EclipseLink 2.3.2, build 'v20111125-r10461' API Reference

Class XMLStreamWriterRecord

  extended by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord
      extended by org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.record.XMLRecord
          extended by org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.record.MarshalRecord
              extended by org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.record.XMLStreamWriterRecord
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, java.util.Map, Record

public class XMLStreamWriterRecord
extends MarshalRecord

Use this type of MarshalRecord when the marshal target is an XMLStreamWriter

XMLContext xmlContext = new XMLContext("session-name");
XMLMarshaller xmlMarshaller = xmlContext.createMarshaller();
XMLStreamWriterRecord writerRecord = new XMLStreamWriterRecord(xmlStreamWriter);
xmlMarshaller.marshal(myObject, writerRecord);

See Also:
XMLMarshaller, Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord
org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord.EntrySet, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord.KeySet, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord.NoEntry, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord.RecordEntry, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord.RecordEntryIterator, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord.RecordKeyIterator, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord.RecordValuesIterator, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord.ValuesSet
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface java.util.Map
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.record.XMLRecord
currentObject, marshaller, NIL, session, unmarshaller
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord
fields, lookupField, noEntry, nullValueInFields, size, values
Constructor Summary
XMLStreamWriterRecord( xmlStreamWriter)
Method Summary
 void attribute(java.lang.String namespaceURI, java.lang.String localName, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
          Receive notification of an attribute.
 void attribute(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.XPathFragment xPathFragment, NamespaceResolver namespaceResolver, java.lang.String value)
          Receive notification of an attribute.
 void cdata(java.lang.String value)
          Receive notification of character data to be wrapped in a CDATA node.
 void characters(java.lang.String value)
          Receive notification of character data.
 void closeStartElement()
          Receive notification that all of the attribute events have occurred for the most recent element that has been started.
 void element(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.XPathFragment frag)
          Receive notification of an element.
 void endDocument()
          Recieve notification that a document is being ended.
 void endElement(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.XPathFragment pathFragment, NamespaceResolver namespaceResolver)
          Receive notification that an element is being ended. getXMLStreamWriter()
 void namespaceDeclarations(NamespaceResolver namespaceResolver)
          INTERNAL: Add the namespace declarations to the XML document.
 void node(org.w3c.dom.Node node, NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Receive notification of a node.
 void openStartElement(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.XPathFragment xPathFragment, NamespaceResolver namespaceResolver)
          Receive notification that an element is being started.
 void setXMLStreamWriter( anXMLStreamWriter)
 void startDocument(java.lang.String encoding, java.lang.String version)
          Receive notification that a document is being started.
 void startPrefixMapping(java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String namespaceUri)
          Receive notification that a namespace has been declared.
 void startPrefixMappings(NamespaceResolver namespaceResolver)
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.record.MarshalRecord
add, addGroupingElement, addPositionalNodes, afterContainmentMarshal, beforeContainmentMarshal, characters, clear, closeStartGroupingElements, endPrefixMapping, endPrefixMappings, getDocument, getDOM, getGroupingElements, getLocalName, getNamespaceURI, getPositionalNodes, getStringForQName, openStartGroupingElements, predicateAttribute, put, removeGroupingElement, setGroupingElement, transformToXML
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.record.XMLRecord
contains, convertToXMLField, convertToXMLField, get, getCurrentObject, getDocPresPolicy, getIndicatingNoEntry, getLeafElementType, getMarshaller, getNamespaceResolver, getOwningObject, getSession, getUnmarshaller, isXOPPackage, resolveNamespacePrefix, setCurrentObject, setDocPresPolicy, setLeafElementType, setMarshaller, setNamespaceResolver, setOwningObject, setSession, setUnmarshaller, setXOPPackage
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord
clone, containsKey, containsKey, containsKey, containsValue, elements, entrySet, get, get, getField, getFields, getIndicatingNoEntry, getLookupField, getValues, getValues, getValues, hasNullValueInFields, isEmpty, keys, keySet, mergeFrom, put, put, putAll, remove, remove, remove, replaceAt, resetSize, setFields, setNullValueInFields, setValues, size, toString, values
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Map
equals, hashCode

Constructor Detail


public XMLStreamWriterRecord( xmlStreamWriter)
Method Detail


public getXMLStreamWriter()


public void setXMLStreamWriter( anXMLStreamWriter)


public void attribute(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.XPathFragment xPathFragment,
                      NamespaceResolver namespaceResolver,
                      java.lang.String value)
Description copied from class: MarshalRecord
Receive notification of an attribute.

Specified by:
attribute in class MarshalRecord
xPathFragment - The XPathFragment contains the name and prefix information about the XML element being ended.
namespaceResolver - The NamespaceResolver can be used to resolve the namespace URI for the namespace prefix held by the XPathFragment (if required).
value - This is the complete value for the attribute.


public void attribute(java.lang.String namespaceURI,
                      java.lang.String localName,
                      java.lang.String name,
                      java.lang.String value)
Description copied from class: MarshalRecord
Receive notification of an attribute.

Specified by:
attribute in class MarshalRecord
namespaceURI - The namespace URI, if the attribute is not namespace qualified the value of this parameter wil be null.
localName - The local name of the attribute.
name - The qualified name of the attribute.
value - This is the complete value for the attribute.


public void cdata(java.lang.String value)
Description copied from class: MarshalRecord
Receive notification of character data to be wrapped in a CDATA node.

Specified by:
cdata in class MarshalRecord
value - This is the value of the text to be wrapped


public void characters(java.lang.String value)
Description copied from class: MarshalRecord
Receive notification of character data.

Specified by:
characters in class MarshalRecord
value - This is the entire value of the text node.


public void closeStartElement()
Description copied from class: MarshalRecord
Receive notification that all of the attribute events have occurred for the most recent element that has been started.

Specified by:
closeStartElement in class MarshalRecord


public void openStartElement(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.XPathFragment xPathFragment,
                             NamespaceResolver namespaceResolver)
Description copied from class: MarshalRecord
Receive notification that an element is being started.

openStartElement in class MarshalRecord
xPathFragment - The XPathFragment contains the name and prefix information about the XML element being ended.
namespaceResolver - The NamespaceResolver can be used to resolve the namespace URI for the namespace prefix held by the XPathFragment (if required).


public void element(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.XPathFragment frag)
Description copied from class: MarshalRecord
Receive notification of an element.

Specified by:
element in class MarshalRecord
frag - The XPathFragment of the element


public void endDocument()
Description copied from class: MarshalRecord
Recieve notification that a document is being ended.

Specified by:
endDocument in class MarshalRecord


public void endElement(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.XPathFragment pathFragment,
                       NamespaceResolver namespaceResolver)
Description copied from class: MarshalRecord
Receive notification that an element is being ended.

Specified by:
endElement in class MarshalRecord
pathFragment - The XPathFragment contains the name and prefix information about the XML element being ended.
namespaceResolver - The NamespaceResolver can be used to resolve the namespace URI for the namespace prefix held by the XPathFragment (if required).


public void node(org.w3c.dom.Node node,
                 NamespaceResolver resolver)
Description copied from class: MarshalRecord
Receive notification of a node.

Specified by:
node in class MarshalRecord
node - The Node to be added to the document


public void startDocument(java.lang.String encoding,
                          java.lang.String version)
Description copied from class: MarshalRecord
Receive notification that a document is being started.

Specified by:
startDocument in class MarshalRecord
encoding - The XML document will be encoded using this encoding.
version - This specifies the version of XML.


public void startPrefixMapping(java.lang.String prefix,
                               java.lang.String namespaceUri)
Description copied from class: MarshalRecord
Receive notification that a namespace has been declared.

startPrefixMapping in class MarshalRecord
prefix - The namespace prefix.
namespaceUri - The namespace URI.


public void namespaceDeclarations(NamespaceResolver namespaceResolver)
Description copied from class: MarshalRecord
INTERNAL: Add the namespace declarations to the XML document.

namespaceDeclarations in class MarshalRecord
namespaceResolver - The NamespaceResolver contains the namespace prefix and URI pairings that need to be declared.


public void startPrefixMappings(NamespaceResolver namespaceResolver)
startPrefixMappings in class MarshalRecord

EclipseLink 2.3.2, build 'v20111125-r10461' API Reference