EclipseLink 2.1.2, build 'v20101206-r8635' API Reference

Class QueryByExamplePolicy

  extended by org.eclipse.persistence.queries.QueryByExamplePolicy
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class QueryByExamplePolicy
extends java.lang.Object

Purpose: This policy defines the configuration options for a Query By Example query.

Description: A Query By Example query is an ObjectLevelReadQuery where the selection criteria is built from an example domain object passed in via setExampleObject.

If no policy is specified the selection criteria is built from the example object in the following way:

A policy can be set on the query to:

Note: When setting an attribute on the example object which is itself a java object with an ObjectReferenceMapping, the mapped components of that attribute will be considered, not the entire object. There is no limit to how many mapped objects can be nested inside the example object.

Note: setExampleObject is different from setSelectionObject in ReadObjectQuery which reads a single object by first extracting the primary key from the selection object.



// This example uses like for Strings and the salary must be greater // than zero. ReadAllQuery query = new ReadAllQuery(); Employee employee = new Employee(); employee.setFirstName("B%"); employee.setLastName("S%"); employee.setSalary(0); query.setExampleObject(employee); QueryByExamplePolicy policy = new QueryByExamplePolicy(); policy.addSpecialOperation(String.class, "like"); policy.addSpecialOperation(Integer.class, "greaterThan"); policy.alwaysIncludeAttribute(Employee.class, "salary"); query.setQueryByExamplePolicy(policy); Vector results = (Vector) session.executeQuery(query);

See Also:
ObjectLevelReadQuery.setExampleObject(java.lang.Object), ObjectLevelReadQuery.setQueryByExamplePolicy(org.eclipse.persistence.queries.QueryByExamplePolicy), Serialized Form
TOPLink/Java 3.0

Field Summary
 java.util.Map attributesToAlwaysInclude
 boolean shouldUseEqualityForNulls
 java.util.Map specialOperations
 java.util.Map valuesToExclude
Constructor Summary
          PUBLIC: Constructs a default policy equal to that used when no policy is specified.
Method Summary
 void addSpecialOperation(java.lang.Class attributeValueClass, java.lang.String operation)
          PUBLIC: Allows operations other than Expression.equal to be used for comparisons.
 void alwaysIncludeAttribute(java.lang.Class exampleClass, java.lang.String attributeName)
          PUBLIC: Always considers the value for a particular attribute as meaningful in a query by example.
 Expression completeExpression(Expression expression, java.lang.Object attributeValue, java.lang.Class attributeValueClass)
          INTERNAL: This method is used to determine which operation to use for comparison (equal, or a special operation).
 Expression completeExpressionForNull(Expression expression)
          INTERNAL: This method is used when the attribute value is null, but it has to be included at all times.
 void excludeDefaultPrimitiveValues()
          PUBLIC: Ignores attributes set to the default value for their primitive type.
 void excludeValue(boolean value)
          PUBLIC: An attribute in the example object set to an excluded value will be ignored in a Query By Example.
 void excludeValue(byte value)
          PUBLIC: An attribute in the example object set to an excluded value will be ignored in a Query By Example.
 void excludeValue(char value)
          PUBLIC: An attribute in the example object set to an excluded value will be ignored in a Query By Example.
 void excludeValue(double value)
          PUBLIC: An attribute in the example object set to an excluded value will be ignored in a Query By Example.
 void excludeValue(float value)
          PUBLIC: An attribute in the example object set to an excluded value will be ignored in a Query By Example.
 void excludeValue(int value)
          PUBLIC: An attribute in the example object set to be an excluded value will be ignored in a Query By Example.
 void excludeValue(long value)
          PUBLIC: An attribute in the example object set to an excluded value will be ignored in a Query By Example.
 void excludeValue(java.lang.Object value)
          PUBLIC: An attribute in the example object set to an excluded value will be ignored in a Query By Example.
 void excludeValue(short value)
          PUBLIC: An attribute in the example object set to an excluded value will be ignored in a Query By Example.
 java.util.Map getAttributesToAlwaysInclude()
          PUBLIC: Attributes to always consider even if set to null or an excluded value like 0 or false.
 java.lang.String getOperation(java.lang.Class aClass)
          INTERNAL: determines which operation to use for comparison.
 java.util.Map getSpecialOperations()
          PUBLIC: The special operations to use in place of equal.
 java.util.Map getValuesToExclude()
          PUBLIC: Decides which attributes to ignore based on the values they are set to.
 void includeAllValues()
          PUBLIC: Considers all mapped attributes in the example object as meaningful in a Query By Example.
 boolean isAlwaysIncluded(java.lang.Class theClass, java.lang.String attributeName)
          INTERNAL: returns whether the attributeName is to be always included.
 boolean isExcludedValue(java.lang.Object value)
          INTERNAL: returns if the value is in the values to be excluded automatically.
 void removeFromValuesToExclude(java.lang.Object value)
          PUBLIC: Considers all attributes set to a previously excluded value on the example object.
 void setAttributesToAlwaysInclude(java.util.Map newAttributesToAlwaysInclude)
          INTERNAL: It is possible to generate a Hashtable (keys are the Class, and values the attribute names) of the attributes to be included at all times (even if the value is null, or the value belongs to the values to be excluced automatically).
 void setShouldUseEqualityForNulls(boolean shouldUseEqualityForNulls)
          PUBLIC: Matches an included null attribute in the example object either to objects with that attribute also set to null or to any value other than null.
 void setSpecialOperations(java.util.Map newOperations)
          PUBLIC: The special operations to use in place of equal.
 void setValuesToExclude(java.util.Map newValuesToExclude)
          PUBLIC: Decides which attributes to ignore based on the values they are set to.
 boolean shouldIncludeInQuery(java.lang.Class aClass, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object attributeValue)
          INTERNAL: This method determines whether an attribute pair is be included in the query.
 boolean shouldUseEqualityForNulls()
          PUBLIC: Matches an included null attribute in the example object either to objects with that attribute also set to null or to any value other than null.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public java.util.Map valuesToExclude


public java.util.Map attributesToAlwaysInclude


public java.util.Map specialOperations


public boolean shouldUseEqualityForNulls
Constructor Detail


public QueryByExamplePolicy()
PUBLIC: Constructs a default policy equal to that used when no policy is specified.

Sets the default values to be excluded, (that includes 0, false, empty String, etc).

By default if an attribute is null, and yet has to be included at all times, equality (isNull) is used for the comparison. This is used for searching for an object with a null in a certain field.

See Also:
excludeDefaultPrimitiveValues(), setShouldUseEqualityForNulls(true)
Method Detail


public void addSpecialOperation(java.lang.Class attributeValueClass,
                                java.lang.String operation)
PUBLIC: Allows operations other than Expression.equal to be used for comparisons.

For example if an attribute of type int is set to x in the example object, normally the query will be on all objects whose attributes are also equal to x. The query could however be all objects whose attributes are not x, greater than x, or even less than or equal to x.

Any comparison operation in Expression which takes the example attribute as a parameter can be used. A list of supported operations is provided below.

Note: A special operation can not be used for attributes set to null. The only options are isNull (default) and notNull. See setShouldUseEqualityForNulls(boolean).

attributeValueClass - Attribute values of which type, for instance Integer, to apply to. Note for int attributes the class is Integer.class not int.class. This is not the Class of the example object the attribute is an instance variable of.
operation - Name of method in Expression used
See Also:
equal (default), notEqual, equalsIgnoreCase, lessThan, lessThanEqual, greaterThan, greaterThanEqual, like, likeIgnoreCase, containsAllKeyWords, containsAnyKeyWords, containsSubstring, containsSubstringIgnoringCase


public void alwaysIncludeAttribute(java.lang.Class exampleClass,
                                   java.lang.String attributeName)
PUBLIC: Always considers the value for a particular attribute as meaningful in a query by example.

Required to override the normal behavior which is to ignore an attribute of the example object if set to null, or an excluded value like 0.

Example: To find all projects without a budget set budget to 0 in the example object and call alwaysIncludeAttribute(Project.class, "budget") on the policy.

exampleClass - The class that the attribute belongs to, normally this is the example class unless using nested QBE.
attributeName - The name of a mapped attribute.


public Expression completeExpression(Expression expression,
                                     java.lang.Object attributeValue,
                                     java.lang.Class attributeValueClass)
INTERNAL: This method is used to determine which operation to use for comparison (equal, or a special operation).


public Expression completeExpressionForNull(Expression expression)
INTERNAL: This method is used when the attribute value is null, but it has to be included at all times. It determines whether to use isNull, or notNull.


public void excludeDefaultPrimitiveValues()
PUBLIC: Ignores attributes set to the default value for their primitive type.

For instance 0 is used as null for deciding which int attributes of the example object can be ignored in a query by example.

Called by the constructor.


public void excludeValue(byte value)
PUBLIC: An attribute in the example object set to an excluded value will be ignored in a Query By Example.

The default excluded value for byte is 0.


public void excludeValue(char value)
PUBLIC: An attribute in the example object set to an excluded value will be ignored in a Query By Example.

The default excluded value for char is ''.


public void excludeValue(double value)
PUBLIC: An attribute in the example object set to an excluded value will be ignored in a Query By Example.

The default excluded value for double is 0.0.


public void excludeValue(float value)
PUBLIC: An attribute in the example object set to an excluded value will be ignored in a Query By Example.

The default excluded value for float is 0.0f.


public void excludeValue(int value)
PUBLIC: An attribute in the example object set to be an excluded value will be ignored in a Query By Example.

The default excluded value for int is 0.


public void excludeValue(long value)
PUBLIC: An attribute in the example object set to an excluded value will be ignored in a Query By Example.

The default excluded value for long is 0.


public void excludeValue(java.lang.Object value)
PUBLIC: An attribute in the example object set to an excluded value will be ignored in a Query By Example.

The default excluded value for String is "".

Note: null is special and always considered an excluded value.


public void excludeValue(short value)
PUBLIC: An attribute in the example object set to an excluded value will be ignored in a Query By Example.

The default excluded value for short is 0.


public void excludeValue(boolean value)
PUBLIC: An attribute in the example object set to an excluded value will be ignored in a Query By Example.

The default excluded value for boolean is false.


public java.util.Map getAttributesToAlwaysInclude()
PUBLIC: Attributes to always consider even if set to null or an excluded value like 0 or false.

See Also:
alwaysIncludeAttribute(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String)


public java.lang.String getOperation(java.lang.Class aClass)
INTERNAL: determines which operation to use for comparison.


public java.util.Map getSpecialOperations()
PUBLIC: The special operations to use in place of equal.

A hashtable where the keys are Class objects and the values are the names of operations to use for attributes of that Class.
See Also:
addSpecialOperation(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String)


public java.util.Map getValuesToExclude()
PUBLIC: Decides which attributes to ignore based on the values they are set to.

If an attribute of the example domain object is set to one of these values it will be ignored, and not considered in the query.

Attributes set to excluded values are not always ignored. See alwaysIncludeAttribute.

valuesToExclude The keys and values are values to exclude (key == value). Primitives are wrapped, so int 0 will be stored as Integer(0).
See Also:
excludeValue(byte), excludeDefaultPrimitiveValues(), includeAllValues()


public void includeAllValues()
PUBLIC: Considers all mapped attributes in the example object as meaningful in a Query By Example.

Note: Even attributes of the example object that are not set, and therefore zero or empty by default, will be included.

Reverses a previous call to excludeDefaultPrimitiveValues().


public boolean isAlwaysIncluded(java.lang.Class theClass,
                                java.lang.String attributeName)
INTERNAL: returns whether the attributeName is to be always included.


public boolean isExcludedValue(java.lang.Object value)
INTERNAL: returns if the value is in the values to be excluded automatically.


public void removeFromValuesToExclude(java.lang.Object value)
PUBLIC: Considers all attributes set to a previously excluded value on the example object.

Primitive values to be removed must first be wrapped inside an Object.

value - No attributes set to value will be excluded from a Query By Example. value.getClass() is a key of the Hashtable returned by getValuesToExclude().

Note: There is a distinction between an attribute and the value it is set to. An attribute can be included independently of its value with alwaysIncludeAttribute (recommended). It can also be included by making the value it is set to no longer excluded.

Note: null values are special and will always be excluded.

See Also:
excludeDefaultPrimitiveValues(), includeAllValues(), excludeValue(Object)


public void setAttributesToAlwaysInclude(java.util.Map newAttributesToAlwaysInclude)
INTERNAL: It is possible to generate a Hashtable (keys are the Class, and values the attribute names) of the attributes to be included at all times (even if the value is null, or the value belongs to the values to be excluced automatically).


public void setShouldUseEqualityForNulls(boolean shouldUseEqualityForNulls)
PUBLIC: Matches an included null attribute in the example object either to objects with that attribute also set to null or to any value other than null.

Set to false to only select objects where certain attributes have been set.

Example: to find all Employees with an assigned address, set attribute address to null in the example object, call alwaysIncludeAttribute(Employee.class, "address") and then call setShouldUseEqualityForNulls(false).

Note: Unless an attribute set to null is specifically included, it will not be considered at all in the Query By Example.

shouldUseEqualityForNulls - If true (by default) uses isNull else notNull.
See Also:
addSpecialOperation, alwaysIncludeAttribute


public void setSpecialOperations(java.util.Map newOperations)
PUBLIC: The special operations to use in place of equal.

newOperations - A hashtable where the keys are Class objects and the values are the names of operations to use for attributes of that Class.
See Also:
addSpecialOperation(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String)


public void setValuesToExclude(java.util.Map newValuesToExclude)
PUBLIC: Decides which attributes to ignore based on the values they are set to.

An attribute of the example domain object set to one of these values will be ignored, and not considered in the query.

Attributes set to excluded values are not always ignored. See alwaysIncludeAttribute.

newValuesToExclude - The keys and values are values to exclude (key == value). Primitives are wrapped, so int 0 will be stored as Integer(0).
See Also:
excludeValue(byte), excludeDefaultPrimitiveValues(), includeAllValues()


public boolean shouldIncludeInQuery(java.lang.Class aClass,
                                    java.lang.String attributeName,
                                    java.lang.Object attributeValue)
INTERNAL: This method determines whether an attribute pair is be included in the query.


public boolean shouldUseEqualityForNulls()
PUBLIC: Matches an included null attribute in the example object either to objects with that attribute also set to null or to any value other than null.

Set to false to only select objects where certain attributes have been set.

Example: to find all Employees with an assigned address, set attribute address to null in the example object, call alwaysIncludeAttribute(Employee.class, "address") and then call setShouldUseEqualityForNulls(false).

If true (by default) uses isNull else notNull.
See Also:
addSpecialOperation, alwaysIncludeAttribute

EclipseLink 2.1.2, build 'v20101206-r8635' API Reference