Direct Known Subclasses:

public class LocalVariablesSorter extends MethodVisitor
A MethodVisitor that renumbers local variables in their order of appearance. This adapter allows one to easily add new local variables to a method. It may be used by inheriting from this class, but the preferred way of using it is via delegation: the next visitor in the chain can indeed add new locals when needed by calling newLocal(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Type) on this adapter (this requires a reference back to this LocalVariablesSorter).
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • LocalVariablesSorter

      public LocalVariablesSorter(int access, String descriptor, MethodVisitor methodVisitor)
      Constructs a new LocalVariablesSorter. Subclasses must not use this constructor. Instead, they must use the LocalVariablesSorter(int, int, String, MethodVisitor) version.
      access - access flags of the adapted method.
      descriptor - the method's descriptor (see Type).
      methodVisitor - the method visitor to which this adapter delegates calls.
      IllegalStateException - if a subclass calls this constructor.
    • LocalVariablesSorter

      protected LocalVariablesSorter(int api, int access, String descriptor, MethodVisitor methodVisitor)
      Constructs a new LocalVariablesSorter.
      api - the ASM API version implemented by this visitor. Must be one of the ASMx values in Opcodes.
      access - access flags of the adapted method.
      descriptor - the method's descriptor (see Type).
      methodVisitor - the method visitor to which this adapter delegates calls.
  • Method Details

    • visitVarInsn

      public void visitVarInsn(int opcode, int varIndex)
      Description copied from class: MethodVisitor
      Visits a local variable instruction. A local variable instruction is an instruction that loads or stores the value of a local variable.
      visitVarInsn in class MethodVisitor
      opcode - the opcode of the local variable instruction to be visited. This opcode is either ILOAD, LLOAD, FLOAD, DLOAD, ALOAD, ISTORE, LSTORE, FSTORE, DSTORE, ASTORE or RET.
      varIndex - the operand of the instruction to be visited. This operand is the index of a local variable.
    • visitIincInsn

      public void visitIincInsn(int varIndex, int increment)
      Description copied from class: MethodVisitor
      Visits an IINC instruction.
      visitIincInsn in class MethodVisitor
      varIndex - index of the local variable to be incremented.
      increment - amount to increment the local variable by.
    • visitMaxs

      public void visitMaxs(int maxStack, int maxLocals)
      Description copied from class: MethodVisitor
      Visits the maximum stack size and the maximum number of local variables of the method.
      visitMaxs in class MethodVisitor
      maxStack - maximum stack size of the method.
      maxLocals - maximum number of local variables for the method.
    • visitLocalVariable

      public void visitLocalVariable(String name, String descriptor, String signature, Label start, Label end, int index)
      Description copied from class: MethodVisitor
      Visits a local variable declaration.
      visitLocalVariable in class MethodVisitor
      name - the name of a local variable.
      descriptor - the type descriptor of this local variable.
      signature - the type signature of this local variable. May be null if the local variable type does not use generic types.
      start - the first instruction corresponding to the scope of this local variable (inclusive).
      end - the last instruction corresponding to the scope of this local variable (exclusive).
      index - the local variable's index.
    • visitLocalVariableAnnotation

      public AnnotationVisitor visitLocalVariableAnnotation(int typeRef, TypePath typePath, Label[] start, Label[] end, int[] index, String descriptor, boolean visible)
      Description copied from class: MethodVisitor
      Visits an annotation on a local variable type.
      visitLocalVariableAnnotation in class MethodVisitor
      typeRef - a reference to the annotated type. The sort of this type reference must be TypeReference.LOCAL_VARIABLE or TypeReference.RESOURCE_VARIABLE. See TypeReference.
      typePath - the path to the annotated type argument, wildcard bound, array element type, or static inner type within 'typeRef'. May be null if the annotation targets 'typeRef' as a whole.
      start - the fist instructions corresponding to the continuous ranges that make the scope of this local variable (inclusive).
      end - the last instructions corresponding to the continuous ranges that make the scope of this local variable (exclusive). This array must have the same size as the 'start' array.
      index - the local variable's index in each range. This array must have the same size as the 'start' array.
      descriptor - the class descriptor of the annotation class.
      visible - true if the annotation is visible at runtime.
      a visitor to visit the annotation values, or null if this visitor is not interested in visiting this annotation.
    • visitFrame

      public void visitFrame(int type, int numLocal, Object[] local, int numStack, Object[] stack)
      Description copied from class: MethodVisitor
      Visits the current state of the local variables and operand stack elements. This method must(*) be called just before any instruction i that follows an unconditional branch instruction such as GOTO or THROW, that is the target of a jump instruction, or that starts an exception handler block. The visited types must describe the values of the local variables and of the operand stack elements just before i is executed.

      (*) this is mandatory only for classes whose version is greater than or equal to Opcodes.V1_6.

      The frames of a method must be given either in expanded form, or in compressed form (all frames must use the same format, i.e. you must not mix expanded and compressed frames within a single method):
      • In expanded form, all frames must have the F_NEW type.
      • In compressed form, frames are basically "deltas" from the state of the previous frame:
        • Opcodes.F_SAME representing frame with exactly the same locals as the previous frame and with the empty stack.
        • Opcodes.F_SAME1 representing frame with exactly the same locals as the previous frame and with single value on the stack ( numStack is 1 and stack[0] contains value for the type of the stack item).
        • Opcodes.F_APPEND representing frame with current locals are the same as the locals in the previous frame, except that additional locals are defined ( numLocal is 1, 2 or 3 and local elements contains values representing added types).
        • Opcodes.F_CHOP representing frame with current locals are the same as the locals in the previous frame, except that the last 1-3 locals are absent and with the empty stack (numLocal is 1, 2 or 3).
        • Opcodes.F_FULL representing complete frame data.

      In both cases the first frame, corresponding to the method's parameters and access flags, is implicit and must not be visited. Also, it is illegal to visit two or more frames for the same code location (i.e., at least one instruction must be visited between two calls to visitFrame).
      visitFrame in class MethodVisitor
      type - the type of this stack map frame. Must be Opcodes.F_NEW for expanded frames, or Opcodes.F_FULL, Opcodes.F_APPEND, Opcodes.F_CHOP, Opcodes.F_SAME or Opcodes.F_APPEND, Opcodes.F_SAME1 for compressed frames.
      numLocal - the number of local variables in the visited frame. Long and double values count for one variable.
      local - the local variable types in this frame. This array must not be modified. Primitive types are represented by Opcodes.TOP, Opcodes.INTEGER, Opcodes.FLOAT, Opcodes.LONG, Opcodes.DOUBLE, Opcodes.NULL or Opcodes.UNINITIALIZED_THIS (long and double are represented by a single element). Reference types are represented by String objects (representing internal names, see Type.getInternalName()), and uninitialized types by Label objects (this label designates the NEW instruction that created this uninitialized value).
      numStack - the number of operand stack elements in the visited frame. Long and double values count for one stack element.
      stack - the operand stack types in this frame. This array must not be modified. Its content has the same format as the "local" array.
    • newLocal

      public int newLocal(Type type)
      Constructs a new local variable of the given type.
      type - the type of the local variable to be created.
      the identifier of the newly created local variable.
    • updateNewLocals

      protected void updateNewLocals(Object[] newLocals)
      Notifies subclasses that a new stack map frame is being visited. The array argument contains the stack map frame types corresponding to the local variables added with newLocal(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Type). This method can update these types in place for the stack map frame being visited. The default implementation of this method does nothing, i.e. a local variable added with newLocal(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Type) will have the same type in all stack map frames. But this behavior is not always the desired one, for instance if a local variable is added in the middle of a try/catch block: the frame for the exception handler should have a TOP type for this new local.
      newLocals - the stack map frame types corresponding to the local variables added with newLocal(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Type) (and null for the others). The format of this array is the same as in MethodVisitor.visitFrame(int, int, java.lang.Object[], int, java.lang.Object[]), except that long and double types use two slots. The types for the current stack map frame must be updated in place in this array.
    • setLocalType

      protected void setLocalType(int local, Type type)
      Notifies subclasses that a local variable has been added or remapped. The default implementation of this method does nothing.
      local - a local variable identifier, as returned by newLocal(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Type).
      type - the type of the value being stored in the local variable.
    • newLocalMapping

      protected int newLocalMapping(Type type)