Interface CopyHelper

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CopyHelper
A helper for copying DataObjects.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final CopyHelper
    The default CopyHelper.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    copy(DataObject dataObject)
    Create a deep copy of the DataObject tree: Copies the dataObject and all its contained DataObjects recursively.
    copyShallow(DataObject dataObject)
    Create a shallow copy of the DataObject dataObject: Creates a new DataObject copiedDataObject with the same values as the source dataObject for each property where property.getType().isDataType() is true.
  • Field Details


      static final CopyHelper INSTANCE
      The default CopyHelper.
  • Method Details

    • copyShallow

      DataObject copyShallow(DataObject dataObject)
      Create a shallow copy of the DataObject dataObject: Creates a new DataObject copiedDataObject with the same values as the source dataObject for each property where property.getType().isDataType() is true. The value of such a Property property in copiedDataObject is: dataObject.get(property) for single-valued Properties (copiedDataObject.get(property) equals() dataObject.get(property)), or a List where each member is equal to the member at the same index in dataObject for multi-valued Properties copiedDataObject.getList(property).get(i) equals() dataObject.getList(property).get(i) The copied Object is unset for each Property where property.getType().isDataType() is false since they are not copied. Read-only properties are copied. A copied object shares metadata with the source object sourceDO.getType() == copiedDO.getType() If a ChangeSummary is part of the source DataObject the copy has a new, empty ChangeSummary. Logging state is the same as the source ChangeSummary.
      dataObject - to be copied
      copy of dataObject
    • copy

      DataObject copy(DataObject dataObject)
      Create a deep copy of the DataObject tree: Copies the dataObject and all its contained DataObjects recursively. Values of Properties are copied as in shallow copy, and values of Properties where property.getType().isDataType() is false are copied where each value copied must be a DataObject contained by the source dataObject. If a DataObject is outside the DataObject tree and the property is bidirectional, then the DataObject is skipped. If a DataObject is outside the DataObject tree and the property is unidirectional, then the same DataObject is referenced. Read-only properties are copied. If any DataObject referenced is not in the containment tree an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. If a ChangeSummary is part of the copy tree the new ChangeSummary refers to objects in the new DataObject tree. Logging state is the same as the source ChangeSummary.
      dataObject - to be copied.
      copy of dataObject
      IllegalArgumentException - if any referenced DataObject is not part of the containment tree.