EclipseLink 2.4.2, build 'v20130514-5956486' API Reference

Package org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.jpql

This package contains the Hermes features (except the parser itself): semantic and grammatical validations, content assist support, calculating the query result type or the possible type of an input parameter.


Interface Summary
AbstractContentAssistVisitor.CollectionExpressionHelper<T extends Expression> This helper is used to determine how to add proposals within a collection of expressions.
AbstractContentAssistVisitor.MappingCollector A collector is responsible to retrieve the possible proposals by using the mappings that can complete a path expression.
AbstractContentAssistVisitor.StatementHelper<T extends Expression> This helper helps to add JPQL identifiers for the clauses that make up a query statement and also chains the clauses within the query.
AbstractGrammarValidator.AbstractEncapsulatedExpressionHelper<T extends AbstractEncapsulatedExpression> The root helper that validates any AbstractEncapsulatedExpression.
ContentAssistProposals This object stores the various proposals available for content assist for a certain position within a JPQL query.
JPQLQueryDeclaration A JPQLQueryDeclaration represents either an identification variable declaration or a collection member declaration.
JPQLQueryProblem A problem describes an issue found in a JPQL query because it is either grammatically or semantically incorrect.
JPQLQueryProblemMessages The list of messages used by JPQLQueryProblems when validating a JPQL query.
RefactoringDelta A refactoring delta contains an ordered collection of TextEdit.
RefactoringTool.StateObjectUpdater<T extends StateObject> This interface is used to transparently push the new value into the StateObject.
ResolverVisitor The interface is used to traverse some of the subclasses of Resolver.
ResultQuery This is used to retrieve the new JPQL query when a content assist item needs to be insert at a certain position.
SemanticValidatorHelper This helper is used by AbstractSemanticValidator in order to retrieve JPA information.
TextEdit A TextEdit contains the information of a change that can be made to the JPQL query after performing a refactoring operation.

Class Summary
AbsFunctionResolver This Resolver is responsible to calculate the IType based on the type of the ABS expression.
AbstractContentAssistVisitor The visitor provides support for finding the possible proposals within a JPQL query at a certain position.
AbstractContentAssistVisitor.CollectionExpressionVisitor This visitor retrieves the CollectionExpression if it is visited.
AbstractContentAssistVisitor.InvalidExpressionVisitor This visitor determines if the visited Expression is one of the two that represents an invalid expression.
AbstractGrammarValidator The base validator responsible to gather the problems found in a JPQL query by validating it against the provided JPQL grammar.
AbstractGrammarValidator.CollectionExpressionVisitor This visitor retrieves the CollectionExpression if it is visited.
AbstractGrammarValidator.NullExpressionVisitor This visitor checks to see if the visited expression is NullExpression.
AbstractJPQLQueryHelper This helper can perform the following operations over a JPQL query: Calculates the result type of a query: AbstractJPQLQueryHelper.getResultType(); Calculates the type of an input parameter: AbstractJPQLQueryHelper.getParameterType(String).
AbstractPathResolver This Resolver is responsible to resolve a single path of a path expression (state field path expression, singled valued object field, or a collection-valued path expression).
AbstractRefactoringTool The abstract definition of a refactoring
AbstractSemanticValidator The base validator responsible to gather the problems found in a JPQL query by validating the content to make sure it is semantically valid, i.e. based on the information contained in the JPA application.
AbstractValidator The abstract definition of a validator, which provides helper methods and visitors.
AbstractValidator.BypassChildCollectionExpressionVisitor This visitor is responsible to traverse the children of a CollectionExpression in order to properly validate the Expression.
AbstractValidator.BypassParentSubExpressionVisitor This visitor is responsible to traverse the parent hierarchy and to skip SubExpression if it's a parent.
AbstractValidator.ChildrenCollectorVisitor This visitor gathers the children of a CollectionExpression or a single visited Expression.
AbstractValidator.JPQLQueryBNFValidator This visitor validates any Expression by checking its BNF against some BNFs.
AbstractValidator.OwningClauseVisitor This visitor retrieves the clause owning the visited Expression.
AbstractValidator.OwningStatementVisitor This visitor retrieves the statement owning the visited Expression.
AbstractValidator.SubqueryVisitor This visitor retrieves the statement owning the visited Expression.
Assert An utility class that provides various checks and when the condition fails, then an Assert.AssertException is thrown.
BasicRefactoringTool The abstract implementation providing refactoring support for JPQL queries.
ClassNameResolver This Resolver simply holds onto the fully qualified class name of the IType.
ClassResolver This Resolver simply holds onto the actual type since it is already determined.
CollectionEquivalentResolver This Resolver compares each IType retrieved from the list of Resolvers that were gathered for a given Expression and returns that type if they are all the same type otherwise the IType for Object is returned.
CollectionValuedFieldResolver This Resolver is responsible to resolve the type of a collection-valued field.
DeclarationResolver This Resolver is responsible to visit the current query (which is either the top-level query or a subquery) and gathers the information from the declaration clause.
DeclarationResolver.Declaration A Declaration represents either an identification variable declaration or a collection member declaration.
DefaultBasicRefactoringTool This utility class provides basic refactoring support.
DefaultContentAssistProposals The default implementation of ContentAssistProposals which stores the valid proposals.
DefaultContentAssistVisitor This visitor traverses the JPQL parsed tree and gathers the possible proposals at a given position.
DefaultGrammarValidator This validator is responsible to validate a JPQL query grammatically purely based on the JPA specification document.
DefaultJPQLQueryContext This context is used to store information related to the JPQL query.
DefaultJPQLQueryHelper This helper can perform the following operations over a JPQL query: Calculates the result type of a query: AbstractJPQLQueryHelper.getResultType(); Calculates the type of an input parameter: AbstractJPQLQueryHelper.getParameterType(String).
DefaultLiteralVisitor This visitor traverses an Expression and retrieves the "literal" value.
DefaultRefactoringDelta The default implementation of RefactoringDelta which contains the TextEdit that were creating during the refactoring of a JPQL query.
DefaultRefactoringTool This utility class provides basic refactoring support.
DefaultResolverBuilder The default implementation of a ResolverBuilder, which follows the JPA functional specification.
DefaultSemanticValidator This validator is responsible to gather the problems found in a JPQL query by validating the content to make sure it is semantically valid.
DefaultSemanticValidator.StateFieldPathExpressionVisitor This visitor is meant to retrieve an DefaultSemanticValidator.StateFieldPathExpressionVisitor if the visited Expression is that object.
DefaultSemanticValidator.VirtualIdentificationVariableFinder This visitor traverses the parsed tree and retrieves the IdentificationVariable defined for a range variable declaration.
DefaultTextEdit The default implementation of a Text, which contains the location of the change within the JPQL query (offset) and the old and new values.
EclipseLinkBasicRefactoringTool This utility class provides basic refactoring support.
EclipseLinkContentAssistVisitor This extension over the default content assist visitor adds the additional support EclipseLink provides.
EclipseLinkDeclarationResolver The EclipseLink implementation of DeclarationResolver that adds support for its additional support.
EclipseLinkGrammarValidator This validator adds EclipseLink extension over what the JPA functional specification had defined.
EclipseLinkJPQLQueryContext This context is used to store information related to the JPQL query.
EclipseLinkJPQLQueryHelper This helper can perform the following operations over a JPQL query: Calculates the result type of a query: AbstractJPQLQueryHelper.getResultType(); Calculates the type of an input parameter: AbstractJPQLQueryHelper.getParameterType(String).
EclipseLinkLiteralVisitor This visitor traverses an Expression and retrieves the "literal" value.
EclipseLinkParameterTypeVisitor TODO Provisional API: This interface is part of an interim API that is still under development and expected to change significantly before reaching stability.
EclipseLinkRefactoringTool This refactoring tool add support for EclipseLink specific extension over the default implementation of JPQL defined in the Java Persistence functional specification.
EclipseLinkResolverBuilder An implementation of a ResolverBuilder that adds support for EclipseLink extension.
EclipseLinkSemanticValidator This validator is responsible to gather the problems found in a JPQL query by validating the content to make sure it is semantically valid for EclipseLink.
EntityResolver This Resolver retrieves the type for an abstract schema name (entity name).
EnumLiteralResolver This Resolver retrieves the type for an enum constant.
ExpressionTools A utility class containing various methods related to the Hermes parser.
FromSubqueryResolver This Resolver wraps a subquery that is used as the "root" object in a query's declaration.
GenericSemanticValidatorHelper An implementation of SemanticValidatorHelper that uses JPQLQueryContext to return the required information and Hermes SPI.
GenericTypeHelper This generic implementation of ITypeHelper wraps ITypeHelper and delegates the calls to it.
IdentificationVariableResolver This Resolver is responsible to resolve the type of an identification variable.
JPQLQueryContext This context is used to store information related to the JPQL query.
JPQLQueryContext.QueryExpressionVisitor This visitor is responsible to retrieve the Expression that is the beginning of a query.
JPQLQueryProblemResourceBundle The resource bundle containing the problems encountered in a JPQL query.
KeyResolver This Resolver is responsible to return the map key, which means that for identification variables referring to an instance of an association or collection represented as a Map, the identification variable is of the abstract schema type of the map key.
LiteralVisitor This visitor traverses an Expression and retrieves the "literal" value.
NullResolver A "null" implementation of a Resolver.
NumericResolver This Resolver is responsible to return the numeric type for a list of Resolvers.
ParameterTypeVisitor This visitor's responsibility is to find the type of an input parameter.
RefactoringTool The abstract implementation providing refactoring support for JPQL queries.
RefactoringTool.ClassNameRenamer This visitor renames a fully qualified class name.
RefactoringTool.EntityNameRenamer This visitor renames an entity name.
RefactoringTool.EnumConstantRenamer This visitor renames an enum constant.
RefactoringTool.FieldNameRenamer This visitor renames any segment of a path expression.
RefactoringTool.ResultVariableNameRenamer This visitor renames all the result variables found in the JPQL query.
RefactoringTool.VariableNameRenamer This visitor renames all the identification variables found in the JPQL query.
Resolver A Resolver is responsible to resolve a property by retrieving either the managed type, the mapping, the type and the type declaration depending on the type of resolver.
ResolverBuilder This visitor creates a Resolver that gives information about the visited Expression.
ResolverBuilder.CollectionExpressionVisitor This visitor is used to check if the expression visited is a CollectionExpression.
StateFieldResolver This Resolver is responsible to resolve the type of a state field, which is the leaf of the state field path expression.
SubqueryEntityResolver This Resolver retrieves the type for an abstract schema name (entity name) if it can be resolved otherwise a derived path will be assumed.
SumFunctionResolver This Resolver is responsible to calculate the type based on the type of the state field.
TreatResolver This Resolver resolves a path and casts it as another entity type.
TypeHelper This helper contains methods related to IType and can perform equivalency checks.
ValueResolver This Resolver is responsible to return the map value, which means that for identification variables referring to an instance of an association or collection represented as a Map, the identification variable is of the abstract schema type of the map value.
WordParser This "parser/scanner" holds onto the string version of the JPQL query that is parsed into a parsed tree.

Enum Summary
AbstractContentAssistVisitor.AppendableType This is used to determine how AbstractContentAssistVisitor.AbstractAppendableExpressionVisitor should perform the check.
AbstractContentAssistVisitor.IdentificationVariableType The various ways of retrieving identification variables from the declaration expression.
AbstractSemanticValidator.PathType This enumeration allows AbstractSemanticValidator.validateStateFieldPathExpression( StateFieldPathExpression, PathType) to validate the type of the mapping and to make sure it is allowed based on its location.
LiteralType Some Expression can have a "literal", this enumeration is used to visit an Expression and to retrieve the right value.
WordParser.WordType This enumeration determines the type of word that was scanned.

Exception Summary
Assert.AssertException The exception thrown when the condition is not met.

Package org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.jpql Description

This package contains the Hermes features (except the parser itself): semantic and grammatical validations, content assist support, calculating the query result type or the possible type of an input parameter.

EclipseLink 2.4.2, build 'v20130514-5956486' API Reference