Package org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb
package org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb
ClassDescriptionRepresents an AttributeNode of an entity graph.Helper class.INTERNAL: Asynchronously starts validation.xml file processing when created.Wrapper over
class.Class called to transform Java names to XML names.IDResolver can be subclassed to allow customization of the ID/IDREF processing of JAXBUnmarshaller.INTERNALPurpose:Provide a EclipseLink implementation of the JAXBContext interface.The JAXBContextInput is used to create a JAXBContextState which is responsible for accessing the underlying XMLContextPurpose:An EclipseLink specific JAXBContextFactory.These are properties that may be passed in to create a JAXBContext:INTERNAL:Implementation of org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler.This class provides a mechanism to obtain the EclipseLink implementation of various JAXB runtime classes based on a given JAXB class/interface.INTERNALINTERNAL:INTERNAL:Subclass of JAXBElement to allow the use of ParameterizedTypes.Purpose: JAXBTypesafeEnumConverter is used to allow mapping to type safe enums according to the JAXB 1.0 spec.INTERNAL:Implementation of UnmarshallerHandler to be used by JAXBUnmarshaller.INTERNAL:Facilitates JAXBValidation.These are properties that may be set on an instance of Marshaller.This type represents the root of an object graph that will be used as a template to define the attribute nodes and boundaries of a graph of JAXB objects and relationships.This type represents a AttributeNode of an EntityGraph that corresponds to a Managed Type.Purpose: Provides a wrapper for a java type to be used when creating a JAXB context.These are properties that may be set on an instance of Unmarshaller.Detects external Bean Validation configuration.