bugs or issues which should be investigated. Feature requests
are not included in this list.
- Feature
Requests - These are the bug reports which are not bugs but are
features that the user wishes to have added to the Core. They have been
marked with a severity of enhancement.
- Prefixes - We will be adding a prefix to the summary line of our
bug reports to better categorize them.
- Platform/Runtime: [doc], [jobs], [prefs], [osgi], [content type], [registry], [other]
- Platform/Resources: TBD