
public class FieldRemapper extends FieldVisitor
A FieldVisitor that remaps types with a Remapper.
  • Field Details

    • remapper

      protected final Remapper remapper
      The remapper used to remap the types in the visited field.
  • Constructor Details

    • FieldRemapper

      public FieldRemapper(FieldVisitor fieldVisitor, Remapper remapper)
      Constructs a new FieldRemapper. Subclasses must not use this constructor. Instead, they must use the FieldRemapper(int,FieldVisitor,Remapper) version.
      fieldVisitor - the field visitor this remapper must delegate to.
      remapper - the remapper to use to remap the types in the visited field.
    • FieldRemapper

      protected FieldRemapper(int api, FieldVisitor fieldVisitor, Remapper remapper)
      Constructs a new FieldRemapper.
      api - the ASM API version supported by this remapper. Must be one of the ASMx values in Opcodes.
      fieldVisitor - the field visitor this remapper must delegate to.
      remapper - the remapper to use to remap the types in the visited field.
  • Method Details

    • visitAnnotation

      public AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String descriptor, boolean visible)
      Description copied from class: FieldVisitor
      Visits an annotation of the field.
      visitAnnotation in class FieldVisitor
      descriptor - the class descriptor of the annotation class.
      visible - true if the annotation is visible at runtime.
      a visitor to visit the annotation values, or null if this visitor is not interested in visiting this annotation.
    • visitTypeAnnotation

      public AnnotationVisitor visitTypeAnnotation(int typeRef, TypePath typePath, String descriptor, boolean visible)
      Description copied from class: FieldVisitor
      Visits an annotation on the type of the field.
      visitTypeAnnotation in class FieldVisitor
      typeRef - a reference to the annotated type. The sort of this type reference must be TypeReference.FIELD. See TypeReference.
      typePath - the path to the annotated type argument, wildcard bound, array element type, or static inner type within 'typeRef'. May be null if the annotation targets 'typeRef' as a whole.
      descriptor - the class descriptor of the annotation class.
      visible - true if the annotation is visible at runtime.
      a visitor to visit the annotation values, or null if this visitor is not interested in visiting this annotation.
    • createAnnotationRemapper

      @Deprecated protected AnnotationVisitor createAnnotationRemapper(AnnotationVisitor annotationVisitor)
      Constructs a new remapper for annotations. The default implementation of this method returns a new AnnotationRemapper.
      annotationVisitor - the AnnotationVisitor the remapper must delegate to.
      the newly created remapper.
    • createAnnotationRemapper

      protected AnnotationVisitor createAnnotationRemapper(String descriptor, AnnotationVisitor annotationVisitor)
      Constructs a new remapper for annotations. The default implementation of this method returns a new AnnotationRemapper.
      descriptor - the descriptor of the visited annotation.
      annotationVisitor - the AnnotationVisitor the remapper must delegate to.
      the newly created remapper.