Class Generator


public class Generator extends Object

Purpose:The purpose of this class is to act as an entry point into the TopLink JAXB 2.0 Generation framework


  • Run initial processing on a list of classes to create TypeInfo meta data
  • Provide API to generate Schema Files
  • Provide API to generate a TopLink Project
  • Act as an integration point with WebServices

This class acts as an entry point into JAXB 2.0 Generation. A Generator is created with a specific set of JAXB 2.0 Annotated classes and then performs actions on those, such as generating schema files, or generating TopLink Projects. Additional information is returned from the schema generation methods as a means of integration with WebServices.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Generator

      public Generator(JavaModelInput jModelInput)
      This constructor creates a Helper using the JavaModelInput instance's JavaModel. Annotations are processed here as well.
      jModelInput -
    • Generator

      public Generator(JavaModelInput jModelInput, Map<String,XmlBindings> xmlBindings, ClassLoader cLoader, String defaultTargetNamespace, boolean enableXmlAccessorFactory)
      This constructor will process and apply the given XmlBindings as appropriate. Classes declared in the bindings will be amalgamated with any classes in the JavaModelInput. If xmlBindings is null or empty, AnnotationsProcessor will be used to process annotations as per usual.
      jModelInput -
      xmlBindings - map of XmlBindings keyed on package name
      cLoader -
    • Generator

      public Generator(JavaModelInput jModelInput, TypeMappingInfo[] typeMappingInfos, JavaClass[] javaClasses, Map<Type,TypeMappingInfo> typeToTypeMappingInfo, String defaultTargetNamespace)
      This constructor creates a Helper using the JavaModelInput instance's JavaModel and a map of javaclasses that were generated from Type objects. Annotations are processed here as well.
      jModelInput -
    • Generator

      public Generator(JavaModelInput jModelInput, TypeMappingInfo[] typeMappingInfos, JavaClass[] javaClasses, Map<Type,TypeMappingInfo> typeToTypeMappingInfo, Map<String,XmlBindings> xmlBindings, ClassLoader cLoader, String defaultTargetNamespace, boolean enableXmlAccessorFactory)
      This constructor will process and apply the given XmlBindings as appropriate. Classes declared in the bindings will be amalgamated with any classes in the JavaModelInput. If xmlBindings is null or empty, AnnotationsProcessor will be used to process annotations as per usual.
      jModelInput -
      defaultTargetNamespace -
      enableXmlAccessorFactory -
      javaClasses -
      typeMappingInfos -
      typeToTypeMappingInfo -
      xmlBindings - map of XmlBindings keyed on package name
      cLoader -
  • Method Details

    • postInitialize

      public void postInitialize()
      This event is called when mappings generation is completed, and provides a chance to deference anything that is no longer needed (to reduce the memory footprint of this object).
    • hasMarshalCallbacks

      public boolean hasMarshalCallbacks()
    • hasUnmarshalCallbacks

      public boolean hasUnmarshalCallbacks()
    • generateProject

      public CoreProject generateProject() throws Exception
    • generateSchema

      public Collection<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.Schema> generateSchema()
    • generateSchemaFiles

      public Map<String,SchemaTypeInfo> generateSchemaFiles(String schemaPath, Map<QName,Type> additionalGlobalElements) throws FileNotFoundException
    • generateSchemaFiles

      public Map<String,SchemaTypeInfo> generateSchemaFiles(jakarta.xml.bind.SchemaOutputResolver outputResolver, Map<QName,Type> additionalGlobalElements)
    • getUnmarshalCallbacks

      public Map getUnmarshalCallbacks()
    • getMarshalCallbacks

      public Map getMarshalCallbacks()
    • getMappingsGenerator

      public MappingsGenerator getMappingsGenerator()
    • getAnnotationsProcessor

      public AnnotationsProcessor getAnnotationsProcessor()
    • setTypeToTypeMappingInfo

      public void setTypeToTypeMappingInfo(Map<Type,TypeMappingInfo> typesToTypeMapping)
    • getTypeToTypeMappingInfo

      public Map<Type,TypeMappingInfo> getTypeToTypeMappingInfo()