EclipseLink1.0 - 20080707 API Reference


Class Summary
DatabaseObjectDefinition Purpose: Define a database object for the purpose of creation and deletion.
DefaultTableGenerator DefaultTableGenerator is a utility class used to generate a default table schema for a EclipseLink project object.
FieldDefinition Purpose: Define a database field definition for creation within a table.
ForeignKeyConstraint Purpose: Define a foreign key from one table to another.
NestedTableDefinition Purpose: Allow for creation of nested table types.
ObjectVarrayDefinition Purpose: Allow for creation of object varray type.
PackageDefinition Purpose: Allow a semi-generic way of creating packages.
PopulationManager Purpose: This class is used to populate example data into the database, it allows for cirrcular references to be resolved.
SchemaManager Purpose: Define all user level protocol for development time database manipulation.
SequenceDefinition Purpose: Allow a generic way of creating sequences on the different platforms, and allow optional parameters to be specified.
SequenceObjectDefinition Purpose: Sequence definition Native Sequence object.
StoredFunctionDefinition Purpose: Allow a semi-generic way of creating store function.
StoredProcedureDefinition Purpose: Allow a semi-generic way of creating store procedures.
StoredProcedureGenerator Purpose: To generate StoredProcedures from TopLink Projects Description: This Class was designed to read in a project and produce StoredProcedures.
TableCreator Purpose: This class is reponsible for creating the tables defined in the project.
TableDefinition Purpose: Allow a generic way of creating tables on the different platforms.
TableSequenceDefinition Purpose: Allow a generic way of creating sequences on the different platforms, and allow optional parameters to be specified.
TypeDefinition Purpose: Allow for Oracle 8 object-relational user defined type to be created.
TypeTableDefinition Purpose: Allow for tabels of Oracle 8 object-relational user defined type to be created.
UnaryTableSequenceDefinition Purpose: Creates / drops an unary sequence table: the name of the table is sequence name; its only field is named unarySequenceCounterFieldName
UniqueKeyConstraint Purpose: Define a unique key constraint for a table.
VarrayDefinition Purpose: Allow for creation of varray type.
ViewDefinition Purpose: Allow for creation of views.

EclipseLink1.0 - 20080707 API Reference