Class TreatExpressionStateObject

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TreatExpressionStateObject
    extends AbstractStateObject
    Returns an expression that allows to treat its base as if it were a subclass of the class returned by the base.

    Note: EclipseLinkStateObjectVisitor needs to be used to traverse this state object.

    BNF: join_treat ::= TREAT(collection_valued_path_expression [AS] entity_type_literal)

    See Also:
    Pascal Filion
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String AS_PROPERTY
        Notifies the visibility of the AS identifier has changed.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ENTITY_TYPE_NAME_PROPERTY
        Notifies the entity type name property has changed.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • TreatExpressionStateObject

        public TreatExpressionStateObject​(JoinStateObject parent)
        Creates a new TreatExpressionStateObject.
        parent - The parent of this state object, which is temporary since this state object will be parented with the state object representing the join's association path expression
      • TreatExpressionStateObject

        public TreatExpressionStateObject​(JoinStateObject parent,
                                          boolean as,
                                          java.lang.String entityTypeName)
        Creates a new TreatExpressionStateObject.
        parent - The parent of this state object, which is temporary since this state object will be parented with the state object representing the join's association path expression
        as - Determines whether the AS identifier is used or not
        entityTypeName - The entity type name used to cast the base expression
      • TreatExpressionStateObject

        public TreatExpressionStateObject​(JoinStateObject parent,
                                          java.lang.String entityTypeName)
        Creates a new TreatExpressionStateObject.
        parent - The parent of this state object, which is temporary since this state object will be parented with the state object representing the join's association path expression
        entityTypeName - The entity type name used to cast the base expression
    • Method Detail

      • appendToEntityTypeName

        public void appendToEntityTypeName​(java.lang.String text)
        Appends the given text to the existing entity type name property.
        text - The text to append to the entity type name property or nothing is done if the given value is null
      • getEntity

        public IEntity getEntity()
        Resolves the entity type name to the external form of the actual IEntity.
        Either the IEntity with the same entity type name or null if the managed type provider does not have an entity with that name
      • getEntityTypeName

        public java.lang.String getEntityTypeName()
        Returns the name of the entity that is used to downcast the join association path.
        The name of the entity used for down casting
      • getJoinAssociationIdentificationVariable

        public StateObject getJoinAssociationIdentificationVariable()
        Returns the StateObject representing the identification variable that starts the path expression, which can be a sample identification variable, a map value, map key or map entry expression.
        The root of the path expression
      • hasAs

        public boolean hasAs()
        Determines whether the AS identifier is used.
        true if the AS identifier is used; false otherwise
      • hasEntityTypeName

        public boolean hasEntityTypeName()
        Determines whether the.
        true if the entity type name has been defined; false otherwise
      • removeAs

        public void removeAs()
        Makes sure the AS identifier is not specified.
      • setAs

        public void setAs​(boolean as)
        Sets whether the AS identifier should be used.
        as - true if the AS identifier should be used part; false otherwise
      • setEntityTypeName

        public void setEntityTypeName​(java.lang.Class<?> entityType)
        Sets the name of the entity that is used to downcast the join association path.
        entityType - The Java class representing the entity type
      • setEntityTypeName

        public void setEntityTypeName​(IEntity entityType)
        Sets the name of the entity that is used to downcast the join association path.
        entityType - The external form of the entity type
      • setEntityTypeName

        public void setEntityTypeName​(java.lang.String entityTypeName)
        Sets the name of the entity that is used to downcast the join association path.
        entityTypeName - The new name of the entity used for down casting
      • setExpression

        public void setExpression​(TreatExpression expression)
        Keeps a reference of the parsed object object, which should only be done when this object is instantiated during the conversion of a parsed JPQL query into StateObjects.
        expression - The parsed object representing the TREAD expression
      • toggleAs

        public void toggleAs()
        Toggles the visibility of the AS identifier; either adds it if it's not present otherwise removes it if it's present.
      • toTextInternal

        protected void toTextInternal​(java.lang.Appendable writer)
        Prints out a string representation of this StateObject, which should not be used to define a true string representation of a JPQL query but should be used for debugging purposes.
        Specified by:
        toTextInternal in class AbstractStateObject
        writer - The writer used to print out the string representation
        Throws: - This should never happens, it is only required because Appendable is used instead of any concrete class