EclipseLink 2.4.2, build 'v20130514-5956486' API Reference

Class XMLDirectMapping

  extended by org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping
      extended by
          extended by
              extended by org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings.XMLDirectMapping
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, MapComponentMapping, MapKeyMapping, XMLMapping, XMLNillableMapping
Direct Known Subclasses:
XMLBinaryDataMapping, XMLFragmentMapping

public class XMLDirectMapping
extends AbstractDirectMapping
implements XMLMapping, XMLNillableMapping

XML Direct Mappings map a Java attribute directly to XML attribute or text node.

XML Direct Mappings can be used in the following scenarios:

Setting the XPath: TopLink XML mappings make use of XPath statements to find the relevant data in an XML document. The XPath statement is relative to the context node specified in the descriptor. The XPath may contain node type, path, and positional information. The XPath is specified on the mapping using the setXPath method.

The following XPath statements may be used to specify the location of XML data relating to an object's name attribute:

XPath Description
@name The "@" character indicates that the node is an attribute.
text() "text()" indicates that the node is a text node. In this case the name value in the text node belongs to the context node.
full-name/text() The name information is stored in the text node of the full-name element.
personal-info/name/text() The XPath statement may be used to specify any valid path.
name[2]/text() The XPath statement may contain positional information. In this case the name information is stored in the text node of the second occurrence of the name element.

Mapping to a Specific Schema Type: In most cases TopLink can determine the target format in the XML document. However, there are cases where you must specify which one of a number of possible targets TopLink should use. For example, a java.util.Calendar could be marshalled to a schema date, time, or dateTime, or a byte[] could be marshalled to a schema hexBinary or base64Binary node.

XML Schema
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
  <xsd:element name="customer" type="customer-type"/>
  <xsd:complexType name="customer-type">
      <xsd:element name="picture" type="xsd:hexBinary"/>
      <xsd:element name="resume" type="xsd:base64Binary"/>

Code Sample
XMLDirectMapping pictureMapping = new XMLDirectMapping();
XMLField pictureField = (XMLField) pictureMapping.getField();

Mapping to a Union Field:

XML Schema
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
  <xsd:element name="customer" type="customer-type"/>
  <xsd:complexType name="customer-type">
      <xsd:element name="shoe-size" type="size-type"/>
  <xsd:simpleType name="size-type">
    <xsd:union memberTypes="xsd:decimal xsd:string"/>

Code Sample
XMLDirectMapping shoeSizeMapping = new XMLDirectMapping();
XMLUnionField shoeSizeField = new XMLUnionField();

Preserving the Node Type: If the type of a node is not defined in your XML schema, you can configure an XML Direct Mapping to use the xsi:type attribute to provide type information.

Code Sample
XMLDirectMapping numberMapping = new XMLDirectMapping();
XMLField numberField = (XMLField) numberMapping.getField();

More Information: For more information about using the XML Direct Mapping, see the "Understanding XML Mappings" chapter of the Oracle TopLink Developer's Guide.

See Also:
Serialized Form
Oracle TopLink 10g Release 2 (10.1.3)

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping
Field Summary
 boolean isCDATA
Fields inherited from class
attributeClassification, attributeClassificationName, attributeObjectClassification, fieldClassificationClassName, isMutable, keyTableForMapKey, nullValue
Fields inherited from class
converter, converterClassName, field, isInsertable, isUpdatable
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping
attributeAccessor, attributeName, derivedIdMapping, derivesId, descriptor, fields, isCacheable, isJPAId, isLazy, isMapKeyMapping, isOptional, isPrimaryKeyMapping, isReadOnly, isRemotelyInitialized, mapsIdValue, NO_FIELDS, NO_WEIGHT, properties, unconvertedProperties, weight, WEIGHT_AGGREGATE, WEIGHT_DIRECT, WEIGHT_TO_ONE, WEIGHT_TRANSFORM
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object getAttributeValue(java.lang.Object fieldValue, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session, XMLRecord record)
          INTERNAL: Allows for subclasses to convert the attribute value.
 java.lang.Object getFieldValue(java.lang.Object attributeValue, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session, XMLRecord record)
          INTERNAL: Convert the attribute value to a field value.
 AbstractNullPolicy getNullPolicy()
          INTERNAL: Get the AbstractNullPolicy from the Mapping.
 java.lang.String getXPath()
          Get the XPath String
 void initialize(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
          INTERNAL: The mapping is initialized with the given session.
 boolean isCDATA()
 boolean isCloningRequired()
          INTERNAL: Return if this mapping requires its attribute value to be cloned.
 boolean isCollapsingStringValues()
          PUBLIC: Returns true if this mapping should collapse all string values before setting them in the object on unmarshal.
 boolean isNormalizingStringValues()
          PUBLIC: Returns true if this mapping is normalizing string values on unmarshal before setting them in the object.
 boolean isNullValueMarshalled()
          PUBLIC: Returns true if this mapping's value should be marshalled, in the case that it is equal to the default null value.
 boolean isWriteOnly()
          INTERNAL: Some mappings support no attribute (transformation and multitenant primary key).
 boolean isXMLMapping()
 void preInitialize(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
          INTERNAL: Initialize the attribute classification.
 void setAttributeValueInObject(java.lang.Object object, java.lang.Object value)
          INTERNAL: Set the value of the attribute mapped by this mapping.
 void setCollapsingStringValues(boolean collapse)
          PUBLIC: Indicates that this mapping should collapse all string values before setting them in the object on unmarshal.
 void setIsCDATA(boolean CDATA)
 void setIsWriteOnly(boolean b)
 void setNormalizingStringValues(boolean normalize)
          PUBLIC: Indicates that this mapping should normalize all string values before setting them in the object on unmarshal.
 void setNullPolicy(AbstractNullPolicy aNullPolicy)
          Set the AbstractNullPolicy on the mapping
The default policy is NullPolicy.
 void setNullValueMarshalled(boolean value)
          PUBLIC: Set whether this mapping's value should be marshalled, in the case that it is equal to the default null value.
 void setXPath(java.lang.String xpathString)
          Set the Mapping field name attribute to the given XPath String
 java.lang.Object valueFromRow(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord row, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries.JoinedAttributeManager joinManager, ObjectBuildingQuery query, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.identitymaps.CacheKey cacheKey, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession executionSession, boolean isTargetProtected, java.lang.Boolean[] wasCacheUsed)
          INTERNAL: Return the mapping's attribute value from the row.
 void writeFromObjectIntoRow(java.lang.Object object, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord row, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session, DatabaseMapping.WriteType writeType)
          INTERNAL: Get a value from the object and set that in the respective field of the row.
 void writeSingleValue(java.lang.Object value, java.lang.Object parent, XMLRecord row, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
          INTERNAL: A method that marshals a single value to the provided Record based on this mapping's XPath.
protected  void writeValueIntoRow(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord row, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField aField, java.lang.Object fieldValue)
Methods inherited from class
addAdditionalFieldsToQuery, addFieldsForMapKey, addKeyToDeletedObjectsList, buildBackupClone, buildChangeRecord, buildClone, buildCloneFromRow, buildCloneValue, buildCloneValue, buildCopy, buildElementClone, buildExpression, buildSelectionQueryForDirectCollectionKeyMapping, buildShallowOriginalFromRow, cascadeDiscoverAndPersistUnregisteredNewObjects, cascadePerformRemoveIfRequired, cascadePerformRemoveIfRequired, cascadeRegisterNewIfRequired, cascadeRegisterNewIfRequired, clone, compareForChange, compareObjects, compareObjectValues, convertClassNamesToClasses, createMapComponentFromJoinedRow, createMapComponentFromRow, createMapComponentsFromSerializableKeyInfo, createQueryKeyForMapKey, createSerializableMapKeyInfo, createStubbedMapComponentFromSerializableKeyInfo, deleteMapKey, extractIdentityFieldsForQuery, getAdditionalSelectionCriteriaForMapKey, getAdditionalTablesForJoinQuery, getAllFieldsForMapKey, getAttributeClassification, getAttributeClassificationName, getAttributeValue, getFieldClassification, getFieldClassification, getFieldName, getFieldValue, getForeignKeyFieldsForMapKey, getIdentityFieldsForMapKey, getMapKeyTargetType, getNestedJoinQuery, getNullValue, getObjectValue, getReferenceDescriptor, getTargetVersionOfSourceObject, getWeight, internalBuildChangeRecord, isAbstractDirectMapping, isChangeTrackingSupported, isDirectToFieldMapping, isMutable, iterateOnMapKey, mergeChangesIntoObject, mergeIntoObject, postInitializeMapKey, preinitializeMapKey, remoteInitialization, requiresDataModificationEventsForMapKey, setAttributeClassification, setAttributeClassificationName, setFieldClassification, setFieldClassificationClassName, setFieldType, setIsMutable, setNullValue, toString, unwrapKey, updateChangeRecord, validateBeforeInitialization, valueFromObject, valueFromResultSet, wrapKey, writeFromObjectIntoRowForUpdate, writeFromObjectIntoRowWithChangeRecord, writeInsertFieldsIntoRow, writeUpdateFieldsIntoRow
Methods inherited from class
collectFields, fixObjectReferences, getConverter, getField, hasConverter, isAbstractColumnMapping, isInsertable, isUpdatable, iterate, setConverter, setConverterClassName, setField
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping
addUnconvertedProperty, buildBackupCloneForPartObject, buildCloneForPartObject, buildContainerClone, buildObjectJoinExpression, buildObjectJoinExpression, calculateDeferredChanges, cascadeDiscoverAndPersistUnregisteredNewObjects, cascadePerformRemovePrivateOwnedObjectFromChangeSetIfRequired, cloneFields, collectQueryParameters, createCloneValueHolder, derivesId, earlyPreDelete, extractNestedExpressions, fixRealObjectReferences, getAttributeAccessor, getAttributeName, getAttributeValueFromObject, getContainerPolicy, getDerivedIdMapping, getDescriptor, getFields, getGetMethodName, getMapsIdValue, getObjectCorrespondingTo, getOrderByNormalizedExpressions, getProperties, getProperty, getRealAttributeValueFromAttribute, getRealAttributeValueFromObject, getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject, getRelationshipPartner, getSelectFields, getSelectTables, getSetMethodName, getUnconvertedProperties, getValueFromRemoteValueHolder, hasConstraintDependency, hasDependency, hasInverseConstraintDependency, hasMapsIdValue, hasRootExpressionThatShouldUseOuterJoin, hasUnconvertedProperties, instantiateAttribute, isAbstractCompositeCollectionMapping, isAbstractCompositeDirectCollectionMapping, isAbstractCompositeObjectMapping, isAggregateCollectionMapping, isAggregateMapping, isAggregateObjectMapping, isCacheable, isCandidateForPrivateOwnedRemoval, isCascadedLockingSupported, isCollectionMapping, isDatabaseMapping, isDirectCollectionMapping, isDirectMapMapping, isDirectToXMLTypeMapping, isEISMapping, isElementCollectionMapping, isForeignReferenceMapping, isJoiningSupported, isJPAId, isLazy, isLockableMapping, isManyToManyMapping, isManyToOneMapping, isMapKeyMapping, isMultitenantPrimaryKeyMapping, isNestedTableMapping, isObjectReferenceMapping, isOneToManyMapping, isOneToOneMapping, isOptional, isOwned, isPrimaryKeyMapping, isPrivateOwned, isReadOnly, isReferenceMapping, isRelationalMapping, isRemotelyInitialized, isStructureMapping, isTransformationMapping, isUnidirectionalOneToManyMapping, isUsingMethodAccess, isVariableOneToOneMapping, iterateOnRealAttributeValue, performDataModificationEvent, postCalculateChanges, postCalculateChangesOnDeleted, postDelete, postInitialize, postInsert, postUpdate, preDelete, preInsert, prepareCascadeLockingPolicy, preUpdate, readFromResultSetIntoObject, readFromRowIntoObject, readOnly, readWrite, recordPrivateOwnedRemovals, rehashFieldDependancies, remotelyInitialized, replaceValueHoldersIn, setAttributeAccessor, setAttributeName, setChangeListener, setDerivedIdMapping, setDerivesId, setDescriptor, setFields, setGetMethodName, setIsCacheable, setIsJPAId, setIsLazy, setIsMapKeyMapping, setIsOptional, setIsPrimaryKeyMapping, setIsReadOnly, setMapsIdValue, setProperties, setProperty, setRealAttributeValueInObject, setSetMethodName, setWeight, simpleAddToCollectionChangeRecord, simpleRemoveFromCollectionChangeRecord, updateCollectionChangeRecord, validateAfterInitialization, valueFromRow, verifyDelete, writeFromAttributeIntoRow, writeFromObjectIntoRowForShallowInsert, writeFromObjectIntoRowForShallowInsertWithChangeRecord, writeFromObjectIntoRowForUpdateAfterShallowInsert, writeFromObjectIntoRowForUpdateBeforeShallowDelete, writeFromObjectIntoRowForWhereClause
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings.XMLMapping

Field Detail


public boolean isCDATA
Constructor Detail


public XMLDirectMapping()
Method Detail


public void setNullPolicy(AbstractNullPolicy aNullPolicy)
Set the AbstractNullPolicy on the mapping
The default policy is NullPolicy.

Specified by:
setNullPolicy in interface XMLNillableMapping
aNullPolicy -


public AbstractNullPolicy getNullPolicy()
INTERNAL: Get the AbstractNullPolicy from the Mapping.
The default policy is NullPolicy.

Specified by:
getNullPolicy in interface XMLNillableMapping


public boolean isXMLMapping()

isXMLMapping in class DatabaseMapping


public void setXPath(java.lang.String xpathString)
Set the Mapping field name attribute to the given XPath String

xpathString - String


public void initialize(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
                throws DescriptorException
Description copied from class: AbstractDirectMapping
INTERNAL: The mapping is initialized with the given session. This mapping is fully initialized after this.

initialize in class AbstractDirectMapping


public java.lang.Object getAttributeValue(java.lang.Object fieldValue,
                                          org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session,
                                          XMLRecord record)
INTERNAL: Allows for subclasses to convert the attribute value.


public java.lang.Object getFieldValue(java.lang.Object attributeValue,
                                      org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session,
                                      XMLRecord record)
INTERNAL: Convert the attribute value to a field value. Process any converter if defined, and check for null values.


public java.lang.String getXPath()
Get the XPath String

String the XPath String associated with this Mapping


public java.lang.Object valueFromRow(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord row,
                                     org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries.JoinedAttributeManager joinManager,
                                     ObjectBuildingQuery query,
                                     org.eclipse.persistence.internal.identitymaps.CacheKey cacheKey,
                                     org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession executionSession,
                                     boolean isTargetProtected,
                                     java.lang.Boolean[] wasCacheUsed)
INTERNAL: Return the mapping's attribute value from the row. The execution session is passed for the case of building a UnitOfWork clone directly from a row, the session set in the query will not know which platform to use for converting the value. Allows the correct session to be passed in.

valueFromRow in class AbstractDirectMapping


public void writeFromObjectIntoRow(java.lang.Object object,
                                   org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord row,
                                   org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session,
                                   DatabaseMapping.WriteType writeType)
INTERNAL: Get a value from the object and set that in the respective field of the row.

writeFromObjectIntoRow in class AbstractDirectMapping


protected void writeValueIntoRow(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord row,
                                 org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField aField,
                                 java.lang.Object fieldValue)
Description copied from class: AbstractColumnMapping

Specified by:
writeValueIntoRow in class AbstractDirectMapping


public void writeSingleValue(java.lang.Object value,
                             java.lang.Object parent,
                             XMLRecord row,
                             org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
Description copied from interface: XMLMapping
INTERNAL: A method that marshals a single value to the provided Record based on this mapping's XPath. Used for Sequenced marshalling.

Specified by:
writeSingleValue in interface XMLMapping
value - - The value to be marshalled
row - - The Record the value is being marshalled too.


public void setAttributeValueInObject(java.lang.Object object,
                                      java.lang.Object value)
                               throws DescriptorException
Description copied from class: DatabaseMapping
INTERNAL: Set the value of the attribute mapped by this mapping.

setAttributeValueInObject in class DatabaseMapping


public void setIsCDATA(boolean CDATA)


public boolean isCDATA()


public boolean isWriteOnly()
Description copied from class: DatabaseMapping
INTERNAL: Some mappings support no attribute (transformation and multitenant primary key).

Specified by:
isWriteOnly in interface XMLMapping
isWriteOnly in class DatabaseMapping


public void setIsWriteOnly(boolean b)
Specified by:
setIsWriteOnly in interface XMLMapping


public boolean isCloningRequired()
Description copied from class: AbstractDirectMapping
INTERNAL: Return if this mapping requires its attribute value to be cloned.

isCloningRequired in class AbstractDirectMapping


public void preInitialize(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
                   throws DescriptorException
Description copied from class: AbstractDirectMapping
INTERNAL: Initialize the attribute classification.

preInitialize in class AbstractDirectMapping


public boolean isNormalizingStringValues()
PUBLIC: Returns true if this mapping is normalizing string values on unmarshal before setting them in the object. Normalize replaces any CR, LF or Tab characters with a single space character.


public void setNormalizingStringValues(boolean normalize)
PUBLIC: Indicates that this mapping should normalize all string values before setting them in the object on unmarshal. Normalize replaces any CR, LF or Tab characters with a single space character.

normalize -


public void setCollapsingStringValues(boolean collapse)
PUBLIC: Indicates that this mapping should collapse all string values before setting them in the object on unmarshal. Collapse removes leading and trailing whitespaces, and replaces any sequence of whitepsace characters with a single space.

collapse -


public boolean isCollapsingStringValues()
PUBLIC: Returns true if this mapping should collapse all string values before setting them in the object on unmarshal. Collapse removes leading and trailing whitespaces, and replaces any sequence of whitepsace characters with a single space.


public boolean isNullValueMarshalled()
PUBLIC: Returns true if this mapping's value should be marshalled, in the case that it is equal to the default null value.


public void setNullValueMarshalled(boolean value)
PUBLIC: Set whether this mapping's value should be marshalled, in the case that it is equal to the default null value.

EclipseLink 2.4.2, build 'v20130514-5956486' API Reference