EclipseLink 2.4.2, build 'v20130514-5956486' API Reference

Package org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.javamodel

Interface Summary
JavaAnnotation INTERNAL: Purpose:A TopLink JAXB 2.0 Java model representation of a JDK Annotation.
JavaClass INTERNAL: Purpose:A TopLink JAXB 2.0 Java model representation of a JDK Class.
: JavaModel representation of a java.lang.reflect.Constructor object.
JavaField INTERNAL: Purpose:A TopLink JAXB 2.0 Java model representation of a JDK Field.
JavaHasAnnotations INTERNAL: Purpose:A superinterface for those interfaces which represent JDK Annotations.
JavaMethod INTERNAL: Purpose:A TopLink JAXB 2.0 Java model representation of a JDK Method.
JavaModel INTERNAL: Purpose:The JavaModel is the central access point to the TopLink JAXB 2.0 Java model implementation's source/classes.
JavaModelInput INTERNAL: Purpose:Provide a pluggable method for implementations of the TopLink JAXB 2.0 Java model to be used with the TopLinkJAXB20Generator.
JavaPackage INTERNAL: Purpose:A TopLink JAXB 2.0 Java model representation of a JDK Package.

Class Summary
AnnotationProxy Purpose:The purpose of this class is to act as a dynamic proxy that allows JDK Annotation method calls to be made on a non Annotation object.
Helper INTERNAL: Purpose:To provide helper methods and constants to assist in integrating TopLink JAXB 2.0 Generation with the JDEV JOT APIs.

EclipseLink 2.4.2, build 'v20130514-5956486' API Reference