EclipseLink 2.4.2, build 'v20130514-5956486' API Reference
Class RuntimeServices

  extended by
Direct Known Subclasses:
GlassfishRuntimeServices, JBossRuntimeServices, MBeanRuntimeServices, WebLogicRuntimeServices, WebSphereRuntimeServices

public abstract class RuntimeServices
extends java.lang.Object

Purpose: Provide a dynamic interface into the EclipseLink Session.

Description: This class is meant to provide a framework for gaining access to configuration of the EclipseLink Session during runtime. It will provide the basis for development of a JMX service and possibly other frameworks.

Field Summary
protected static java.lang.String EclipseLink_Product_Name
 java.lang.String objectName
protected static java.lang.String PLATFORM_NAME
          Short name for the server platform - Must override in subclass
protected  Session session
          stores access to the session object that we are controlling
Constructor Summary
          Default Constructor
RuntimeServices(Session session)
Method Summary
 void addNewConnectionPool(java.lang.String poolName, int maxSize, int minSize, java.lang.String platform, java.lang.String driverClassName, java.lang.String url, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password)
          This method provides client with access to add a new connection pool to a EclipseLink ServerSession.
 void clearStatementCache()
          Used to clear the statement cache.
 java.lang.String getApplicationName()
          getApplicationName(): Answer the name of the module (EAR name) that this session is associated with.
 java.util.List getAvailableConnectionPools()
          This method will return the available Connection pools within this Server Session
protected  java.lang.String getCacheTypeFor(java.lang.Class identityMapClass)
          INTERNAL: getCacheTypeFor: Give a more UI-friendly version of the cache type
 java.util.List getClassesInSession()
          This method is used to return those Class Names that have identity Maps in the Session.
 java.lang.Object[][] getClassSummaryDetails()
          PUBLIC: Provide an instance of 2 Dimensional Array simulating tabular format information about all classes in the session.
 java.util.List<ClassSummaryDetailBase> getClassSummaryDetailsArray()
          Provide a list of instance of ClassSummaryDetail containing information about all classes in the session.
 java.lang.Object[][] getClassSummaryDetailsUsingFilter(java.lang.String filter)
          Provide an instance of 2 Dimensional Array simulating tabular format information about all classes in the session whose class names match the provided filter.
 java.util.List<ClassSummaryDetailBase> getClassSummaryDetailsUsingFilterArray(java.lang.String filter)
          Provide a list of instance of ClassSummaryDetail containing information about the classes in the session whose class names match the provided filter.
 java.lang.String getConnectionPoolType()
          Return connection pool type.
 java.lang.String getCurrentEclipseLinkLogLevel()
          PUBLIC: Answer the EclipseLink log level that is changeable.
 java.lang.String getDatabasePlatform()
          Return the database platform used by the DatabaseSession.
 java.lang.String getDeployedEclipseLinkLogLevel()
          PUBLIC: Answer the EclipseLink log level at deployment time.
 SessionLog getDeployedSessionLog()
 int getDeployedSessionProfileWeight()
 java.lang.String getDriver()
          Return db driver class name.
 java.lang.String getJdbcConnectionDetails()
          Return JDBCConnection detail information.
 java.lang.String getLogFilename()
          Return the log filename.
 int getLogLevel(java.lang.String category)
           Return the log level
 java.lang.String getLogType()
          Return the log type, either "EclipseLink", "Java" or the simple name of the logging class used.
 java.util.Vector getMappedClassNamesUsingFilter(java.lang.String filter)
          INTERNAL: This method traverses the EclipseLink descriptors and returns a Vector of the descriptor's reference class names that match the provided filter.
 java.lang.Integer getMaxSizeForPool(java.lang.String poolName)
          This method will retrieve the max size of a particular connection pool
 java.lang.Integer getMinSizeForPool(java.lang.String poolName)
          This method will retrieve the min size of a particular connection pool
 java.lang.String getModuleName()
          getModuleName(): Answer the name of the context-root of the application that this session is associated with.
 java.lang.Integer getNumberOfObjectsInAllIdentityMaps()
          This method will SUM and return the number of objects in all Identity Maps in the session.
 java.lang.Integer getNumberOfObjectsInIdentityMap(java.lang.String className)
          This method is used to return the number of objects in a particular Identity Map
 java.lang.Integer getNumberOfObjectsInIdentityMapSubCache(java.lang.String className)
          This method is used to return the number of objects in a particular Identity Map's subcache.
 java.lang.Integer getNumberOfPersistentClasses()
          This method will answer the number of persistent classes contained in the session.
 java.lang.String getObjectName()
 java.util.List getObjectsInIdentityMap(java.lang.String className)
          This method will return a collection of the objects in the Identity Map.
 java.util.List getObjectsInIdentityMapSubCacheAsMap(java.lang.String className)
          This method is used to return a Map of the objects in a particular Identity Map's subcache.
 int getProfileWeight()
          Return the DMS sensor weight
 java.lang.String getProfilingType()
          This method is used to get the type of profiling.
 int getSequencePreallocationSize()
          Method returns the value of the Sequence Preallocation size
protected  org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession getSession()
 java.lang.String getSessionName()
          Answer the name of the EclipseLink session this MBean represents.
 java.lang.String getSessionType()
          Answer the type of the EclipseLink session this MBean represents.
 java.lang.Boolean getShouldBindAllParameters()
          Method returns if all Parameters should be bound or not
 boolean getShouldCacheAllStatements()
          Returns if statements should be cached or not
 boolean getShouldLogMessages()
          This method is used to determine if logging is turned on
 boolean getShouldLogPerformanceProfiler()
          Method indicates if Performance profile should be logged
 boolean getShouldProfilePerformance()
          This method will return if profiling is turned on or not
 java.util.List getSizeForPool(java.lang.String poolName)
          This method will retrieve the size of a particular connection pool
 int getStatementCacheSize()
          Returns the statement cache size.
 java.lang.Integer getStringBindingSize()
          Return the size of strings after which will be bound into the statement If we are not using a DatabaseLogin, or we're not using string binding, answer 0 (zero).
 java.lang.Long getTimeConnectionEstablished()
          This method will return a long indicating the exact time in Milliseconds that the session connected to the database.
 java.lang.Boolean getUsesBatchWriting()
          This method will return if batchWriting is in use or not.
 java.lang.Boolean getUsesByteArrayBinding()
          Shows if Byte Array Binding is turned on or not
 java.lang.Boolean getUsesEclipseLinkProfiling()
          This method answers true if EclipseLink Performance Profiling is on.
 java.lang.Boolean getUsesJDBCBatchWriting()
          This method will return if batchWriting is in use or not.
 java.lang.Boolean getUsesNativeSQL()
          Shows if native SQL is being used
 java.lang.Boolean getUsesStreamsForBinding()
          This method indicates if streams are being used for binding
 java.lang.Boolean getUsesStringBinding()
          This method indicates if Strings are being bound
 void initializeAllIdentityMaps()
          This method is used to initialize the identity maps in the session.
 void initializeIdentityMap(java.lang.String className)
          This method is used to initialize the identity maps specified by className.
 void initializeIdentityMaps(java.lang.String[] classNames)
          This method is used to initialize the identity maps specified by the Vector of classNames.
 void invalidateAllIdentityMaps()
          This method is used to invalidate the identity maps in the session.
 void invalidateIdentityMap(java.lang.String className)
          This method is used to invalidate the identity maps specified by className.
 void invalidateIdentityMap(java.lang.String className, java.lang.Boolean recurse)
          This method is used to invalidate the identity maps specified by className.
 void invalidateIdentityMaps(java.lang.String[] classNamesParam, java.lang.Boolean recurse)
          This method is used to invalidate the identity maps specified by the String[] of classNames.
 boolean isJPASession()
          Return whether this session is an EclipseLink JPA session.
 void printAllIdentityMapTypes()
          This method will log the types of Identity Maps in the session.
 void printAvailableConnectionPools()
          This method will print the available Connection pools to the SessionLog.
 void printClassesInSession()
          This method is used to output those Class Names that have identity Maps in the Session.
 void printIdentityMapLocks()
          This method will log the instance level locks in all Identity Maps in the session.
 void printIdentityMapLocks(java.lang.String registeredClassName)
          This method will log the instance level locks in the Identity Map for the given class in the session.
 void printObjectsInIdentityMap(java.lang.String className)
          This method will log the objects in the Identity Map.
 void printObjectsInIdentityMaps()
          This method will log all objects in all Identity Maps in the session.
 void printProfileSummary()
          This method assumes EclipseLink Profiling (as opposed to Java profiling).
 void printProfileSummaryByClass()
          This method assumes EclipseLink Profiling (as opposed to Java profiling).
 void printProfileSummaryByQuery()
          This method assumes EclipseLink Profiling (as opposed to Java profiling).
 void resetAllConnections()
          This method is used to reset connections from the session to the database.
 void setCurrentEclipseLinkLogLevel(java.lang.String newLevel)
          PUBLIC: Set the EclipseLink log level to be used at runtime.
 void setLogLevel(int level)
           Set the log level
 void setProfileWeight(int weight)
          This method is used to change DMS sensor weight.
 void setProfilingType(java.lang.String profileType)
          This method is used to select the type of profiling.
 void setSequencePreallocationSize(int size)
          This method provide access for setting the sequence pre-allocation size
protected  void setSession(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession newSession)
          INTERNAL: Define the session that this instance is providing runtime services for
 void setShouldCacheAllStatements(boolean shouldCacheAllStatements)
          Method used to set if statements should be cached.
 void setShouldLogPerformanceProfiler(boolean shouldLogPerformanceProfiler)
          This method is used to turn on Profile logging when using the Performance Profiler
 void setShouldProfilePerformance(boolean shouldProfile)
          This method is used to turn on Performance Profiling
 void setStatementCacheSize(int size)
          Used to set the statement cache size.
 void setUseEclipseLinkProfiling()
          This method is used to turn on EclipseLink Performance Profiling
 void setUseNoProfiling()
          This method is used to turn off all Performance Profiling, DMS or EclipseLink.
 boolean shouldLog(int Level, java.lang.String category)
           Check if a message of the given level would actually be logged.
protected  void updateDeploymentTimeData()
          INTERNAL: Define the deployment time data associated with logging and profiling
 void updatePoolSize(java.lang.String poolName, int maxSize, int minSize)
          This method allows the client to set the pool size for a particular pool, based on the pool name
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Session session
stores access to the session object that we are controlling


public java.lang.String objectName


protected static final java.lang.String EclipseLink_Product_Name
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static java.lang.String PLATFORM_NAME
Short name for the server platform - Must override in subclass

Constructor Detail


public RuntimeServices()
Default Constructor


public RuntimeServices(Session session)

session - the session to be used with these RuntimeServices
Method Detail


protected org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession getSession()


public java.lang.String getSessionName()
Answer the name of the EclipseLink session this MBean represents.


public boolean getShouldLogMessages()
This method is used to determine if logging is turned on


public void setShouldProfilePerformance(boolean shouldProfile)
This method is used to turn on Performance Profiling


public boolean getShouldProfilePerformance()
This method will return if profiling is turned on or not


public void setShouldLogPerformanceProfiler(boolean shouldLogPerformanceProfiler)
This method is used to turn on Profile logging when using the Performance Profiler


public boolean getShouldLogPerformanceProfiler()
Method indicates if Performance profile should be logged


public void setShouldCacheAllStatements(boolean shouldCacheAllStatements)
Method used to set if statements should be cached. Please note that Statements can not be cached when using an external connection pool


public void setStatementCacheSize(int size)
Used to set the statement cache size. This is only valid if using cached Statements


public int getStatementCacheSize()
Returns the statement cache size. Only valid if statements are being cached


public void setSequencePreallocationSize(int size)
This method provide access for setting the sequence pre-allocation size


public int getSequencePreallocationSize()
Method returns the value of the Sequence Preallocation size


public void updatePoolSize(java.lang.String poolName,
                           int maxSize,
                           int minSize)
This method allows the client to set the pool size for a particular pool, based on the pool name

poolName - the name of the pool to be updated.
maxSize - the new maximum number of connections
minSize - the new minimum number of connections


public java.util.List getAvailableConnectionPools()
This method will return the available Connection pools within this Server Session

java.util.List the available pools.


public java.util.List getSizeForPool(java.lang.String poolName)
This method will retrieve the size of a particular connection pool

poolName - the name of the pool to get the size for
java.util.List a list containing two values. The first value is the Maximun size of the pool. The second value is the Minimum size of the pool.


public void addNewConnectionPool(java.lang.String poolName,
                                 int maxSize,
                                 int minSize,
                                 java.lang.String platform,
                                 java.lang.String driverClassName,
                                 java.lang.String url,
                                 java.lang.String userName,
                                 java.lang.String password)
                          throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
This method provides client with access to add a new connection pool to a EclipseLink ServerSession.

poolName - the name of the new pool
maxSize - the maximum number of connections in the pool
minSize - the minimum number of connections in the pool
platform - the fully qualified name of the EclipseLink platform to use with this pool.
driverClassName - the fully qualified name of the JDBC driver class
url - the URL of the database to connect to
userName - the user name to connect to the database with
password - the password to connect to the database with
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException - if any of the class names are misspelled.


public void resetAllConnections()
This method is used to reset connections from the session to the database. Please Note that this will not work with a SessionBroker at this time


public java.util.List getClassesInSession()
This method is used to return those Class Names that have identity Maps in the Session. Please note that SubClasses and aggregates will be missing form this list as they do not have separate identity maps.

java.util.List contains all of the classes which have identity maps in the current session.


public java.util.List getObjectsInIdentityMap(java.lang.String className)
                                       throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
This method will return a collection of the objects in the Identity Map. There is no particular order to these objects.

className - the fully qualified classname of the class to the instances of
thrown - then the IdentityMap for that class name could not be found


public java.lang.Integer getNumberOfObjectsInIdentityMap(java.lang.String className)
                                                  throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
This method is used to return the number of objects in a particular Identity Map

className - the fully qualified name of the class to get number of instances of.
thrown - then the IdentityMap for that class name could not be found


public java.util.List getObjectsInIdentityMapSubCacheAsMap(java.lang.String className)
                                                    throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
This method is used to return a Map of the objects in a particular Identity Map's subcache. Only works for those identity Maps with a sub cache (ie Hard Cache Weak Identity Map) This method replaces getObjectsInIdentityMapSubCache(className) which returns a list instead of a Map

className - the fully qualified name of the class to get number of instances of.
thrown - then the IdentityMap for that class name could not be found


public java.lang.Integer getNumberOfObjectsInIdentityMapSubCache(java.lang.String className)
                                                          throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
This method is used to return the number of objects in a particular Identity Map's subcache. Only works for those identity Maps with a sub cache (ie Hard Cache Weak Identity Map)

className - the fully qualified name of the class to get number of instances of.
thrown - then the IdentityMap for that class name could not be found


public int getLogLevel(java.lang.String category)

Return the log level

category - the string representation of an EclipseLink category, e.g. "sql", "transaction" ...

the log level


public void setLogLevel(int level)

Set the log level

level - the new log level


public boolean shouldLog(int Level,
                         java.lang.String category)

Check if a message of the given level would actually be logged.

level - the log request level
category - the string representation of an EclipseLink category

true if the given message level will be logged


public int getProfileWeight()
Return the DMS sensor weight



public void setProfileWeight(int weight)
This method is used to change DMS sensor weight.


public void initializeIdentityMap(java.lang.String className)
                           throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
This method is used to initialize the identity maps specified by className.

className - the fully qualified classnames identifying the identity map to initialize


public void printIdentityMapLocks()
This method will log the instance level locks in all Identity Maps in the session.


public void printIdentityMapLocks(java.lang.String registeredClassName)
This method will log the instance level locks in the Identity Map for the given class in the session.


public void printProfileSummary()
This method assumes EclipseLink Profiling (as opposed to Java profiling). This will log at the INFO level a summary of all elements in the profile.


public void printProfileSummaryByClass()
This method assumes EclipseLink Profiling (as opposed to Java profiling). This will log at the INFO level a summary of all elements in the profile, categorized by Class.


public void printProfileSummaryByQuery()
This method assumes EclipseLink Profiling (as opposed to Java profiling). This will log at the INFO level a summary of all elements in the profile, categorized by Query.


public java.lang.String getProfilingType()
This method is used to get the type of profiling. Possible values are: "EclipseLink" or "None".


public void setProfilingType(java.lang.String profileType)
This method is used to select the type of profiling. Valid values are: "EclipseLink" or "None". These values are not case sensitive. null is considered to be "None".


public void setUseEclipseLinkProfiling()
This method is used to turn on EclipseLink Performance Profiling


public void setUseNoProfiling()
This method is used to turn off all Performance Profiling, DMS or EclipseLink.


public java.lang.Boolean getUsesEclipseLinkProfiling()
This method answers true if EclipseLink Performance Profiling is on.


public java.lang.String getDeployedEclipseLinkLogLevel()
PUBLIC: Answer the EclipseLink log level at deployment time. This is read-only.


public java.lang.String getCurrentEclipseLinkLogLevel()
PUBLIC: Answer the EclipseLink log level that is changeable. This does not affect the log level in the project (i.e. The next time the application is deployed, changes are forgotten)


public void setCurrentEclipseLinkLogLevel(java.lang.String newLevel)
PUBLIC: Set the EclipseLink log level to be used at runtime. This does not affect the log level in the project (i.e. The next time the application is deployed, changes are forgotten)

String - newLevel: new log level


protected void updateDeploymentTimeData()
INTERNAL: Define the deployment time data associated with logging and profiling


public int getDeployedSessionProfileWeight()


public SessionLog getDeployedSessionLog()


public java.lang.String getObjectName()


public boolean isJPASession()
Return whether this session is an EclipseLink JPA session. The absence of this function or a value of false will signify that the session belongs to a provider other than EclipseLink.



public java.lang.String getSessionType()
Answer the type of the EclipseLink session this MBean represents. Types include: "ServerSession", "DatabaseSession", "SessionBroker"


public java.lang.Object[][] getClassSummaryDetailsUsingFilter(java.lang.String filter)
Provide an instance of 2 Dimensional Array simulating tabular format information about all classes in the session whose class names match the provided filter. The 2 Dimensional array contains each item with values being row object array. Each row object array represents EclipseLink class details info with respect to below attributes: ["Class Name", "Parent Class Name", "Cache Type", "Configured Size", "Current Size"]


public java.lang.Object[][] getClassSummaryDetails()
PUBLIC: Provide an instance of 2 Dimensional Array simulating tabular format information about all classes in the session. The 2 Dimensional array contains each item with values being row object array. Each row object array represents EclipseLink class details info with respect to below attributes: ["Class Name", "Parent Class Name", "Cache Type", "Configured Size", "Current Size"]


public java.util.Vector getMappedClassNamesUsingFilter(java.lang.String filter)
INTERNAL: This method traverses the EclipseLink descriptors and returns a Vector of the descriptor's reference class names that match the provided filter. The filter is a comma separated list of strings to match against.

filter - A comma separated list of strings to match against.
A Vector of class names that match the filter.


protected java.lang.String getCacheTypeFor(java.lang.Class identityMapClass)
INTERNAL: getCacheTypeFor: Give a more UI-friendly version of the cache type


public java.lang.String getModuleName()
getModuleName(): Answer the name of the context-root of the application that this session is associated with. Answer "unknown" if there is no module name available. Default behavior is to return "unknown" - we override this behavior here for WebLogic.


public java.lang.String getApplicationName()
getApplicationName(): Answer the name of the module (EAR name) that this session is associated with. Answer "unknown" if there is no application name available. Default behavior is to return "unknown" - we override this behavior here for all platform implementors of JMXEnabledPlatform


public java.lang.Boolean getShouldBindAllParameters()
Method returns if all Parameters should be bound or not


public java.lang.Integer getStringBindingSize()
Return the size of strings after which will be bound into the statement If we are not using a DatabaseLogin, or we're not using string binding, answer 0 (zero).


public java.lang.Boolean getUsesBatchWriting()
This method will return if batchWriting is in use or not.


public java.lang.Long getTimeConnectionEstablished()
This method will return a long indicating the exact time in Milliseconds that the session connected to the database.


public java.lang.Boolean getUsesJDBCBatchWriting()
This method will return if batchWriting is in use or not.


public java.lang.Boolean getUsesByteArrayBinding()
Shows if Byte Array Binding is turned on or not


public java.lang.Boolean getUsesNativeSQL()
Shows if native SQL is being used


public java.lang.Boolean getUsesStreamsForBinding()
This method indicates if streams are being used for binding


public java.lang.Boolean getUsesStringBinding()
This method indicates if Strings are being bound


public boolean getShouldCacheAllStatements()
Returns if statements should be cached or not


public void clearStatementCache()
Used to clear the statement cache. Only valid if statements are being cached


public void printAvailableConnectionPools()
This method will print the available Connection pools to the SessionLog.


public java.lang.Integer getMaxSizeForPool(java.lang.String poolName)
This method will retrieve the max size of a particular connection pool

poolName - the name of the pool to get the max size for
Integer for the max size of the pool. Return -1 if pool doesn't exist.


public java.lang.Integer getMinSizeForPool(java.lang.String poolName)
This method will retrieve the min size of a particular connection pool

poolName - the name of the pool to get the min size for
Integer for the min size of the pool. Return -1 if pool doesn't exist.


public void printClassesInSession()
This method is used to output those Class Names that have identity Maps in the Session. Please note that SubClasses and aggregates will be missing from this list as they do not have separate identity maps.


public void printObjectsInIdentityMap(java.lang.String className)
                               throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
This method will log the objects in the Identity Map. There is no particular order to these objects.

className - the fully qualified classname identifying the identity map
thrown - then the IdentityMap for that class name could not be found


public void printAllIdentityMapTypes()
This method will log the types of Identity Maps in the session.


public void printObjectsInIdentityMaps()
This method will log all objects in all Identity Maps in the session.


public java.lang.Integer getNumberOfObjectsInAllIdentityMaps()
This method will SUM and return the number of objects in all Identity Maps in the session.


public java.lang.Integer getNumberOfPersistentClasses()
This method will answer the number of persistent classes contained in the session. This does not include aggregates.


public java.lang.String getLogType()
Return the log type, either "EclipseLink", "Java" or the simple name of the logging class used.

the log type


public java.lang.String getDatabasePlatform()
Return the database platform used by the DatabaseSession.

String databasePlatform


public java.lang.String getJdbcConnectionDetails()
Return JDBCConnection detail information. This includes URL and datasource information.


public java.lang.String getConnectionPoolType()
Return connection pool type. Values include: "Internal", "External" and "N/A".


public java.lang.String getDriver()
Return db driver class name. This only applies to DefaultConnector. Return "N/A" otherwise.


public java.lang.String getLogFilename()
Return the log filename. This returns the fully qualified path of the log file when EclipseLink DefaultSessionLog instance is used. Null is returned otherwise.

String logFilename


public void initializeAllIdentityMaps()
This method is used to initialize the identity maps in the session.


public void initializeIdentityMaps(java.lang.String[] classNames)
                            throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
This method is used to initialize the identity maps specified by the Vector of classNames.

classNames - String[] of fully qualified classnames identifying the identity maps to initialize


public void invalidateAllIdentityMaps()
This method is used to invalidate the identity maps in the session.


public void invalidateIdentityMaps(java.lang.String[] classNamesParam,
                                   java.lang.Boolean recurse)
                            throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
This method is used to invalidate the identity maps specified by the String[] of classNames.

classNames - String[] of fully qualified classnames identifying the identity maps to invalidate
recurse - Boolean indicating if we want to invalidate the children identity maps too


public void invalidateIdentityMap(java.lang.String className)
                           throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
This method is used to invalidate the identity maps specified by className. This does not invalidate the children identity maps

className - the fully qualified classname identifying the identity map to invalidate


public void invalidateIdentityMap(java.lang.String className,
                                  java.lang.Boolean recurse)
                           throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
This method is used to invalidate the identity maps specified by className.

className - the fully qualified classname identifying the identity map to invalidate
recurse - Boolean indicating if we want to invalidate the children identity maps too


protected void setSession(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession newSession)
INTERNAL: Define the session that this instance is providing runtime services for

Session - session The session to be used with these RuntimeServices


public java.util.List<ClassSummaryDetailBase> getClassSummaryDetailsUsingFilterArray(java.lang.String filter)
Provide a list of instance of ClassSummaryDetail containing information about the classes in the session whose class names match the provided filter. ClassSummaryDetail is a model specific class that can be used internally by the Portable JMX Framework to convert class attribute to JMX required open type, it has:- 1. model specific type that needs to be converted : ["Class Name", "Parent Class Name", "Cache Type", "Configured Size", "Current Size"] 2. convert methods.

filter - A comma separated list of strings to match against.
A ArrayList of instance of ClassSummaryDetail containing class information for the class names that match the filter.


public java.util.List<ClassSummaryDetailBase> getClassSummaryDetailsArray()
Provide a list of instance of ClassSummaryDetail containing information about all classes in the session. ClassSummaryDetail is a model specific class that can be used internally by the Portable JMX Framework to convert class attribute to JMX required open type, it has:- 1. model specific type that needs to be converted : ["Class Name", "Parent Class Name", "Cache Type", "Configured Size", "Current Size"] 2. convert methods.

A List of instance of ClassSummaryDetail objects containing class information for the class names that match the filter.

EclipseLink 2.4.2, build 'v20130514-5956486' API Reference