EclipseLink 1.1.1_ 1.1.1.v20090430-r4097 API Reference

Interface EqualityHelper

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface EqualityHelper

A helper for comparing DataObjects.

Field Summary
static EqualityHelper INSTANCE
          The default EqualityHelper.
Method Summary
 boolean equal(DataObject dataObject1, DataObject dataObject2)
          Two DataObjects are equal(Deep) if they are equalShallow, all their compared Properties are equal, and all reachable DataObjects in their graphs excluding containers are equal.
 boolean equalShallow(DataObject dataObject1, DataObject dataObject2)
          Two DataObjects are equalShallow if they have the same Type and all their compared Properties are equal.

Field Detail


static final EqualityHelper INSTANCE
The default EqualityHelper.

Method Detail


boolean equalShallow(DataObject dataObject1,
                     DataObject dataObject2)

Two DataObjects are equalShallow if they have the same Type and all their compared Properties are equal. The set of Properties compared are the instance properties where property.getType().isDataType() is true and property.getType() is not ChangeSummaryType.
Two of these Property values are equal if they are both not set, or set to an equal value dataObject1.get(property).equals(dataObject2.get(property))
If the type is a sequenced type, the sequence entries must be the same. This includes only text entries and entries where property.getType().isDataType() is true and their relative order must be the same. For each pair of entries x and y in the sequence where the property is used in the comparison, dataObject1.getSequence().getValue(x).equals( dataObject2.getSequence().getValue(y)) and dataObject1.getSequence().getProperty(x) == dataObject2.getSequence().getProperty(y) must be true.

Returns true the objects have the same Type and all values of all compared Properties are equal.

dataObject1 - DataObject to be compared
dataObject2 - DataObject to be compared
true the objects have the same Type and all values of all compared Properties are equal.


boolean equal(DataObject dataObject1,
              DataObject dataObject2)

Two DataObjects are equal(Deep) if they are equalShallow, all their compared Properties are equal, and all reachable DataObjects in their graphs excluding containers are equal. The set of Properties compared are the instance properties where property.getType().isDataType() is false, and is not a container property, ie !property.getOpposite().isContainment()
Two of these Property values are equal if they are both not set, or all the DataObjects they refer to are equal in the context of dataObject1 and dataObject2.
Note that properties to a containing DataObject are not compared which means two DataObject trees can be equal even if their containers are not equal.
If the type is a sequenced type, the sequence entries must be the same. For each entry x in the sequence where the property is used in the comparison, equal(dataObject1.getSequence().getValue(x), dataObject2.getSequence().getValue(x)) and dataObject1.getSequence().getProperty(x) == dataObject2.getSequence().getProperty(x) must be true.

A DataObject directly or indirectly referenced by dataObject1 or dataObject2 can only be equal to exactly one DataObject directly or indirectly referenced by dataObject1 or dataObject2, respectively. This ensures that dataObject1 and dataObject2 are equal if the graph formed by all their referenced DataObjects have the same shape.

Returns true if the trees of DataObjects are equal(Deep).

dataObject1 - DataObject to be compared
dataObject2 - DataObject to be compared
true if the trees of DataObjects are equal(Deep).

EclipseLink 1.1.1_ 1.1.1.v20090430-r4097 API Reference