Class SymfowarePlatform

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.core.databaseaccess.CorePlatform<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.ConversionManager>, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.Platform

public class SymfowarePlatform extends DatabasePlatform
Symfoware Server
Test results:
Contributed by: Fujitsu Ltd.
Contributed under bug: 288715

Developed on Symfoware Server V10
Initial SRG Passes on Symfoware Server V10

Feature Testing

  • DDL Generation - Succeeds
  • Outer Join - Succeeds
  • Subquery - Succeeds with Limitations
  • Stored Procedure Calls - Succeeds
  • Stored Procedure Generation - Succeeds
  • Native Sequences/Identifier fields - Succeeds
  • JPA Bulk Update/Delete - Succeeds with Limitations
  • Batch Reading - Succeeds
  • Batch Writing - Succeeds
  • Pessimistic Locking - Succeeds with Limitations
  • First Result/Limit - Succeeds with Limitations
  • Expression Framework - Succeeds with Limitations
  • Delimiters - Succeeds
  • Auto Detection - Succeeds


  • Reserved SQL keywords cannot be used as table, column or sequence names. Use a different name, or enclose the name in double quotes. For example: @Column(name="\"LANGUAGE\"")
  • Spaces cannot be used in table, column or sequence names. (bug 304906)
  • Input parameters cannot be used as first two arguments to the LOCATE function at the same time. (bug 304897)
  • The first argument to the SUBSTRING function cannot be an input parameter. (bug 304897)
  • Input parameters cannot be used as adjacent arguments to the CONCAT function. Concatenate the values in Java code first and pass the result to the query instead. (bug 304897)
  • Input parameters cannot be used at both sides of an operand at the same time in an SQL statement (e.g. '? * ?'). Perform the operation in Java code first and pass the result to the query instead.
  • Identity fields cannot be used. When primary key generation type IDENTITY is specified, a database sequence will be used instead.
  • Pessimistic Locking adds 'FOR UPDATE' to the SELECT statement, and cannot be used with queries that use DISTINCT. (bug 304903)
  • Pessimistic Locking cannot be used with queries that select from multiple tables. (bug 304903)
  • The LockNoWait option of Pessimistic Locking cannot be used; it is ignored when specified (i.e. only 'FOR UPDATE' is added to the SELECT statement).
  • Query timeout cannot be used; the timeout value is silently ignored. (bug 304905)
  • Bulk update and delete operations that require multiple tables to be accessed cannot be used (e.g. bulk operation on an entity that is part of an inheritance hierarchy, UpdateAll and DeleteAll queries). (See bug 298193).
  • Dropping of tables, sequences and procedures while the database connection is still open can fail due to unreleased locks. Shut down the Java process that executed the create operation before performing the drop operation, or have the create operation use an unpooled connection that is closed after use (GlassFish's deploy-time table generation function uses an unpooled connection).
  • The standard deviation (STDDEV) and variance (VARIANCE) functions cannot be used. (bug 304909)
  • '= NULL' and '<> NULL' cannot be used for null comparisons in the WHERE clause. Use 'IS (NOT) NULL' instead.
  • A scrollable cursor policy of CONCUR_UPDATABLE mode cannot be used with queries that select from multiple tables.
  • Columns and literals of different type may need casting to allow them to be compared or assigned. (bug 372178) For example: 'SELECT ... WHERE CAST(PHONE_ORDER_VARCHAR AS INTEGER) BETWEEN 0 AND 1'
  • Subqueries with joins to the outer query are not supported. (see rfe 298193)
  • Stored functions are not supported. (bug 342409)
  • Using subquery in select list for query specification or single-row SELECT statement is not allowed. (bug 372172)
  • The CascadeOnDelete doesn't work on a relation where CascadeType.Remove or CascadeType.All is specified. (bug 342413)
  • A subquery cannot be specified on both sides of a comparison predicate or a quantified predicate. (bug 378313)
  • A base table name to be updated cannot be identical to table name in from clause in query or subquery specification (bug 381302)

Additional Notes

  • When using DDL generation, indices are automatically generated for primary and unique keys.
  • The MOD(x, y) function is executed as 'CASE WHEN y = 0 THEN x ELSE (x - y * TRUNC( x / y )) END' on Symfoware database, which gives the same result as the MOD function on Oracle database. Input parameters cannot be used for both its arguments at the same time. In such case, calculate the modulus in Java code first and pass the result to the query instead.
  • When input parameters are used as arguments to the TRIM function, they are substituted with their values before the SQL statement is sent to the JDBC driver.
  • When an input parameter is used as argument to the UPPER, LOWER or LENGTH functions, it is substituted with its value before the SQL statement is sent to the JDBC driver.

See Also:
Dies Koper, Wu Jie
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.DatabasePlatform


    Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform

    batchWritingMechanism, castSizeForVarcharParameter, classTypes, cursorCode, DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_WRITING_SIZE, DEFAULT_PARAMETERIZED_MAX_BATCH_WRITING_SIZE, driverName, driverSupportsNationalCharacterVarying, fieldTypes, IS_VALID_TIMEOUT, isCastRequired, maxBatchWritingSize, partitioningCallback, pingSQL, printInnerJoinInWhereClause, printOuterJoinInWhereClause, shouldBindAllParameters, shouldBindLiterals, shouldBindPartialParameters, shouldCacheAllStatements, shouldCreateIndicesOnForeignKeys, shouldForceBindAllParameters, shouldForceFieldNamesToUpperCase, shouldIgnoreCaseOnFieldComparisons, shouldOptimizeDataConversion, shouldTrimStrings, statementCacheSize, storedProcedureTerminationToken, stringBindingSize, structConverters, supportsAutoCommit, tableCreationSuffix, transactionIsolation, typeConverters, useJDBCStoredProcedureSyntax, useNationalCharacterVarying, useRownumFiltering, usesBatchWriting, usesByteArrayBinding, usesJDBCBatchWriting, usesNativeBatchWriting, usesNativeSQL, usesStreamsForBinding, usesStringBinding

    Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatasourcePlatform

    conversionManager, dataTypesConvertedFromAClass, dataTypesConvertedToAClass, defaultNativeSequenceToTable, defaultSeqenceAtNextValue, defaultSequence, endDelimiter, platformOperators, sequences, sequencesLock, startDelimiter, supportsReturnGeneratedKeys, tableQualifier, timestampQuery
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected static ExpressionOperator
    Adds to a date the specified addition number as the specified interval unit and returns the resulting date.
    Builds Symfoware equivalent to addDate(unit, number).
    Symfoware: ADD_DATE(date, number, unit)
    protected void
    Symfoware does not support the use of parameters in certain functions.
    This adds the operator and disables binding support at the same time.
    protected void
    appendCalendar(Calendar calendar, Writer writer)
    Write a Calendar in Symfoware specific format.
    Note that Symfoware does not support nanoseconds.
    Symfoware: CNV_TIMESTAMP(calendar, 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mm:ss')
    protected void
    appendDate(Date date, Writer writer)
    Appends a Date in Symfoware specific format.
    Symfoware: DATE'YYYY-MM-DD'
    protected void
    appendTime(Time time, Writer writer)
    Appends a Time in Symfoware specific format.
    Symfoware: TIME'hh:mm:ss'
    protected void
    appendTimestamp(Timestamp timestamp, Writer writer)
    Appends a TimeStamp in Symfoware specific format.
    Note that Symfoware does not support the milli- and nanoseconds.
    Symfoware: TIMESTAMP'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'
    protected Map<String,Class>
    Return the mapping of database types to class types for the schema framework.
    buildCreateIndex(String fullTableName, String indexName, String qualifier, boolean isUnique, String... columnNames)
    Return the CREATE INDEX string for this platform.
    buildDropIndex(String fullTableName, String indexName, String qualifier)
    Return the DROP INDEX string for this platform.
    protected Hashtable<Class<?>,org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.FieldTypeDefinition>
    Return the mapping of Java class types to database types for the schema framework.
    Produce a DataReadQuery which updates(!) the sequence number in the DB and returns it.
    protected static ExpressionOperator
    Obtains the number of characters in the data string value expression.
    Builds Symfoware equivalent to length(string_exp).
    Symfoware: CHAR_LENGTH(string_exp)
    computeMaxRowsForSQL(int firstResultIndex, int maxResults)
    Use the JDBC maxResults and firstResultIndex setting to compute a value to use when limiting the results of a query in SQL.
    Returns the beginning of the SQL string to create a temporary table.
    protected String
    Returns the ending of the SQL string to create a temporary table.
    Symfoware V10 requires table space name and number of concurrent users.
    Maybe this will be implemented in the future, for now it invokes the super class's method.
    Returns the table name used by TableSequence by default.
    getIndexNamePrefix(boolean isUniqueSetOnField)
    Used to allow platforms to define their own index prefixes
    This method is used to print the output parameter token when stored procedures are called.
    Used for stored procedure creation: Prefix for INPUT parameters.
    Returns the maximum number of single byte characters that can be used in a field name on this platform, assuming DEFAULT_DSI_NAME=CODE is specified in Symfoware's operating environment file for the system (see Symfoware manual).
    Symfoware does not use the AS token.
    Used for stored procedure definitions.
    Used for stored procedure calls.
    Used for stored procedure calls.
    Used for stored procedure definitions.
    Symfoware supports "for update" for row locking.
    This method returns the query to select the timestamp from the database.
    protected static ExpressionOperator
    Returns the greatest of two values.
    Builds Symfoware equivalent to GREATEST(x, y).
    Symfoware: CASE WHEN x >= y THEN x ELSE y END
    protected void
    Initialize Symfoware platform-specific operators.
    protected static ExpressionOperator
    Evaluates the location of the "tofind" text within the string_exp text.
    Builds Symfoware equivalent to Instring(string_exp, tofind).
    Symfoware: POSITION(tofind In string_exp)
    Symfoware does not support the use of multiple parameters in certain functions.
    This allows statements to disable binding only in these cases.
    Indicates whether SELECT DISTINCT ...
    Identifies this database platform as Symfoware's.
    protected static ExpressionOperator
    Returns the smallest of two values.
    Builds Symfoware equivalent to LEAST(x, y).
    Symfoware: CASE WHEN x <= y THEN x ELSE y END
    protected static ExpressionOperator
    Returns the string left trimmed for white space.
    Builds Symfoware equivalent to LTRIM(string_exp).
    Symfoware: TRIM(LEADING FROM string_exp)
    protected static ExpressionOperator
    Returns the string left trimmed for white space.
    Builds Symfoware equivalent to LTRIM(string_exp, character).
    Symfoware: TRIM(LEADING character FROM string_exp)
    protected static ExpressionOperator
    Obtains the number of characters in the data string value expression.
    Builds Symfoware equivalent to length(string_exp).
    Symfoware: CHAR_LENGTH(string_exp)
    protected static ExpressionOperator
    Evaluates the location of the "tofind" text within the string_exp text.
    Builds Symfoware equivalent to locate(string_exp, tofind).
    Symfoware: POSITION(tofind IN string_exp)
    protected static ExpressionOperator
    Evaluates the location of the "tofind" text within the "string_exp" text, starting from the given start position.
    Builds Symfoware equivalent to locate(string_exp, tofind, startpos).
    Symfoware: LOCATE(tofind IN string_exp, startpos)
    protected static ExpressionOperator
    Returns the log10 operator.
    Builds Symfoware equivalent to LOG(x).
    Symfoware: (LN(x)/LN(10))
    INTERNAL: Returns the minimum time increment supported by the platform.
    protected static ExpressionOperator
    Returns the remainder of a division.
    Builds Symfoware equivalent to Oracle's MOD(x, y).
    Note that it returns x when y is 0, and the sign of the remainder is taken from x.
    protected static ExpressionOperator
    Returns the decimal number of months between the two dates.
    Builds Symfoware equivalent to monthsBetween(Date, Date).
    Symfoware: SPAN_DATE(Date, Date, 'MONTH')
    protected static ExpressionOperator
    Substitute a value when a null value is encountered.
    Builds Symfoware equivalent to NVL(string, replace_with).
    Symfoware: COALESCE(string, replace_with)
    printSQLSelectStatement(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseCall call, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.expressions.ExpressionSQLPrinter printer, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.expressions.SQLSelectStatement statement)
    Print the pagination SQL using Symfoware syntax " WITH OPTION LIMIT ( <max>)".
    Used for stored procedure creation: Symfoware needs brackets around arguments declaration even if no arguments exist, and so returns true.
    Used for table creation.
    INTERNAL: Used by Exists queries because they just need to select a single row.
    protected static ExpressionOperator
    Returns the string right trimmed for white space.
    Builds Symfoware equivalent to RTRIM(character).
    Symfoware: TRIM(TRAILING FROM string_exp)
    protected static ExpressionOperator
    Returns the string right trimmed for white space.
    Builds Symfoware equivalent to RTRIM(string_exp, character).
    Symfoware: TRIM(TRAILING character FROM string_exp)
    protected static ExpressionOperator
    Returns the date rounded to the year, month or day.
    Builds Symfoware equivalent to ROUNDDATE(Date, rounded).
    Symfoware: ROUND_DATE(Date, rounded)
    Symfoware does not support the default syntax generated for update-all and delete-all queries as they can include the same table in the FROM clause of the main and the sub-queries.
    Allows platform to choose whether to bind literals in SQL statements or not.
    Literal binding is enabled for Symfoware in general.
    Used for table creation.
    Used for table creation.
    Used for stored procedure creation: Some platforms want to print prefix for INPUT arguments BEFORE NAME.
    This is required in the construction of the stored procedures with output parameters
    This is required in the construction of the stored procedures with output parameters
    Symfoware stored procedure calls do not require the argument name be printed in the call string.
    Used for stored procedure creation: Symfoware declares variables AFTER the procedure body's BEGIN string.
    protected static ExpressionOperator
    Gets the substring of a string starting from the specified start position.
    Builds Symfoware equivalent to SUBSTRING(string_exp, startpos).
    Symfoware: SUBSTRING(string_exp FROM startpos)
    protected static ExpressionOperator
    Gets the substring of source bounded by start location to end location.
    Indicates whether the ANSI syntax for inner joins (e.g.
    Symfoware does not support foreign key constraint syntax, so returns false.
    Indicates whether the platform supports global temporary tables.
    Indicates whether locking clause could be selectively applied only to some tables in a ReadQuery.
    Symfoware platform currently only supports FOR UPDATE locking, which cannot be applied to queries that select from multiple tables.
    Indicates whether locking clause could be applied to the query that has more than one table.
    Symfoware platform currently only supports FOR UPDATE locking, which cannot be applied to queries that select from multiple tables.
    Indicates whether the platform supports sequence objects.
    Symfoware does through global sequence objects.
    Indicates whether the platform supports stored functions.
    Although Symfoware supports some stored functions as function routines, their functionality is incompatible with the one EclipseLink provides.
    Symfoware supports unique key constraints, so returns true.
    Do note that unique constraints cannot be added/removed using "ALTER TABLE ADD/DROP CONSTRAINT" syntax.
    protected static ExpressionOperator
    Converts the character value expression of the conversion source to the DATE type in accordance.
    Builds Symfoware equivalent to toDate(Date, format).
    Symfoware: CNV_DATE(Date, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
    protected static ExpressionOperator
    Returns the number converted from the string.
    Builds Symfoware equivalent to ToNumber(string_exp).
    Symfoware: CAST(string_exp AS SMALLINT)
    protected static ExpressionOperator
    Truncates a date by using the truncating unit.
    Builds Symfoware equivalent to truncateDate(date, unit).
    Symfoware: TRUNC_DATE(date, unit)
    wasFailureCommunicationBased(SQLException exception, Connection connection, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession sessionForProfile)
    Fail-over is not implemented on platform.

    Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform

    addBatch, addStructConverter, allowsSizeInProcedureArguments, appendBoolean, appendByteArray, appendLiteralToCall, appendLiteralToCallWithBinding, appendNumber, appendParameter, appendParameterInternal, appendString, autoCommit, beginTransaction, buildBatchCriteria, buildBatchCriteriaForComplexId, buildCallWithReturning, buildCreateIndex, buildDropIndex, buildProcedureCallString, buildSequenceObjectAlterIncrementWriter, buildSequenceObjectCreationWriter, buildSequenceObjectDeletionWriter, canBatchWriteWithOptimisticLocking, canBuildCallWithReturning, checkTableExists, commitTransaction, convertToDatabaseType, copyInto, createArray, createArray, createPlatformDefaultSequence, createStruct, createStruct, createStruct, dontBindUpdateAllQueryUsingTempTables, executeBatch, executeStoredProcedure, freeTemporaryObject, getAssignmentString, getBatchBeginString, getBatchDelimiterString, getBatchEndString, getBatchRowCountAssignString, getBatchRowCountDeclareString, getBatchRowCountReturnString, getBatchWritingMechanism, getCastSizeForVarcharParameter, getClassTypes, getConnection, getConnectionUserName, getConstraintDeletionString, getCreateDatabaseSchemaString, getCreateTempTableSqlBodyForTable, getCreateViewString, getCreationInOutputProcedureToken, getCreationOutputProcedureToken, getCursorCode, getCustomModifyValueForCall, getDriverSupportsNVarChar, getDropCascadeString, getDropDatabaseSchemaString, getFieldTypeDefinition, getFieldTypes, getFunctionCallHeader, getJDBCOuterJoinString, getJDBCType, getJDBCType, getJDBCTypeForSetNull, getJdbcTypeName, getMaxBatchWritingSize, getMaxForeignKeyNameSize, getMaxIndexNameSize, getMaxUniqueKeyNameSize, getNoWaitString, getObjectFromResultSet, getOutputProcedureToken, getParameterValueFromDatabaseCall, getParameterValueFromDatabaseCall, getPartitioningCallback, getPingSQL, getProcedureArgument, getProcedureArgument, getProcedureArgumentString, getProcedureOptionList, getQualifiedName, getQualifiedSequenceTableName, getRefValue, getRefValue, getSelectForUpdateNoWaitString, getSelectForUpdateOfString, getSelectForUpdateWaitString, getSequenceCounterFieldName, getSequenceNameFieldName, getSequencePreallocationSize, getSequenceTableName, getStatementCacheSize, getStoredProcedureParameterPrefix, getStoredProcedureTerminationToken, getStringBindingSize, getStructConverters, getTableCreationSuffix, getTableExistsQuery, getTempTableForTable, getTransactionIsolation, getTypeConverters, getUniqueConstraintDeletionString, getUseNationalCharacterVaryingTypeForString, getVPDClearIdentifierQuery, getVPDCreationFunctionString, getVPDCreationPolicyString, getVPDDeletionString, getVPDSetIdentifierQuery, hasPartitioningCallback, initialize, initializeConnectionData, isAlterSequenceObjectSupported, isCastRequired, isInformixOuterJoin, isJDBCExecuteCompliant, isLobCompatibleWithDistinct, isLockTimeoutException, isNullAllowedInSelectClause, isOutputAllowWithResultSet, isRowCountOutputParameterRequired, isXDBDocument, maximumNumericValues, minimumNumericValues, prepareBatchStatement, printFieldIdentityClause, printFieldNotNullClause, printFieldNullClause, printFieldTypeSize, printFieldTypeSize, printFieldUnique, printFieldUnique, printStoredFunctionReturnKeyWord, printValuelist, printValuelist, registerOutputParameter, registerOutputParameter, registerOutputParameter, registerOutputParameter, requiresNamedPrimaryKeyConstraints, requiresProcedureCallBrackets, requiresProcedureCallOuputToken, requiresTableInIndexDropDDL, requiresTypeNameToRegisterOutputParameter, rollbackTransaction, setBatchWritingMechanism, setCastSizeForVarcharParameter, setClassTypes, setCursorCode, setDriverName, setDriverSupportsNVarChar, setFieldTypes, setIsCastRequired, setMaxBatchWritingSize, setNullFromDatabaseField, setNullFromDatabaseField, setParameterValueInDatabaseCall, setParameterValueInDatabaseCall, setPartitioningCallback, setPingSQL, setPrintInnerJoinInWhereClause, setPrintOuterJoinInWhereClause, setSequenceCounterFieldName, setSequenceNameFieldName, setSequenceTableName, setShouldBindAllParameters, setShouldBindLiterals, setShouldBindPartialParameters, setShouldCacheAllStatements, setShouldCreateIndicesOnForeignKeys, setShouldForceBindAllParameters, setShouldForceFieldNamesToUpperCase, setShouldIgnoreCaseOnFieldComparisons, setShouldOptimizeDataConversion, setShouldTrimStrings, setShouldUseRownumFiltering, setStatementCacheSize, setStoredProcedureTerminationToken, setStringBindingSize, setSupportsAutoCommit, setTableCreationSuffix, setTransactionIsolation, setUseJDBCStoredProcedureSyntax, setUseNationalCharacterVaryingTypeForString, setUsesBatchWriting, setUsesByteArrayBinding, setUsesJDBCBatchWriting, setUsesNativeBatchWriting, setUsesNativeSQL, setUsesStreamsForBinding, setUsesStringBinding, shouldBindAllParameters, shouldBindPartialParameters, shouldCacheAllStatements, shouldCreateIndicesOnForeignKeys, shouldForceBindAllParameters, shouldForceFieldNamesToUpperCase, shouldIgnoreCaseOnFieldComparisons, shouldIgnoreException, shouldOptimizeDataConversion, shouldPrintAliasForUpdate, shouldPrintConstraintNameAfter, shouldPrintFieldIdentityClause, shouldPrintForUpdateClause, shouldPrintInnerJoinInWhereClause, shouldPrintInOutputTokenBeforeType, shouldPrintLockingClauseAfterWhereClause, shouldPrintOuterJoinInWhereClause, shouldTempTableSpecifyPrimaryKeys, shouldTrimStrings, shouldUseCustomModifyForCall, shouldUseGetSetNString, shouldUseJDBCOuterJoinSyntax, shouldUseRownumFiltering, supportsAutoCommit, supportsAutoConversionToNumericForArithmeticOperations, supportsConnectionUserName, supportsCountDistinctWithMultipleFields, supportsDeleteOnCascade, supportsIndexes, supportsLocalTempTables, supportsNestingOuterJoins, supportsOrderByParameters, supportsOuterJoinsWithBrackets, supportsPrimaryKeyConstraint, supportsTempTables, supportsUniqueColumns, supportsVPD, supportsWaitForUpdate, usesBatchWriting, usesByteArrayBinding, usesJDBCBatchWriting, usesNativeBatchWriting, usesNativeSQL, usesSequenceTable, usesStreamsForBinding, usesStringBinding, writeAddColumnClause, writeAutoAssignmentSetClause, writeAutoJoinWhereClause, writeCleanUpTempTableSql, writeCreateTempTableSql, writeDeleteFromTargetTableUsingTempTableSql, writeFields, writeFieldsAutoClause, writeFieldsList, writeInsertIntoTableSql, writeJoinWhereClause, writeLOB, writeParameterMarker, writeTableCreationSuffix, writeUpdateOriginalFromTempTableSql

    Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatasourcePlatform

    addOperator, addSequence, addSequence, buildNativeCall, buildSelectQueryForIdentity, buildSelectQueryForIdentity, buildSelectQueryForSequenceObject, clone, convertObject, createConnectionCustomizer, createExpressionFor, getConversionManager, getDataTypesConvertedFrom, getDataTypesConvertedTo, getDefaultNativeSequenceToTable, getDefaultSeqenceAtNextValue, getDefaultSequence, getDefaultSequenceToWrite, getEndDelimiter, getINClauseLimit, getOperator, getPlatformOperators, getSelectSequenceQuery, getSequence, getSequences, getSequencesToWrite, getStartDelimiter, getTableQualifier, getTimestampFromServer, getUpdateSequenceQuery, hasDefaultSequence, initializeDefaultQueries, initIdentitySequences, isAccess, isAttunity, isCloudscape, isDB2, isDB2Z, isDBase, isDerby, isFirebird, isH2, isHANA, isHSQL, isInformix, isMaxDB, isMySQL, isODBC, isOracle, isOracle12, isOracle9, isPervasive, isPointBase, isPostgreSQL, isSQLAnywhere, isSQLServer, isSybase, isTimesTen, isTimesTen7, removeAllSequences, removeIdentitySequences, removeSequence, sequencesAfterCloneCleanup, setConversionManager, setDefaultNativeSequenceToTable, setDefaultSeqenceAtNextValue, setDefaultSequence, setEndDelimiter, setSelectSequenceNumberQuery, setSequencePreallocationSize, setSequences, setStartDelimiter, setSupportsReturnGeneratedKeys, setTableQualifier, setTimestampQuery, setUpdateSequenceQuery, shouldNativeSequenceUseTransaction, shouldPrepare, shouldSelectDistinctIncludeOrderBy, shouldSelectIncludeOrderBy, supportsIdentity, supportsNativeSequenceNumbers, supportsReturnGeneratedKeys, toString, usesPlatformDefaultSequence

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • SymfowarePlatform

      public SymfowarePlatform()
  • Method Details

    • appendDate

      protected void appendDate(Date date, Writer writer) throws IOException
      Appends a Date in Symfoware specific format.
      Symfoware: DATE'YYYY-MM-DD'
      appendDate in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • appendTime

      protected void appendTime(Time time, Writer writer) throws IOException
      Appends a Time in Symfoware specific format.
      Symfoware: TIME'hh:mm:ss'
      appendTime in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • appendTimestamp

      protected void appendTimestamp(Timestamp timestamp, Writer writer) throws IOException
      Appends a TimeStamp in Symfoware specific format.
      Note that Symfoware does not support the milli- and nanoseconds.
      Symfoware: TIMESTAMP'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'
      appendTimestamp in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • appendCalendar

      protected void appendCalendar(Calendar calendar, Writer writer) throws IOException
      Write a Calendar in Symfoware specific format.
      Note that Symfoware does not support nanoseconds.
      Symfoware: CNV_TIMESTAMP(calendar, 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mm:ss')
      appendCalendar in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • buildFieldTypes

      protected Hashtable<Class<?>,org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.FieldTypeDefinition> buildFieldTypes()
      Return the mapping of Java class types to database types for the schema framework.
      buildFieldTypes in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
      hashtable of Java types to FieldTypeDefinition instances containing Symfoware SQL types.
    • buildClassTypes

      protected Map<String,Class> buildClassTypes()
      Return the mapping of database types to class types for the schema framework.
      buildClassTypes in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
      the mappings.
    • initializePlatformOperators

      protected void initializePlatformOperators()
      Initialize Symfoware platform-specific operators.
      initializePlatformOperators in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatasourcePlatform
    • addNonBindingOperator

      protected void addNonBindingOperator(ExpressionOperator operator)
      Symfoware does not support the use of parameters in certain functions.
      This adds the operator and disables binding support at the same time.
      See Also:
      • DatasourcePlatform.addOperator(ExpressionOperator)
      • ExpressionOperator#setIsBindingSupported(boolean)
    • isDynamicSQLRequiredForFunctions

      public boolean isDynamicSQLRequiredForFunctions()
      Symfoware does not support the use of multiple parameters in certain functions.
      This allows statements to disable binding only in these cases.
      isDynamicSQLRequiredForFunctions in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • allowBindingForSelectClause

      public boolean allowBindingForSelectClause()
      allowBindingForSelectClause in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • isForUpdateCompatibleWithDistinct

      public boolean isForUpdateCompatibleWithDistinct()
      Indicates whether SELECT DISTINCT ... FOR UPDATE is allowed by the platform. (Symfoware doesn't allow this).
      isForUpdateCompatibleWithDistinct in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • isSymfoware

      public boolean isSymfoware()
      Identifies this database platform as Symfoware's.
      Specified by:
      isSymfoware in interface org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.Platform
      isSymfoware in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatasourcePlatform
    • length

      protected static ExpressionOperator length()
      Obtains the number of characters in the data string value expression.
      Builds Symfoware equivalent to length(string_exp).
      Symfoware: CHAR_LENGTH(string_exp)
      the defined expression operator.
    • charLength

      protected static ExpressionOperator charLength()
      Obtains the number of characters in the data string value expression.
      Builds Symfoware equivalent to length(string_exp).
      Symfoware: CHAR_LENGTH(string_exp)
      the defined expression operator.
    • locate

      protected static ExpressionOperator locate()
      Evaluates the location of the "tofind" text within the string_exp text.
      Builds Symfoware equivalent to locate(string_exp, tofind).
      Symfoware: POSITION(tofind IN string_exp)
      the defined expression operator.
    • locate2

      protected static ExpressionOperator locate2()
      Evaluates the location of the "tofind" text within the "string_exp" text, starting from the given start position.
      Builds Symfoware equivalent to locate(string_exp, tofind, startpos).
      Symfoware: LOCATE(tofind IN string_exp, startpos)
      the defined expression operator.
    • logOperator

      protected static ExpressionOperator logOperator()
      Returns the log10 operator.
      Builds Symfoware equivalent to LOG(x).
      Symfoware: (LN(x)/LN(10))
      the defined expression operator.
    • leftTrim

      protected static ExpressionOperator leftTrim()
      Returns the string left trimmed for white space.
      Builds Symfoware equivalent to LTRIM(string_exp).
      Symfoware: TRIM(LEADING FROM string_exp)
      the defined expression operator.
    • leftTrim2

      protected static ExpressionOperator leftTrim2()
      Returns the string left trimmed for white space.
      Builds Symfoware equivalent to LTRIM(string_exp, character).
      Symfoware: TRIM(LEADING character FROM string_exp)
      the defined expression operator.
    • mod

      protected static ExpressionOperator mod()
      Returns the remainder of a division.
      Builds Symfoware equivalent to Oracle's MOD(x, y).
      Note that it returns x when y is 0, and the sign of the remainder is taken from x. Symfoware: CASE WHEN y = 0 THEN x ELSE (x - y * TRUNC( x / y )) END
      the defined expression operator.
    • rightTrim

      protected static ExpressionOperator rightTrim()
      Returns the string right trimmed for white space.
      Builds Symfoware equivalent to RTRIM(character).
      Symfoware: TRIM(TRAILING FROM string_exp)
      the defined expression operator.
    • rightTrim2

      protected static ExpressionOperator rightTrim2()
      Returns the string right trimmed for white space.
      Builds Symfoware equivalent to RTRIM(string_exp, character).
      Symfoware: TRIM(TRAILING character FROM string_exp)
      the defined expression operator.
    • substring

      protected static ExpressionOperator substring()
      Gets the substring of source bounded by start location to end location.
      Builds Symfoware equivalent to SUBSTRING(string_exp, startpos, length).
      Symfoware: SUBSTRING(string_exp FROM startpos FOR length)
      the defined expression operator.
    • singleArgumentSubstring

      protected static ExpressionOperator singleArgumentSubstring()
      Gets the substring of a string starting from the specified start position.
      Builds Symfoware equivalent to SUBSTRING(string_exp, startpos).
      Symfoware: SUBSTRING(string_exp FROM startpos)
      the defined expression operator.
    • toNumber

      protected static ExpressionOperator toNumber()
      Returns the number converted from the string.
      Builds Symfoware equivalent to ToNumber(string_exp).
      Symfoware: CAST(string_exp AS SMALLINT)
      the defined expression operator.
    • instring

      protected static ExpressionOperator instring()
      Evaluates the location of the "tofind" text within the string_exp text.
      Builds Symfoware equivalent to Instring(string_exp, tofind).
      Symfoware: POSITION(tofind In string_exp)
      the defined expression operator.
    • monthsBetween

      protected static ExpressionOperator monthsBetween()
      Returns the decimal number of months between the two dates.
      Builds Symfoware equivalent to monthsBetween(Date, Date).
      Symfoware: SPAN_DATE(Date, Date, 'MONTH')
      the defined expression operator.
    • roundDate

      protected static ExpressionOperator roundDate()
      Returns the date rounded to the year, month or day.
      Builds Symfoware equivalent to ROUNDDATE(Date, rounded).
      Symfoware: ROUND_DATE(Date, rounded)
      the defined expression operator.
    • toDate

      protected static ExpressionOperator toDate()
      Converts the character value expression of the conversion source to the DATE type in accordance.
      Builds Symfoware equivalent to toDate(Date, format).
      Symfoware: CNV_DATE(Date, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
      the defined expression operator.
    • addDate

      protected static ExpressionOperator addDate()
      Adds to a date the specified addition number as the specified interval unit and returns the resulting date.
      Builds Symfoware equivalent to addDate(unit, number).
      Symfoware: ADD_DATE(date, number, unit)
      the defined expression operator.
    • truncateDate

      protected static ExpressionOperator truncateDate()
      Truncates a date by using the truncating unit.
      Builds Symfoware equivalent to truncateDate(date, unit).
      Symfoware: TRUNC_DATE(date, unit)
      the defined expression operator.
    • nvl

      protected static ExpressionOperator nvl()
      Substitute a value when a null value is encountered.
      Builds Symfoware equivalent to NVL(string, replace_with).
      Symfoware: COALESCE(string, replace_with)
      the defined expression operator.
    • greatest

      protected static ExpressionOperator greatest()
      Returns the greatest of two values.
      Builds Symfoware equivalent to GREATEST(x, y).
      Symfoware: CASE WHEN x >= y THEN x ELSE y END
      the defined expression operator.
    • least

      protected static ExpressionOperator least()
      Returns the smallest of two values.
      Builds Symfoware equivalent to LEAST(x, y).
      Symfoware: CASE WHEN x <= y THEN x ELSE y END
      the defined expression operator.
    • computeMaxRowsForSQL

      public int computeMaxRowsForSQL(int firstResultIndex, int maxResults)
      Use the JDBC maxResults and firstResultIndex setting to compute a value to use when limiting the results of a query in SQL. These limits tend to be used in two ways.
       1. MaxRows is the index of the last row to be returned (like JDBC
       2. MaxRows is the number of rows to be returned
      Symfoware uses case #2 and therefore the maxResults has to be altered based on the firstResultIndex.
      computeMaxRowsForSQL in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
      See Also:
    • buildSelectQueryForSequenceObject

      public ValueReadQuery buildSelectQueryForSequenceObject(String seqName, Integer size)
      Produce a DataReadQuery which updates(!) the sequence number in the DB and returns it.
      buildSelectQueryForSequenceObject in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatasourcePlatform
      seqName - known by Symfoware to be a defined sequence
      size - size of sequence
      ValueReadQuery class to perform a read of a single data value.
    • buildCreateIndex

      public String buildCreateIndex(String fullTableName, String indexName, String qualifier, boolean isUnique, String... columnNames)
      Return the CREATE INDEX string for this platform.
      buildCreateIndex in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
      fullTableName - qualified name of the table the index is to be created on
      indexName - name of the index
      qualifier - qualifier to construct qualified name of index if needed
      isUnique - Indicates whether uniqe index is created
      columnNames - one or more columns the index is created for
    • buildDropIndex

      public String buildDropIndex(String fullTableName, String indexName, String qualifier)
      Return the DROP INDEX string for this platform.
      buildDropIndex in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
      fullTableName - qualified name of the table the index is to be created on
      indexName - name of the index
      qualifier - qualifier to construct qualified name of index if needed
    • getCreateTempTableSqlPrefix

      public String getCreateTempTableSqlPrefix()
      Returns the beginning of the SQL string to create a temporary table.
      getCreateTempTableSqlPrefix in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
      See Also:
    • getCreateTempTableSqlSuffix

      protected String getCreateTempTableSqlSuffix()
      Returns the ending of the SQL string to create a temporary table.
      Symfoware V10 requires table space name and number of concurrent users.
      Maybe this will be implemented in the future, for now it invokes the super class's method.
      getCreateTempTableSqlSuffix in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • getDefaultSequenceTableName

      public String getDefaultSequenceTableName()
      Returns the table name used by TableSequence by default. Symfoware does not allow reserved keyword 'SEQUENCE' as table name, so returns "SEQUENCE" (with double-quotes) instead.
      getDefaultSequenceTableName in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • getIndexNamePrefix

      public String getIndexNamePrefix(boolean isUniqueSetOnField)
      Used to allow platforms to define their own index prefixes
      getIndexNamePrefix in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
      isUniqueSetOnField -
    • getInOutputProcedureToken

      public String getInOutputProcedureToken()
      This method is used to print the output parameter token when stored procedures are called.
      getInOutputProcedureToken in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • getInputProcedureToken

      public String getInputProcedureToken()
      Used for stored procedure creation: Prefix for INPUT parameters.
      getInputProcedureToken in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • getMaxFieldNameSize

      public int getMaxFieldNameSize()
      Returns the maximum number of single byte characters that can be used in a field name on this platform, assuming DEFAULT_DSI_NAME=CODE is specified in Symfoware's operating environment file for the system (see Symfoware manual).
      getMaxFieldNameSize in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • getProcedureAsString

      public String getProcedureAsString()
      Symfoware does not use the AS token.
      getProcedureAsString in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • getProcedureCallHeader

      public String getProcedureCallHeader()
      Used for stored procedure calls.
      getProcedureCallHeader in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • getProcedureCallTail

      public String getProcedureCallTail()
      Used for stored procedure calls.
      getProcedureCallTail in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • getProcedureBeginString

      public String getProcedureBeginString()
      Used for stored procedure definitions.
      getProcedureBeginString in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • getProcedureEndString

      public String getProcedureEndString()
      Used for stored procedure definitions.
      getProcedureEndString in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • getSelectForUpdateString

      public String getSelectForUpdateString()
      Symfoware supports "for update" for row locking.
      getSelectForUpdateString in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
      the string of "for update".
    • getTimestampQuery

      public ValueReadQuery getTimestampQuery()
      This method returns the query to select the timestamp from the database.
      Specified by:
      getTimestampQuery in interface org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.Platform
      getTimestampQuery in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatasourcePlatform
    • minimumTimeIncrement

      public long minimumTimeIncrement()
      INTERNAL: Returns the minimum time increment supported by the platform.
      minimumTimeIncrement in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • printSQLSelectStatement

      public void printSQLSelectStatement(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseCall call, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.expressions.ExpressionSQLPrinter printer, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.expressions.SQLSelectStatement statement)
      Print the pagination SQL using Symfoware syntax " WITH OPTION LIMIT ( <max>)". There is no equivalent to 'OFFSET'.
      Even though most performance benefit comes from including the offset in the SQL statement, for this platform the benefit of including LIMIT is that it allows pagination with result sets with scrollable cursors too (which the Symfoware JDBC driver's setMaxRows method does not support).
      printSQLSelectStatement in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • requiresProcedureBrackets

      public boolean requiresProcedureBrackets()
      Used for stored procedure creation: Symfoware needs brackets around arguments declaration even if no arguments exist, and so returns true.
      requiresProcedureBrackets in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • requiresUniqueConstraintCreationOnTableCreate

      public boolean requiresUniqueConstraintCreationOnTableCreate()
      Used for table creation. Symfoware does not support the ALTER TABLE syntax to add/drop unique constraints, but it does allow declaration of (single and multi-column) unique constraints as part of the CREATE TABLE statement.
      requiresUniqueConstraintCreationOnTableCreate in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
      whether unique constraints should be declared as part of the CREATE TABLE statement instead of in separate ALTER TABLE ADD/DROP statements.
    • retrieveFirstPrimaryKeyOrOne

      public void retrieveFirstPrimaryKeyOrOne(ReportQuery subselect)
      INTERNAL: Used by Exists queries because they just need to select a single row. In most databases, we will select one of the primary key fields. On Syfoware, there are situations where the key cannot be used. See:
      retrieveFirstPrimaryKeyOrOne in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
      subselect -
      See Also:
    • shouldAlwaysUseTempStorageForModifyAll

      public boolean shouldAlwaysUseTempStorageForModifyAll()
      Symfoware does not support the default syntax generated for update-all and delete-all queries as they can include the same table in the FROM clause of the main and the sub-queries. However, the alternative of using global temporary tables leads to table locking issues, so returns false to prevent the use of global temporary tables.
      shouldAlwaysUseTempStorageForModifyAll in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • shouldBindLiterals

      public boolean shouldBindLiterals()
      Allows platform to choose whether to bind literals in SQL statements or not.
      Literal binding is enabled for Symfoware in general. As a number of functions and operators have restrictions on the use of input parameters, it is disabled for those.
      shouldBindLiterals in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
      See Also:
    • shouldCreateIndicesForPrimaryKeys

      public boolean shouldCreateIndicesForPrimaryKeys()
      Used for table creation. Symfoware needs an index to be created explicitly for columns with a primary key constraint.
      shouldCreateIndicesForPrimaryKeys in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
      true: indices should be created during table generation
    • shouldCreateIndicesOnUniqueKeys

      public boolean shouldCreateIndicesOnUniqueKeys()
      Used for table creation. Symfoware needs an index to be created explicitly for columns with a unique constraint.
      shouldCreateIndicesOnUniqueKeys in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
      true: indices should be created during table generation
    • shouldPrintInputTokenAtStart

      public boolean shouldPrintInputTokenAtStart()
      Used for stored procedure creation: Some platforms want to print prefix for INPUT arguments BEFORE NAME. If wanted, override and return true.
      shouldPrintInputTokenAtStart in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • shouldPrintOutputTokenBeforeType

      public boolean shouldPrintOutputTokenBeforeType()
      This is required in the construction of the stored procedures with output parameters
      shouldPrintOutputTokenBeforeType in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • shouldPrintOutputTokenAtStart

      public boolean shouldPrintOutputTokenAtStart()
      This is required in the construction of the stored procedures with output parameters
      shouldPrintOutputTokenAtStart in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • shouldPrintStoredProcedureArgumentNameInCall

      public boolean shouldPrintStoredProcedureArgumentNameInCall()
      Symfoware stored procedure calls do not require the argument name be printed in the call string.
      E.g. call MyStoredProc(?) instead of call MyStoredProc(myvariable = ?)
      shouldPrintStoredProcedureArgumentNameInCall in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • shouldPrintStoredProcedureVariablesAfterBeginString

      public boolean shouldPrintStoredProcedureVariablesAfterBeginString()
      Used for stored procedure creation: Symfoware declares variables AFTER the procedure body's BEGIN string.
      shouldPrintStoredProcedureVariablesAfterBeginString in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • supportsANSIInnerJoinSyntax

      public boolean supportsANSIInnerJoinSyntax()
      Indicates whether the ANSI syntax for inner joins (e.g. SELECT FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON = is supported by this platform. Symfoware does not.
      supportsANSIInnerJoinSyntax in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • supportsForeignKeyConstraints

      public boolean supportsForeignKeyConstraints()
      Symfoware does not support foreign key constraint syntax, so returns false.
      supportsForeignKeyConstraints in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • supportsGlobalTempTables

      public boolean supportsGlobalTempTables()
      Indicates whether the platform supports global temporary tables. Although Symfoware does, it leads to table locking issues when used from EclipseLink.
      supportsGlobalTempTables in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
      See Also:
    • supportsIndividualTableLocking

      public boolean supportsIndividualTableLocking()
      Indicates whether locking clause could be selectively applied only to some tables in a ReadQuery.
      Symfoware platform currently only supports FOR UPDATE locking, which cannot be applied to queries that select from multiple tables. Use of other locking strategies (LOCK_MODE) are yet to be explored.
      supportsIndividualTableLocking in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • supportsLockingQueriesWithMultipleTables

      public boolean supportsLockingQueriesWithMultipleTables()
      Indicates whether locking clause could be applied to the query that has more than one table.
      Symfoware platform currently only supports FOR UPDATE locking, which cannot be applied to queries that select from multiple tables. Use of other locking strategies (LOCK_MODE) are yet to be explored.
      supportsLockingQueriesWithMultipleTables in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • supportsSequenceObjects

      public boolean supportsSequenceObjects()
      Indicates whether the platform supports sequence objects.
      Symfoware does through global sequence objects.
      supportsSequenceObjects in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatasourcePlatform
    • supportsStoredFunctions

      public boolean supportsStoredFunctions()
      Indicates whether the platform supports stored functions.
      Although Symfoware supports some stored functions as function routines, their functionality is incompatible with the one EclipseLink provides. So, return false;
      supportsStoredFunctions in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
    • supportsUniqueKeyConstraints

      public boolean supportsUniqueKeyConstraints()
      Symfoware supports unique key constraints, so returns true.
      Do note that unique constraints cannot be added/removed using "ALTER TABLE ADD/DROP CONSTRAINT" syntax.
      supportsUniqueKeyConstraints in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform
      See Also:
    • wasFailureCommunicationBased

      public boolean wasFailureCommunicationBased(SQLException exception, Connection connection, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession sessionForProfile)
      Fail-over is not implemented on platform. This method returns false no matter what caused the failure.
      wasFailureCommunicationBased in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform