EclipseLink 1.1.4, build 'v20100812-r7860' API Reference

Package org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database

Class Summary
AccessPlatform Purpose: Provides Microsoft Access specific behavior.
AttunityPlatform TopLink Platform class which works with Attunity's Connect JDBC driver.
CloudscapePlatform Purpose: Provides CloudScape DBMS specific behavior.
DatabasePlatform DatabasePlatform is private to EclipseLink.
DB2MainframePlatform Purpose: Provides DB2 Mainframe specific behavior.
DB2Platform Purpose: Provides DB2 specific behavior.
DBasePlatform Purpose: Provides DBase specific behavior.
DerbyPlatform Purpose: Provides Derby DBMS specific behavior.
HSQLPlatform Purpose: Provides HSQL specific behavior.
InformixPlatform Purpose: Provides Informix specific behavior.
JavaDBPlatform Purpose: Allows to use JavaDBPlatform as a synonym for DerbyPlatform
MySQLPlatform Purpose: Provides MySQL specific behavior.
OraclePlatform Purpose: Provides Oracle specific behavior.
PointBasePlatform Support the Pointbase database.
PostgreSQLPlatform Purpose: Provides Postgres specific behavior.
SQLAnywherePlatform Provides SQL Anywhere specific behaviour.
SQLServerPlatform Purpose: Provides SQL Server specific behavior.
SybasePlatform Purpose: Provides Sybase specific behavior.
TimesTen7Platform Purpose: Provides TimesTen 7 specific behavior.

EclipseLink 1.1.4, build 'v20100812-r7860' API Reference