Interface JPAQueryBuilder

public interface JPAQueryBuilder
This interface defines the entry point for implementing a JPQL query parsing system in EclipseLink.

By default, EclipseLink uses HermesParser for parsing a query and converting it into a DatabaseQuery.

Third-parties can implement this interface and provide a different JPQL parsing system if required. The JPAQueryBuilder implementing class can be registered via a persistence unit property and the implementation class must have a public, zero-arg constructor.

John Bracken, Pascal Filion
  • Method Details

    • setValidationLevel

      void setValidationLevel(String level)
      Allow the parser validation level to be set.
      level - The validation levels are defined in ParserValidationType
    • buildQuery

      DatabaseQuery buildQuery(CharSequence jpqlQuery, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      Creates a fully initialized DatabaseQuery by parsing the given JPQL query.
      jpqlQuery - A non-null string representation of the query to parse and to convert into a DatabaseQuery
      session - The EclipseLink AbstractSession that this query will execute against
      The fully initialized DatabaseQuery
    • buildSelectionCriteria

      Expression buildSelectionCriteria(String entityName, String selectionCriteria, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      Creates a new Expression that represents the given selection criteria.
      entityName - The name of the entity for which a criteria is created
      selectionCriteria - The string representation of a conditional expression to parse
      session - The EclipseLink AbstractSession that this query will execute against
      The fully initialized Expression
    • populateQuery

      void populateQuery(CharSequence jpqlQuery, DatabaseQuery query, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      Populates the given DatabaseQuery by parsing the given JPQL query.
      jpqlQuery - A non-null string representation of the query to parse and to convert into a DatabaseQuery
      query - The query to populate with the derived JPQL query
      session - The EclipseLink AbstractSession that this query will execute against