Class JAXBContext

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class JAXBContext extends jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext

Purpose:Provide a EclipseLink implementation of the JAXBContext interface.


  • Create Marshaller instances
  • Create Unmarshaller instances
  • Create Binder instances
  • Create Introspector instances
  • Create Validator instances
  • Generate Schema Files

This is the EclipseLink JAXB 2.0 implementation of jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext. This class is created by the JAXBContextFactory and is used to create Marshallers, Unmarshallers, Validators, Binders and Introspectors. A JAXBContext can also be used to create Schema Files.

Bootstrapping: When bootstrapping the JAXBContext from a EclipseLink externalized metadata file(s) a number of input options are available. The externalized metadata file (one per package) is passed in through a property when creating the JAXBContext. The key used in the properties map is "eclipselink-oxm-xml". The externalized metadata file can be set in the properties map in one of three ways:

i) For a single externalized metadata file, one of the following can be set in the properties map:

  • javax.xml.transform.Source
  • org.w3c.dom.Node
  • org.xml.sax.InputSource
When using one of the above options, the package name must be set via package-name attribute on the xml-bindings element in the externalized metadata file.

ii) For multiple externalized metadata files where the package name is specified within each externalized metadata file, a List can be used. The entries in the List are to be one of the types listed in i) above.

iii) For multiple externalized metadata files where the package name is not specified in each externalized metadata file, a Map can be used. The key must be a String (package name) and each value in the Map (externalized metadata file) is to be one of the types listed in i) above.

Note that in each of the above cases the package name can be set via package-name attribute on the xml-bindings element in the externalized metadata file. If set, any java-type names in the given metadata file that do not contain the package name will have that package name prepended to it. Also note that a List or Map can be used for a single externalized metadata file.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      protected static final jakarta.xml.bind.ValidationEventHandler DEFAULT_VALIDATION_EVENT_HANDLER
      For JAXB 2 there is no explicitly defined default validation handler and the default event handling only terminates the operation after encountering a fatal error.
    • contextInput

      protected JAXBContext.JAXBContextInput contextInput
    • contextState

      protected volatile JAXBContext.JAXBContextState contextState
  • Constructor Details

    • JAXBContext

      protected JAXBContext()
    • JAXBContext

      protected JAXBContext(JAXBContext.JAXBContextInput contextInput) throws jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException
    • JAXBContext

      public JAXBContext(XMLContext context)
      Create a JAXBContext for a given XMLContext. The XMLContext contains the metadata about the Object to XML mappings.
    • JAXBContext

      public JAXBContext(XMLContext context, Generator generator, Type[] boundTypes)
      Create a JAXBContext. The XMLContext contains the metadata about the Object to XML mappings.
    • JAXBContext

      public JAXBContext(XMLContext context, Generator generator, TypeMappingInfo[] boundTypes)
      Create a JAXBContext. The XMLContext contains the metadata about the Object to XML mappings.
  • Method Details

    • getBeanValidationHelper

      public BeanValidationHelper getBeanValidationHelper()
      Returns BeanValidationHelper. Can return null if bean validation jar is not on class path.
    • getXMLInputFactory

      public XMLInputFactory getXMLInputFactory()
    • refreshMetadata

      public void refreshMetadata() throws jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException

      Refresh the underlying metadata based on the inputs that were used to create the JAXBContext. This is particularly useful when using the virtual property mappings. The refreshMetadata call could be made in the following way:

      • As instances of Binder maintain a cache, calling refreshMetadata will not affect instances of Binder. To get the new metadata you must create a new instance of Binder after the refresh metadata call has been made.
    • getXMLContext

      public XMLContext getXMLContext()
      Return the XMLContext associated with this JAXBContext.
    • setXMLContext

      public void setXMLContext(XMLContext xmlContext)
    • generateSchema

      public void generateSchema(jakarta.xml.bind.SchemaOutputResolver outputResolver)
      Generate a Schema for this JAXBContext
      generateSchema in class jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext
      outputResolver - Class that decides where the schema file (of the given namespace URI) will be written
    • generateJsonSchema

      public void generateJsonSchema(jakarta.xml.bind.SchemaOutputResolver outputResolver, Class rootClass)
    • generateSchema

      public void generateSchema(jakarta.xml.bind.SchemaOutputResolver outputResolver, Map<QName,Type> additonalGlobalElements)
      Generate a Schema for this JAXBContext
      outputResolver - Class that decides where the schema file (of the given namespace URI) will be written
      additonalGlobalElements - Map of additional global elements to be added to the generated XSD. Note that if any QName in this map conflicts with another global element (for example from a TypeMappingInfo object) then the element generated from this map will be the one that is present in the XSD.
    • createMarshaller

      public JAXBMarshaller createMarshaller() throws jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException
      Create a JAXBMarshaller. The JAXBMarshaller is used to convert Java objects to XML.
      Specified by:
      createMarshaller in class jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext
    • createUnmarshaller

      public JAXBUnmarshaller createUnmarshaller() throws jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException
      Create a JAXBUnmarshaller. The JAXBUnmarshaller is used to convert XML into Java objects.
      Specified by:
      createUnmarshaller in class jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext
    • createValidator

      public JAXBValidator createValidator()
      Create a JAXBValidator. The JAXBValidator is used to validate Java objects against an XSD.
      Specified by:
      createValidator in class jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext
    • createBinder

      public JAXBBinder createBinder()
      Create a JAXBBinder. The JAXBBinder is used to preserve unmapped XML Data.
      createBinder in class jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext
    • createBinder

      public <T> JAXBBinder createBinder(Class<T> nodeClass)
      Create a JAXBBinder. The JAXBBinder is used to preserve unmapped XML Data.
      createBinder in class jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext
      nodeClass - The DOM Node class to use
    • createJAXBIntrospector

      public JAXBIntrospector createJAXBIntrospector()
      Creates a JAXBIntrospector object. The JAXBIntrospector allows the user to access certain pieces of metadata about an instance of a JAXB bound class.
      createJAXBIntrospector in class jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext
    • setQNameToGeneratedClasses

      public void setQNameToGeneratedClasses(HashMap<QName,Class> qNameToClass)
      INTERNAL: Set the map containing which QName corresponds to which generated class.
    • getClassToGeneratedClasses

      public Map<String,Class> getClassToGeneratedClasses()
      INTERNAL: Get the map containing which Class (by name) corresponds to which generated class.
    • setClassToGeneratedClasses

      public void setClassToGeneratedClasses(HashMap<String,Class> classToClass)
      INTERNAL: Set the map containing which Class (by name) corresponds to which generated class.
    • applyORMMetadata

      public void applyORMMetadata(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession ormSession)
      ADVANCED: Adjust the OXM metadata to take into account ORM mapping metadata
    • getQNamesToDeclaredClasses

      public Map<QName,Class> getQNamesToDeclaredClasses()
      INTERNAL: Get the map of which QName corresponds to which declared class.
    • setQNamesToDeclaredClasses

      public void setQNamesToDeclaredClasses(HashMap<QName,Class> nameToDeclaredClasses)
      INTERNAL: Set the map of which QName corresponds to which declared class.
    • getArrayClassesToGeneratedClasses

      public Map<String,Class> getArrayClassesToGeneratedClasses()
      INTERNAL: Get the map for which array class (by name) corresponds to which generated class
    • getCollectionClassesToGeneratedClasses

      public Map<Type,Class> getCollectionClassesToGeneratedClasses()
      INTERNAL: Get the map for which collection class (by Type) corresponds to which generated class
    • initTypeToSchemaType

      public void initTypeToSchemaType()
      INTERNAL: Populate the map of which Type corresponds to which QName. The keys should be all the boundTypes used to create the JAXBContext. If the JAXBContext was not created with the constructor that takes a Type[] then this Map will be empty.
    • getTypeMappingInfoToSchemaType

      public Map<TypeMappingInfo,QName> getTypeMappingInfoToSchemaType()
      INTERNAL: Get the map of which TypeMappingInfo corresponds to which QName. The keys should be all the boundTypes used to create the JAXBContext. If the JAXBContext was not created with the constructor that takes a TypeMappingInfo[] this Map will be empty.
    • getTypeToSchemaType

      public Map<Type,QName> getTypeToSchemaType()
      INTERNAL: Get the map of which Type corresponds to which QName. The keys should be all the boundTypes used to create the JAXBContext. If the JAXBContext was not created with the constructor that takes a Type[] then this Map will be empty.
    • getValueByXPath

      public <T> T getValueByXPath(Object object, String xPath, NamespaceResolver namespaceResolver, Class<T> returnType)
      Get a value from an object based on an XPath statement.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The return type of this method corresponds to the returnType parameter.
      object - The XPath will be executed relative to this object.
      xPath - The XPath statement.
      namespaceResolver - A NamespaceResolver containing the prefix/URI pairings from the XPath statement.
      returnType - The return type.
      The object corresponding to the XPath or null if no result was found.
    • setValueByXPath

      public void setValueByXPath(Object object, String xPath, NamespaceResolver namespaceResolver, Object value)
      Set a value on an object based on an XPath statement.
      object - The XPath will be executed relative to this object.
      xPath - The XPath statement.
      namespaceResolver - A NamespaceResolver containing the prefix/URI pairings from the XPath statement.
      value - The value to be set.
    • createByQualifiedName

      public Object createByQualifiedName(String namespace, String typeName, boolean isGlobalType)
      Create a new object instance for a given XML namespace and name.
      namespace - The namespace of the complex type to create a new Java instance of.
      typeName - The XML type name to create a new Java instance of.
      isGlobalType - True if the object to be created represents a global type, false if it represents a global element.
      An instance of the Java class mapped to the indicated XML type, or null if no result was found.
    • createByXPath

      public <T> T createByXPath(Object parentObject, String xPath, NamespaceResolver namespaceResolver, Class<T> returnType)
      Create a new object instance for a given XPath, relative to the parentObject.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The return type of this method corresponds to the returnType parameter.
      parentObject - The XPath will be executed relative to this object.
      xPath - The XPath statement.
      namespaceResolver - A NamespaceResolver containing the prefix/URI pairings from the XPath statement.
      returnType - The return type.
      An instance of the Java class mapped to the supplied XML type, or null if no result was found.
    • createObjectGraph

      public ObjectGraph createObjectGraph(Class type)
    • createObjectGraph

      public ObjectGraph createObjectGraph(String typeName)
    • createJAXBElementFromXMLRoot

      protected jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBElement createJAXBElementFromXMLRoot(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.Root xmlRoot, Class declaredType)
    • createJAXBElement

      protected jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBElement createJAXBElement(QName qname, Class theClass, Object value)
    • hasSwaRef

      public boolean hasSwaRef()
      Returns true if any Object in this context contains a property annotated with an XmlAttachmentRef annotation.