Package org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.record
package org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.record
ClassDescriptionUse this type of MarshalRecord when the marshal target is a ContentHandler.PUBLIC: Provides a Record/Map API on an XML DOM element.Use this type of MarshalRecord when the marshal target is an OutputStream and the XML should be formatted with carriage returns and indenting.Use this type of MarshalRecord when the marshal target is a Writer and the XML should be formatted with carriage returns and indenting.Instances of this class are used to maintain state about the current level of the JSON message being marshalled.Use this type of MarshalRecord when the marshal target is a Writer and the JSON should be formatted with carriage returns and indenting.JsonRecord<T extends JsonRecord.Level>Instances of this class are used to maintain state about the current level of the JSON message being marshalled.Use this type of MarshalRecord when the marshal target is a Writer and the JSON should not be formatted with carriage returns or indenting.Instances of this class are used to maintain state about the current level of the JSON message being marshalled.MarshalRecord<MARSHALLER extends org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.Marshaller>A MarshalRecord encapsulates the marshal target.Use this type of MarshalRecord when the marshal target is a Node.Use this type of MarshalRecord when the marshal target is an OutputStream and the XML should not be formatted with carriage returns or indenting.Use this type of MarshalRecord when the marshal target is a Writer and the XML should not be formatted with carriage returns or indenting.INTERNAL:PUBLIC: Provides a Record/Map API on an XML DOM element.Record for handling simple root elements that have a single text child node, and are being unmarshalled to a primitive wrapper object.Use this type of MarshalRecord when the marshal target is an XMLStreamWriter