EclipseLink 2.4.2, build 'v20130514-5956486' API Reference

Package org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb

Class Summary
DefaultXMLNameTransformer Class called to transform Java names to XML names.
IDResolver IDResolver can be subclassed to allow customization of the ID/IDREF processing of JAXBUnmarshaller.
JAXBBinder INTERNAL Purpose: Provide a TopLink implementation of the javax.xml.bind.Binder interface Responsibilities: Provide an implementation of Binder Provide a means to preserve unmapped XML Data
JAXBContext Purpose:Provide a EclipseLink implementation of the JAXBContext interface.
JAXBContext.JAXBContextInput The JAXBContextInput is used to create a JAXBContextState which is responsible for accessing the underlying XMLContext
JAXBContextFactory Purpose:An EclipseLink specific JAXBContextFactory.
JAXBContextProperties These are properties that may be passed in to create a JAXBContext: Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap(1); properties.put(); JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(new Class[] {Foo.class}, properties);
JAXBEnumTypeConverter INTERNAL: Purpose:Provide a means to Convert an Enumeration type to/from either a string representation of the enum facet or a user defined value.
JAXBErrorHandler Implementation of org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler.
JAXBHelper This class provides a mechanism to obtain the EclipseLink implementation of various JAXB runtime classes based on a given JAXB class/interface.
JAXBIntrospector INTERNAL Purpose:Provide a TopLink implementation of JAXBIntrospector Responsibilities: Determine if a an object has an associated Global Element Get an element QName for an object that has an associated global element This class is the TopLink implementation of JAXBIntrospector.
JAXBMarshaller INTERNAL: Purpose:To Provide an implementation of the JAXB 2.0 Marshaller Interface Responsibilities: Provide a JAXB wrapper on the XMLMarshaller API Perform Object to XML Conversions This implementation of the JAXB 2.1/2.2 Marshaller interface provides the required functionality by acting as a thin wrapper on the existing XMLMarshaller API.
JAXBMarshalListener INTERNAL: Purpose:Provide a wrapper for a JAXB 2.0 Marshal Listener that implements XMLMarshalListener Responsibilities: Implement the XMLMarshalListener API Delegate event callbacks to the wrapped Listener instance Perform JAXB 2.0 Class-Based marshal event callbacks
JAXBTypeElement Subclass of JAXBElement to allow the use of ParameterizedTypes.
JAXBTypesafeEnumConverter Purpose: JAXBTypesafeEnumConverter is used to allow mapping to type safe enums according to the JAXB 1.0 spec.
JAXBUnmarshaller INTERNAL: Purpose:To Provide an implementation of the JAXB 2.0 Unmarshaller Interface Responsibilities: Provide a JAXB wrapper on the XMLUnmarshaller API Perform XML to Object Conversions This implementation of the JAXB 2.1/2.2 Unmarshaller interface provides the required functionality by acting as a thin wrapper on the existing XMLMarshaller API.
JAXBUnmarshallerHandler Implementation of UnmarshallerHandler to be used by JAXBUnmarshaller.
JAXBUnmarshalListener INTERNAL: Purpose:Provide a wrapper for a JAXB 2.0 Unmarshal Listener that implements XMLUnmarshalListener Responsibilities: Implement the XMLUnmarshalListener API Delegate event callbacks to the wrapped Listener instance Perform JAXB 2.0 Class-Based unmarshal event callbacks
JAXBValidator Facilitates JAXBValidation.
MarshallerProperties These are properties that may be set on an instance of Marshaller.
TypeMappingInfo Purpose: Provides a wrapper for a java type to be used when creating a JAXB context.
UnmarshallerProperties These are properties that may be set on an instance of Unmarshaller.

Enum Summary

EclipseLink 2.4.2, build 'v20130514-5956486' API Reference