EclipseLink 2.4.2, build 'v20130514-5956486' API Reference | ||||||||
Interface Summary | |
EclipseLinkExpressionVisitor | The ExpressionVisitor that adds support for the additional JPQL identifiers supported by
EclipseLink that is not defined in the JPA function specification. |
Expression | This is the root interface of the parsed tree representation of a JPQL query. |
ExpressionVisitor | The interface is used to traverse the JPQL parsed tree. |
JPQLGrammar | A JPQL grammar defines how a JPQL query can be parsed. |
Class Summary | |||||||||||||
AbsExpression | The ABS function removes the minus sign from a specified argument and returns the absolute value, which is always a positive number or zero. | ||||||||||||
AbsExpressionFactory | This AbsExpressionFactory creates a new AbsExpression when the portion of the
query to parse starts with ABS. |
AbstractConditionalClause | Conditional expressions are composed of other conditional expressions, comparison operations, logical operations, path expressions that evaluate to boolean values, boolean literals, and boolean input parameters. | ||||||||||||
AbstractDoubleEncapsulatedExpression | This Expression takes care of parsing an expression that encapsulates two expressions
separated by a comma. |
AbstractEclipseLinkExpressionVisitor | The abstract implementation of EclipseLinkExpressionVisitor . |
AbstractEclipseLinkTraverseChildrenVisitor | This ExpressionVisitor traverses the entire hierarchy of the JPQL parsed tree by going
down into each of the children of any given Expression . |
AbstractEclipseLinkTraverseParentVisitor | This EclipseLinkExpressionVisitor traverses up the hierarchy. |
AbstractEncapsulatedExpression | This expression handles parsing the identifier followed by an expression encapsulated within parenthesis. | ||||||||||||
AbstractExpression | This is the abstract definition of all the parts used to create the tree hierarchy representing the parsed JPQL query. | ||||||||||||
AbstractExpressionVisitor | The abstract definition of ExpressionVisitor , which implements all the methods but does
nothing. |
AbstractFromClause | The FROM clause of a query defines the domain of the query by declaring identification variables. | ||||||||||||
AbstractJPQLGrammar | The abstract definition of a JPQLGrammar . |
AbstractLiteralExpressionFactory | This factory is responsible to return the right literal expression. | ||||||||||||
AbstractPathExpression | An identification variable followed by the navigation operator (.) and a state field or association field is a path expression. | ||||||||||||
AbstractSchemaName | An abstract schema name designates the abstract schema type over which the query ranges. | ||||||||||||
AbstractSchemaNameBNF | The query BNF for an abstract schema name. | ||||||||||||
AbstractSchemaNameFactory | This AbstractSchemaNameFactory creates a new AbstractSchemaName . |
AbstractSelectClause | The SELECT clause denotes the query result. | ||||||||||||
AbstractSelectStatement | A select statement must always have a SELECT and a FROM
clause. |
AbstractSingleEncapsulatedExpression | This expression handles parsing a JPQL identifier followed by an expression encapsulated within parenthesis. | ||||||||||||
AbstractTraverseChildrenVisitor | This ExpressionVisitor traverses the entire hierarchy of the JPQL parsed tree by going
down into each of the children of any given Expression . |
AbstractTraverseParentVisitor | This ExpressionVisitor traverses up the hierarchy. |
AbstractTripleEncapsulatedExpression | This Expression takes care of parsing an expression that encapsulates three expressions
separated by a comma. |
AdditionExpression | One of the four binary operators. | ||||||||||||
AggregateExpressionBNF | The query BNF for an aggregate expression. | ||||||||||||
AggregateFunction | In the SELECT clause the result of a query may be the result of an aggregate function applied to a path expression. | ||||||||||||
AllOrAnyExpression | An ALL conditional expression is a predicate that is true if the comparison
operation is true for all values in the result of the subquery or the result of the
subquery is empty. |
AllOrAnyExpressionBNF | The query BNF for an all or any expression. | ||||||||||||
AllOrAnyExpressionFactory | This AllOrAnyExpressionFactory creates a new AllOrAnyExpression when the portion
of the query to parse starts with ALL, ANY or SOME. |
AndExpression | The AND logical operator chains multiple criteria together. | ||||||||||||
AndExpressionFactory | This AndExpression creates a new AdditionExpression when the portion of the query
to parse starts with AND. |
AnonymousExpressionVisitor | This visitor allows a subclass to simply override AnonymousExpressionVisitor.visit(Expression) and perform the
same task for all visited expressions . |
ArithmeticExpression | This expression represents an arithmetic expression, which means the first and second expressions are aggregated with an arithmetic sign. | ||||||||||||
ArithmeticExpressionBNF | The query BNF for an arithmetic expression. | ||||||||||||
ArithmeticExpressionFactory | This ExpressionFactory creates a new expression when the portion of the query to parse
starts with an arithmetic identifier. |
ArithmeticFactor | This expression simply adds a plus or minus sign to the arithmetic primary expression. | ||||||||||||
ArithmeticFactorBNF | The query BNF for an arithmetic factor expression. | ||||||||||||
ArithmeticPrimaryBNF | The query BNF for an arithmetic primary expression. | ||||||||||||
ArithmeticTermBNF | The query BNF for an arithmetic term expression. | ||||||||||||
AvgFunction | One of the aggregate functions. | ||||||||||||
AvgFunctionFactory | This AvgFunctionFactory creates a new AvgFunction when the portion of the query
to parse starts with AVG. |
BadExpression | This wraps another Expression that was correctly parsed by it is located in an invalid
location within the JPQL query. |
BadExpressionBNF | The query BNF used for an expression that is invalid. | ||||||||||||
BadExpressionFactory | This BadExpressionFactory creates a new BadExpression when the portion of the
query to parse is malformed. |
BetweenExpression | Used in conditional expression to determine whether the result of an expression falls within an inclusive range of values. | ||||||||||||
BetweenExpressionBNF | The query BNF for the between expression. | ||||||||||||
BetweenExpressionFactory | This BetweenExpressionFactory creates a new BetweenExpression when the portion of
the query to parse starts with BETWEEN or NOT BETWEEN. |
BooleanExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a boolean expression. | ||||||||||||
BooleanLiteralBNF | The query BNF for a boolean literal expression. | ||||||||||||
BooleanPrimaryBNF | The query BNF for a boolean primary expression. | ||||||||||||
CaseExpression | BNF: general_case_expression ::= CASE when_clause {when_clause}* ELSE scalar_expression END
BNF: simple_case_expression ::= CASE case_operand simple_when_clause {simple_when_clause}* ELSE scalar_expression END |
CaseExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a case expression. | ||||||||||||
CaseExpressionFactory | This CaseExpressionFactory creates a new CaseExpression when the portion of the
query to parse starts with CASE. |
CaseOperandBNF | The query BNF for the case operand specified in the case expression. | ||||||||||||
CastExpression | The CAST function cast value to a different type. | ||||||||||||
CastExpressionBNF | The query BNF for the CAST function. | ||||||||||||
CastExpressionFactory | This CastExpressionFactory creates a new CastExpression when the portion of the
query to parse starts with CAST. |
CoalesceExpression | A COALESCE expression returns null if all its arguments evaluate to
null , and the value of the first non-null argument otherwise. |
CoalesceExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a coalesce expression. | ||||||||||||
CoalesceExpressionFactory | This CoalesceExpressionFactory creates a new CoalesceExpression when the portion
of the query to parse starts with COALESCE. |
CollectionExpression | A CollectionExpression wraps many expression which they are separated by spaces
and/or commas. |
CollectionMemberDeclaration | An identification variable declared by a collection member declaration ranges over values of a collection obtained by navigation using a path expression. | ||||||||||||
CollectionMemberDeclarationBNF | The query BNF for a collection member declaration expression. | ||||||||||||
CollectionMemberDeclarationFactory | This CollectionMemberDeclarationFactory creates a new CollectionMemberDeclaration
when the portion of the query to parse starts with IN. |
CollectionMemberExpression | This expression tests whether the designated value is a member of the collection specified by the collection-valued path expression. | ||||||||||||
CollectionMemberExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a collection member expression. | ||||||||||||
CollectionMemberExpressionFactory | This CollectionMemberExpressionFactory creates a new CollectionMemberExpression
when the portion of the query to parse starts with MEMBER, MEMBER OF, NOT
CollectionValuedPathExpression | A collection_valued_field is designated by the name of an association field in a
one-to-many or a many-to-many relationship or by the name of an element collection field. |
CollectionValuedPathExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a collection-valued path expression. | ||||||||||||
CollectionValuedPathExpressionFactory | This CollectionValuedPathExpressionFactory creates a new CollectionValuedPathExpression . |
ComparisonExpression | Only the values of like types are permitted to be compared. | ||||||||||||
ComparisonExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a comparison expression. | ||||||||||||
ComparisonExpressionFactory | This ComparisonExpressionFactory creates a new ComparisonExpression when the
portion of the query to parse starts with <, >, <>, <=, >=
or =. |
CompoundExpression | A compound expression has a left and right expressions combined by an identifier. | ||||||||||||
ConcatExpression | The CONCAT function returns a string that is a concatenation of its arguments. | ||||||||||||
ConcatExpressionFactory | This ConcatExpressionFactory creates a new ConcatExpression when the portion of
the query to parse starts with CONCAT. |
ConditionalExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a conditional expression. | ||||||||||||
ConditionalFactorBNF | The query BNF for a conditional factor expression. | ||||||||||||
ConditionalPrimaryBNF | The query BNF for a conditional primary expression. | ||||||||||||
ConditionalTermBNF | The query BNF for a conditional term expression. | ||||||||||||
ConstructorExpression | In the SELECT clause a constructor may be used in the SELECT list to return one or more Java instances. | ||||||||||||
ConstructorExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a constructor expression. | ||||||||||||
ConstructorExpressionFactory | This ConstructorExpressionFactory creates a new ConstructorExpression when the
portion of the query to parse starts with NEW. |
ConstructorItemBNF | The query BNF for a constructor item expression. | ||||||||||||
CountFunction | One of the aggregate functions. | ||||||||||||
CountFunctionFactory | This CountFunctionFactory creates a new CountFunction when the portion of the
query to parse starts with COUNT. |
DatabaseType | This expression represents the database specific data type, which may include size and scale. | ||||||||||||
DatabaseTypeFactory | |||||||||||||
DatabaseTypeQueryBNF | The query BNF for the database type. | ||||||||||||
DateTime | This Expression represents a date or time. |
DatetimeExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a date/time expression. | ||||||||||||
DateTimeFactory | This DateTimeFactory creates a new DateTime when the portion of the query to
JDBC escape format used for date/time/timestamp. |
DateTimePrimaryBNF | The query BNF for a date/time primary expression. | ||||||||||||
DateTimeTimestampLiteralBNF | The query BNF for a date/time/timestamp expression. | ||||||||||||
DefaultEclipseLinkJPQLGrammar | This JPQL grammar provides support for parsing JPQL queries defined by the
JPA 2.1 functional specification and the EclipseLink 2.4. |
DefaultJPQLGrammar | This JPQL grammar provides support for parsing JPQL queries defined in the
latest JPA functional specification. |
DefaultStringExpression | An implementation of an Expression that wraps a string. |
DeleteClause | This is the delete clause of the delete statement. | ||||||||||||
DeleteClauseBNF | The query BNF for the delete clause. | ||||||||||||
DeleteClauseFactory | This DeleteClauseFactory creates a new DeleteClause when the portion of the query
to parse starts with DELETE FROM. |
DeleteClauseRangeVariableDeclarationBNF | The query BNF for a range variable declaration expression used by the DELETE clause, which accepts collection and aggregate expression, which is used by invalid queries. | ||||||||||||
DeleteStatement | Bulk delete operation apply to entities of a single entity class (together with its subclasses, if any). | ||||||||||||
DeleteStatementBNF | The query BNF for the delete statement. | ||||||||||||
DeleteStatementFactory | This DeleteStatementFactory creates a new DeleteStatement when the portion of the
query to parse starts with DELETE FROM. |
DerivedCollectionMemberDeclarationBNF | The query BNF for a derived collection member declaration expression. | ||||||||||||
DivisionExpression | One of the four binary operators. | ||||||||||||
EclipseLinkAnonymousExpressionVisitor | This visitor allows a subclass to simply override AnonymousExpressionVisitor.visit(Expression) and perform the
same task for all visited expressions including those defined by EclipseLink. |
EclipseLinkJPQLGrammar1 | This JPQL grammar provides support for parsing JPQL queries defined in
| EclipseLinkJPQLGrammar2_0 | This JPQLGrammar provides support for parsing JPQL queries defined in
| EclipseLinkJPQLGrammar2_1 | This JPQLGrammar provides support for parsing JPQL queries defined in
| EclipseLinkJPQLGrammar2_2 | This JPQLGrammar provides support for parsing JPQL queries defined in
| EclipseLinkJPQLGrammar2_3 | This JPQLGrammar provides support for parsing JPQL queries defined in
| EclipseLinkJPQLGrammar2_4 | This JPQLGrammar provides support for parsing JPQL queries defined in
| ElseExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a else expression specified in the case expression. |
EmptyCollectionComparisonExpression | This expression tests whether or not the collection designated by the collection-valued path expression is empty (i.e, has no elements). | ||||||||||||
EmptyCollectionComparisonExpressionBNF | The query BNF for an empty collection comparison expression. | ||||||||||||
EmptyCollectionComparisonExpressionFactory | This EmptyCollectionComparisonExpressionFactory creates a new EmptyCollectionComparisonExpression
when the portion of the query to parse starts with IS EMPTY or IS NOT EMPTY. |
EncapsulatedIdentificationVariableExpression | This Expression represents an identification variable that maps a Map
property, either the key, the value or a Map.Entry ). |
EntityExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a entity expression. | ||||||||||||
EntityOrValueExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a entity or value expression. | ||||||||||||
EntityTypeExpressionBNF | The query BNF for the TYPE expression. | ||||||||||||
EntityTypeLiteral | This Expression wraps the name of an entity type. |
EntityTypeLiteralBNF | The query BNF for the entity type literal. | ||||||||||||
EntityTypeLiteralFactory | This factory creates an EntityTypeLiteral , which wraps an entity name. |
EntryExpression | This is part of JPA 2.0. | ||||||||||||
EntryExpressionFactory | This EntryExpressionFactory creates a new EntryExpression when the portion of the
query to parse starts with ENTRY. |
EnumExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a enum expression. | ||||||||||||
EnumLiteralBNF | The query BNF for an enumeration constant expression. | ||||||||||||
EnumPrimaryBNF | The query BNF for an enum primary expression. | ||||||||||||
ExistsExpression | An EXISTS expression is a predicate that is true only if the result of the
subquery consists of one or more values and that is false otherwise. |
ExistsExpressionBNF | The query BNF for the exists expression. | ||||||||||||
ExistsExpressionFactory | This ExistsExpressionFactory creates a new ExistsExpression when the portion of
the query to parse starts with EXISTS. |
ExpressionFactory | An ExpressionFactory is responsible to parse a portion of JPQL query that starts
with one of the factory's identifiers. |
ExpressionRegistry | This registry contains the necessary information used by Hermes parser. | ||||||||||||
ExpressionVisitorWrapper | This ExpressionVisitor wraps another ExpressionVisitor and delegates all its
calls to it (the delegate). |
ExtractExpression | The EXTRACT function extracts a date part from a date/time value. | ||||||||||||
ExtractExpressionBNF | The query BNF for the EXTRACT function. |
ExtractExpressionFactory | This ExtractExpressionFactory creates a new ExtractExpression when the portion of
the query to parse starts with EXTRACT. |
FromClause | The FROM clause of a query defines the domain of the query by declaring identification variables. | ||||||||||||
FromClauseBNF | The query BNF for the from clause. | ||||||||||||
FromClauseFactory | This FromClauseFactory creates a new FromClause when the portion of the query to
parse starts with FROM. |
FullyQualifyPathExpressionVisitor | This visitor makes sure that all path expressions are fully qualified with a "virtual" identification variable if the range variable declaration does not define one. | ||||||||||||
FunctionExpression | This expression adds support to call native database functions. | ||||||||||||
FunctionExpressionBNF | The query BNF for the EclipseLink's function expression. | ||||||||||||
FunctionExpressionFactory | This FunctionExpressionFactory creates a new FunctionExpression when the portion
of the query to parse starts with an identifier related to a SQL function. |
FunctionItemBNF | The query BNF for the parameters of a function expression. | ||||||||||||
FunctionsReturningDatetimeBNF | The query BNF for a function expression returning a date/time value. | ||||||||||||
FunctionsReturningNumericsBNF | The query BNF for a function expression returning a numeric value. | ||||||||||||
FunctionsReturningStringsBNF | The query BNF for a function expression returning a string value. | ||||||||||||
GeneralCaseExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a general case expression. | ||||||||||||
GeneralIdentificationExpressionFactory | This ValueExpressionFactory creates a general identification variable, which is either
with the identifier KEY or VALUE and then checks the existence of a path expression. |
GeneralIdentificationVariableBNF | The query BNF for a general identification variable expression. | ||||||||||||
GenericQueryBNF | A generic JPQLQueryBNF can be used to manually create a new BNF without having to create
a concrete instance. |
GroupByClause | The GROUP BY construct enables the aggregation of values according to the properties of an entity class. | ||||||||||||
GroupByClauseBNF | The query BNF for the group by clause. | ||||||||||||
GroupByClauseFactory | This GroupByClauseFactory creates a new GroupByClause when the portion of the
query to parse starts with GROUP BY. |
GroupByItemBNF | The query BNF for a group by item expression. | ||||||||||||
GroupByItemFactory | This GroupByItemFactory is responsible to return the right expression and to support
invalid expression as well. |
HavingClause | The HAVING construct enables conditions to be specified that further restrict the query result as restrictions upon the groups. | ||||||||||||
HavingClauseBNF | The query BNF for the having clause. | ||||||||||||
HavingClauseFactory | This HavingClauseFactory creates a new HavingClause when the portion of the query
to parse starts with HAVING. |
IdentificationVariable | An identification variable is a valid identifier declared in the FROM clause of a query. | ||||||||||||
IdentificationVariableBNF | The query BNF for an identification variable expression. | ||||||||||||
IdentificationVariableDeclaration | An identification variable is a valid identifier declared in the FROM clause of a query. | ||||||||||||
IdentificationVariableDeclarationBNF | The query BNF for an identification variable declaration expression. | ||||||||||||
IdentificationVariableDeclarationFactory | This IdentificationVariableDeclarationFactory handles parsing the JPQL fragment
within the FROM clause. |
IdentificationVariableFactory | This IdentificationVariableFactory creates a new IdentificationVariable . |
IndexExpression | The INDEX function returns an integer value corresponding to the position of its argument in an ordered list. | ||||||||||||
IndexExpressionFactory | This IndexExpressionFactory creates a new IndexExpression when the portion of the
query to parse starts with INDEX. |
InExpression | The state field path expression must have a string, numeric, or enum value. | ||||||||||||
InExpressionBNF | The query BNF for an in expression. | ||||||||||||
InExpressionExpressionBNF | The query BNF describes the expression being tested by the IN expression. |
InExpressionFactory | This InExpressionFactory creates a new InExpression when the portion of the query
to parse starts with IN or NOT IN. |
InExpressionItemBNF | The query BNF for the items of an IN expression. | ||||||||||||
InputParameter | Either positional or named parameters may be used. | ||||||||||||
InputParameterBNF | The query BNF for a input parameter. | ||||||||||||
InternalAggregateFunctionBNF | The query BNF for the parameter of an aggregate expression. | ||||||||||||
InternalBetweenExpressionBNF | The query BNF for the lower and upper expressions defined in the between expression. | ||||||||||||
InternalCoalesceExpressionBNF | The query BNF for the parameters defined in the coalesce expression. | ||||||||||||
InternalColumnExpressionBNF | The query BNF for the items of a COLUMN expression. | ||||||||||||
InternalConcatExpressionBNF | The query BNF for the COUNT expression's encapsulated expressions. | ||||||||||||
InternalCountBNF | The query BNF for the parameter of the COUNT function. | ||||||||||||
InternalEntityTypeExpressionBNF | The query BNF for the parameters defined in the type expression. | ||||||||||||
InternalFromClauseBNF | The query BNF for the FROM declaration, basically what follows the
FROM identifier. |
InternalJoinBNF | The query BNF for what's following the join identifier. | ||||||||||||
InternalLengthExpressionBNF | The query BNF for the parameter of the LENGTH expression. |
InternalLocateStringExpressionBNF | The query BNF for the first two parameters of the LOCATE expression. |
InternalLocateThirdExpressionBNF | The query BNF for the third parameter of the LOCATE expression. |
InternalLowerExpressionBNF | The query BNF for the parameter of the LOWER expression. |
InternalModExpressionBNF | The query BNF for the parameters of the MOD expression. |
InternalOrderByClauseBNF | The query BNF for what's following the order by identifier. | ||||||||||||
InternalOrderByItemBNF | The query BNF for an order by item. | ||||||||||||
InternalOrderByItemFactory | This InternalOrderByItemFactory creates either a StateFieldPathExpression or
an IdentificationVariable . |
InternalSelectExpressionBNF | |||||||||||||
InternalSimpleFromClauseBNF | The query BNF for the from declaration used in a subquery. | ||||||||||||
InternalSimpleSelectExpressionBNF | |||||||||||||
InternalSqrtExpressionBNF | The query BNF for the parameter of the SQRT expression. |
InternalSubstringPositionExpressionBNF | The query BNF for the position parameters of the SUBSTRING expression. |
InternalSubstringStringExpressionBNF | The query BNF for the parameter of the LENGTH expression. |
InternalUpdateClauseBNF | The query BNF for what's following the update identifier. | ||||||||||||
InternalUpperExpressionBNF | The query BNF for the parameter of the UPPER expression. |
InternalWhenClauseBNF | The query BNF for the expression following the WHEN identifier. | ||||||||||||
IsExpressionFactory | This IsExpressionFactory creates a new expression when the portion of the query to parse
starts with IS. |
Join | A JOIN enables the fetching of an association as a side effect of the execution of a query. | ||||||||||||
JoinAssociationPathExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a join association path expression. | ||||||||||||
JoinBNF | The query BNF for the join expression. | ||||||||||||
JoinCollectionValuedPathExpressionFactory | This factory is used by EclipseLink 2.4 to add support for parsing an abstract schema name when the expression is not a join association path expression. | ||||||||||||
JoinFactory | This JoinFactory creates a new Join when the portion of the query to parse starts
with JOIN or FETCH JOIN, respectively. |
JoinFetchBNF | The query BNF for the fetch join expression. | ||||||||||||
JPQLExpression | A JPQLExpression is the root of the parsed tree representation of a JPQL query. |
JPQLGrammar1_0 | This JPQLGrammar provides support for parsing JPQL queries defined in
| JPQLGrammar2_0 | This JPQLGrammar provides support for parsing JPQL queries defined in
| JPQLGrammar2_1 | This JPQLGrammar provides support for parsing JPQL queries defined in
| JPQLQueryBNF | This defines a single Backus-Naur Form (BNF) of the JPQL grammar. | ||||||
JPQLStatementBNF | The query BNF for the JPQL expression. | ||||||||||||
KeyExpression | This is part of JPA 2.0. | ||||||||||||
KeyExpressionFactory | This KeyExpressionFactory creates a new KeyExpression when the portion of the
query to parse starts with KEY. |
KeywordExpression | The expression representing some keywords: TRUE , FALSE or NULL . |
KeywordExpressionFactory | This KeywordExpressionFactory creates a new KeywordExpression when the portion of
the query to parse starts with FALSE, TRUE or NULL. |
LengthExpression | The LENGTH function returns the length of the string in characters as an integer. | ||||||||||||
LengthExpressionFactory | This LengthExpressionFactory creates a new LengthExpression when the portion of
the query to parse starts with LENGTH. |
LikeExpression | The LIKE condition is used to specify a search for a pattern. | ||||||||||||
LikeExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a expression. | ||||||||||||
LikeExpressionEscapeCharacterBNF | This BNF is used when parsing an invalid fragment or to extend the default grammar. | ||||||||||||
LikeExpressionFactory | This LikeExpressionFactory creates a new LikeExpression when the portion of the
query to parse starts with LIKE or NOT LIKE. |
LiteralBNF | The query BNF for literals, which is based on the listing defined in section 4.6.1 of the Java Specification document for JPA 2.0. | ||||||||||||
LiteralExpressionFactory | This LiteralExpressionFactory is responsible to return the right literal expression. |
LocateExpression | The LOCATE function returns the position of a given string within a string, starting the search at a specified position. | ||||||||||||
LocateExpressionFactory | This LocateExpressionFactory creates a new LocateExpression when the portion of
the query to parse starts with LOCATE. |
LogicalExpression | This expression represents a logical expression, which means the first and second expressions are aggregated with either AND or OR. | ||||||||||||
LowerExpression | The LOWER function converts a string to lower case and it returns a string. | ||||||||||||
LowerExpressionFactory | This LowerExpressionFactory creates a new LowerExpression when the portion of the
query to parse starts with LOWER. |
MaxFunction | One of the aggregate functions. | ||||||||||||
MaxFunctionFactory | This MaxFunctionFactory creates a new MaxFunction when the portion of the query
to parse starts with MAX. |
MinFunction | One of the aggregate functions. | ||||||||||||
MinFunctionFactory | This MinFunctionFactory creates a new MinFunction when the portion of the query
to parse starts with MIN. |
ModExpression | The modulo operation finds the remainder of division of one number by another. | ||||||||||||
ModExpressionFactory | This ModExpressionFactory creates a new ModExpression when the portion of the
query to parse starts with MOD. |
MultiplicationExpression | One of the four binary operators. | ||||||||||||
NewValueBNF | The query BNF for a new value expression. | ||||||||||||
NotExpression | BNF: expression ::= NOT conditional_primary |
NotExpressionFactory | This NotExpressionFactory creates a new NotExpression when the portion of the
query to parse starts with NOT. |
NullComparisonExpression | A null comparison tests whether or not the single-valued path expression or input parameter is a NULL value. | ||||||||||||
NullComparisonExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a null comparison expression. | ||||||||||||
NullComparisonExpressionFactory | This NullComparisonExpressionFactory creates a new NullComparisonExpression when
the portion of the query to parse starts with IS NULL or IS NOT NULL. |
NullExpression | A null Expression is used instead of a true null , which allows
operations to be performed without doing a null check first. |
NullIfExpression | NULLIF returns the first expression if the two expressions are not equal. | ||||||||||||
NullIfExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a nullif expression. | ||||||||||||
NullIfExpressionFactory | This NullIfExpressionFactory creates a new NullIfExpression when the portion of
the query to parse starts with NULLIF. |
NumericLiteral | Exact numeric literals support the use of Java integer literal syntax as well as SQL exact numeric literal syntax. | ||||||||||||
NumericLiteralBNF | The query BNF for a numeric literal. | ||||||||||||
ObjectExpression | Stand-alone identification variables in the SELECT clause may optionally be qualified by the OBJECT operator. | ||||||||||||
ObjectExpressionBNF | The query BNF for an object expression. | ||||||||||||
ObjectExpressionFactory | This ObjectExpressionFactory creates a new ObjectExpression when the portion of
the query to parse starts with OBJECT. |
OnClause | Returns an expression that allows a join ON clause to be defined. | ||||||||||||
OnClauseBNF | The query BNF for the on clause. | ||||||||||||
OnClauseFactory | This OnClauseFactory creates a new OnClause when the portion of the query to
parse starts with ON. |
OrderByClause | The ORDER BY clause allows the objects or values that are returned by the query to be ordered. | ||||||||||||
OrderByClauseBNF | The query BNF for the order by clause. | ||||||||||||
OrderByClauseFactory | This OrderByClauseFactory creates a new OrderByClause when the portion of the
query to parse starts with ORDER BY. |
OrderByItem | An orderby_item must be one of the following:
A state_field_path_expression that evaluates to an orderable
state field of an entity or embeddable class abstract schema type designated in the SELECT clause
by one of the following:
A general_identification_variable
A single_valued_object_path_expression
A state_field_path_expression that evaluates to the same
state field of the same entity or embeddable abstract schema type as a state_field_path_expression in the SELECT clause
A result_variable that refers to an orderable item in the SELECT
clause for which the same result_variable has been specified. |
OrderByItemBNF | The query BNF for the order by item expression. | ||||||||||||
OrderByItemFactory | This OrderByItemFactory creates a new OrderByItem . |
OrExpression | The OR logical operator chains multiple criteria together. | ||||||||||||
OrExpressionFactory | This OrExpressionFactory creates a new OrExpression when the portion of the query
to parse starts with OR. |
PatternValueBNF | The query BNF for a pattern value. | ||||||||||||
QualifiedIdentificationVariableBNF | The query BNF for a qualified identification variable expression. | ||||||||||||
QueryPosition | This object contains the cursor position within the parsed tree and within each of the Expression from the root to the deepest leaf. |
RangeDeclarationBNF | |||||||||||||
RangeDeclarationFactory | |||||||||||||
RangeVariableDeclaration | Range variable declarations allow the developer to designate a "root" for objects which may not be reachable by navigation. | ||||||||||||
RangeVariableDeclarationBNF | The query BNF for a range variable declaration expression. | ||||||||||||
RangeVariableDeclarationFactory | This RangeVariableDeclaration creates a new RangeVariableDeclaration . |
RegexpExpression | The REGEXP condition is used to specify a search for a pattern. | ||||||||||||
RegexpExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a REGEXP expression. | ||||||||||||
RegexpExpressionFactory | This RegexpExpressionFactory creates a new RegexpExpression when the portion of the
query to parse starts with REGEXP. |
ResultVariable | A result variable may be used to name a select item in the query result. | ||||||||||||
ResultVariableBNF | The query BNF for a result variable expression. | ||||||||||||
ResultVariableFactory | This ResultVariableFactory creates a new ResultVariable when the portion of the
query to parse starts with or without AS. |
ScalarExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a scalar expression. | ||||||||||||
SelectClause | The SELECT clause queries data from entities. | ||||||||||||
SelectClauseBNF | The query BNF for the select clause. | ||||||||||||
SelectClauseFactory | This SelectClauseFactory creates a new SelectClause when the portion of the
query to parse starts with SELECT. |
SelectExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a select expression. | ||||||||||||
SelectStatement | A select statement must always have a SELECT and a FROM clause. | ||||||||||||
SelectStatementBNF | The query BNF for the select statement. | ||||||||||||
SelectStatementFactory | This SelectStatementFactory creates a new SelectStatement when the portion of the
query to parse starts with SELECT. |
SimpleArithmeticExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a simple arithmetic expression. | ||||||||||||
SimpleCaseExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a simple case expression. | ||||||||||||
SimpleConditionalExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a simple conditional expression. | ||||||||||||
SimpleEntityExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a simple entity expression. | ||||||||||||
SimpleEntityOrValueExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a simple entity or value expression. | ||||||||||||
SimpleFromClause | The FROM clause of a query defines the domain of the query by declaring identification variables. | ||||||||||||
SimpleResultVariableBNF | The query BNF for a result variable expression. | ||||||||||||
SimpleSelectClause | The SELECT statement queries data from entities. | ||||||||||||
SimpleSelectClauseBNF | The query BNF for the simple select clause. | ||||||||||||
SimpleSelectExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a simple select expression. | ||||||||||||
SimpleSelectExpressionBNF2_0 | The query BNF for a select item expression. | ||||||||||||
SimpleSelectItemBNF | The query BNF for a select item expression. | ||||||||||||
SimpleSelectStatement | BNFL subquery ::= simple_select_clause subquery_from_clause [where_clause] [groupby_clause] [having_clause] |
SimpleSelectStatementFactory | This SimpleSelectStatementFactory creates a new SimpleSelectStatement when the
portion of the query to parse starts with SELECT. |
SingleValuedObjectPathExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a simple valued object path expression. | ||||||||||||
SingleValuedPathExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a single valued path expression. | ||||||||||||
SizeExpression | The SIZE function returns an integer value, the number of elements of the collection. | ||||||||||||
SizeExpressionFactory | This SizeExpressionFactory creates a new SizeExpression when the portion of the
query to parse starts with SIZE. |
SqrtExpression | The SQRT function takes a numeric argument and returns a double. | ||||||||||||
SqrtExpressionFactory | This SqrtExpressionFactory creates a new SqrtExpression when the portion of the
query to parse starts with SQRT. |
StateFieldPathExpression | A single_valued_association_field is designated by the name of an association-field
in a one-to-one or many-to-one relationship. |
StateFieldPathExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a state field path expression. | ||||||||||||
StateFieldPathExpressionFactory | This StateFieldPathExpressionFactory is meant to handle the parsing of a portion of the
query when it's expected to be a state field path. |
StringExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a string expression. | ||||||||||||
StringLiteral | A string literal is enclosed in single quotes. | ||||||||||||
StringLiteralBNF | The query BNF for a string literal. | ||||||||||||
StringLiteralFactory | This StringLiteralFactory is responsible to parse a sub-query starting with a single quote. |
StringPrimaryBNF | The query BNF for a string primary expression. | ||||||||||||
SubExpression | This expression wraps a sub-expression within parenthesis. | ||||||||||||
SubqueryBNF | The query BNF for a subquery expression. | ||||||||||||
SubqueryFromClauseBNF | The query BNF for the from clause defined in a subquery. | ||||||||||||
SubSelectIdentificationVariableDeclarationBNF | The query BNF for an identification variable declaration expression defined in a sub-select expression. | ||||||||||||
SubstringExpression | The second and third arguments of the SUBSTRING function denote the starting position and length of the substring to be returned. | ||||||||||||
SubstringExpressionFactory | This SubstringExpressionFactory creates a new SubstringExpression when the
portion of the query to parse starts with SUBSTRING. |
SubtractionExpression | One of the four binary operators. | ||||||||||||
SumFunction | One of the aggregate functions. | ||||||||||||
SumFunctionFactory | This SumFunctionFactory creates a new SumFunction when the portion of the query
to parse starts with SUM. |
TableExpression | Defines a table expression. | ||||||||||||
TableExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a table expression. | ||||||||||||
TableExpressionFactory | This TableExpressionFactory creates a new TableExpression . |
TableVariableDeclaration | Defines a table expression. | ||||||||||||
TableVariableDeclarationBNF | The query BNF for a table declaration. | ||||||||||||
TableVariableDeclarationFactory | This TableVariableDeclarationFactory creates a new TableVariableDeclaration . |
TreatExpression | Returns an expression that allows to treat its base as if it were a subclass of the class returned by the base. | ||||||||||||
TreatExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a TREAT expression. |
TreatExpressionFactory | This TreatExpressionFactory creates a new TreatExpression when the portion of the
query to parse starts with TREAT. |
TrimExpression | The TRIM function trims the specified character from a string. | ||||||||||||
TrimExpressionFactory | This TrimExpressionFactory creates a new TrimExpression when the portion of the
query to parse starts with TRIM. |
TypeExpression | An entity type expression can be used to restrict query polymorphism. | ||||||||||||
TypeExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a type expression. | ||||||||||||
TypeExpressionFactory | This TypeExpressionFactory creates a new TypeExpression when the portion of the
query to parse starts with TYPE. |
UnionClause | The UNION clause allows the results of two queries to be combined. | ||||||||||||
UnionClauseBNF | The query BNF for the order by clause. | ||||||||||||
UnionClauseFactory | This UnionClauseFactory creates a new UnionClause when the portion of the
query to parse starts with UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT . |
UnknownExpression | This expression contains a portion of the query that is unknown to the parser. | ||||||||||||
UnknownExpressionFactory | This UnknownExpressionFactory creates a new UnknownExpression when the portion of
the query to parse is unknown. |
UpdateClause | This is the update clause of the update statement. | ||||||||||||
UpdateClauseBNF | The query BNF for the update clause. | ||||||||||||
UpdateClauseFactory | This UpdateClauseFactory creates a new UpdateClause when the portion of the query
to parse starts with UPDATE. |
UpdateItem | The new_value specified for an update operation must be compatible in type with the
field to which it is assigned. |
UpdateItemBNF | The query BNF for the update item expression. | ||||||||||||
UpdateItemFactory | This UpdateItemFactory creates a new UpdateItem . |
UpdateItemStateFieldPathExpressionBNF | The query BNF for a state field path expression used in an update item. | ||||||||||||
UpdateItemStateFieldPathExpressionFactory | This UpdateItemStateFieldPathExpressionFactory is meant to handle the parsing of a
portion of the query when it's expected to be a state field path. |
UpdateStatement | The UPDATE clause of a query consists of a conditional expression used to select objects or values that satisfy the expression. | ||||||||||||
UpdateStatementBNF | The query BNF for the update statement. | ||||||||||||
UpdateStatementFactory | This UpdateStatementFactory creates a new UpdateStatement when the portion of the
query to parse starts with UPDATE. |
UpperExpression | The UPPER function converts a string to upper case and it returns a string. | ||||||||||||
UpperExpressionFactory | This UpperExpressionFactory creates a new UpperExpression when the portion of the
query to parse starts with UPPER. |
ValueExpression | This is part of JPA 2.0. | ||||||||||||
ValueExpressionFactory | This ValueExpressionFactory creates a new ValueExpression when the portion of the
query to parse starts with VALUE. |
VirtualJPQLQueryBNF | This JPQLQueryBNF can be used as a virtual BNF, which can wrap another BNF or BNFs and
modify the default behavior. |
WhenClause | A WHEN predicate is used to calculate a condition and when it's true, its THEN will be executed. | ||||||||||||
WhenClauseBNF | The query BNF for the when clause of the case expression. | ||||||||||||
WhenClauseFactory | This WhenClauseFactory creates a new WhenClause when the portion of the query to
parse starts with WHEN. |
WhereClause | The WHERE clause of a query consists of a conditional expression used to select objects or values that satisfy the expression. | ||||||||||||
WhereClauseBNF | The query BNF for the where clause. | ||||||||||||
WhereClauseFactory | This WhereClauseFactory creates a new WhereClause when the portion of the query
to parse starts with WHERE. |
Enum Summary | |
FunctionExpressionFactory.ParameterCount | The number of parameters a FunctionExpression can have. |
IdentifierRole | A role describes the purpose of the JPQL identifier. |
OrderByItem.NullOrdering | This enumeration lists all the possible choices for ordering nulls in an item. |
OrderByItem.Ordering | This enumeration lists all the possible choices for ordering an item. |
TrimExpression.Specification | The possible ways to trim the string. |
This is the core of Hermes, this package contains the classes that can parse a JPQL query.
EclipseLink 2.4.2, build 'v20130514-5956486' API Reference | ||||||||