EclipseLink 1.1.1_ 1.1.1.v20090430-r4097 API Reference

Package org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions

Interface Summary
ExceptionHandler Exception handler can catch errors that occur on queries or during database access.

Class Summary
IntegrityChecker Purpose: IntegrityChecker is used for catching all the descriptor exceptions, and checking database tables.

Exception Summary
CommunicationException Purpose:This exception wraps all RMI or CORBA or IO exception that may occur.
ConcurrencyException Purpose: Concurrency deadlock or interupts will raise this exception.
ConversionException Purpose: Conversion exceptions such as method or class not defined will raise this exception.
DatabaseException Purpose: Wrapper for any database exception that occurred through EclipseLink.
DBWSException PUBLIC: runtime exception for EclipseLink DBWS Service
DescriptorException Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a descriptor or mapping.
DiscoveryException Instances of this exception are raised if a problem is detected during the discovery of a TopLink cluster.
EclipseLinkException Purpose: Any exception raised by EclipseLink should be a subclass of this exception class.
IntegrityException Purpose: IntegrityExceptions is used to throw all the Descriptors exceptions.
JAXBException Purpose: This class provides an implementation of EclipseLinkException specific to the EclipseLink JAXB implementation

Responsibilities: Return a JAXBException that can be thrown around input parameters.

JPQLException Purpose: EJBQL parsing and resolution problems will raise this exception
OptimisticLockException Purpose: This exception is used when TopLink's optimistic locking feature is used.
QueryException Purpose: This exception is used for any problem that is detected with a query.
RemoteCommandManagerException Instances of this exception are raised if a problem is detected in the RemoteCommandManager (RCM) feature.
SDOException Purpose: This class provides an implementation of EclipseLinkException specific to the EclipseLink SDO (Service Data Objects) API.
ValidationException Purpose: This exception is used if incorrect state or method arguments are detected in a general TopLink object.
XMLConversionException Purpose: XML conversion exceptions are raised for any problem when converting Java types to/from XML.

EclipseLink 1.1.1_ 1.1.1.v20090430-r4097 API Reference