
public class ModuleRemapper extends ModuleVisitor
A ModuleVisitor that remaps types with a Remapper.
  • Field Details

    • remapper

      protected final Remapper remapper
      The remapper used to remap the types in the visited module.
  • Constructor Details

    • ModuleRemapper

      public ModuleRemapper(ModuleVisitor moduleVisitor, Remapper remapper)
      Constructs a new ModuleRemapper. Subclasses must not use this constructor. Instead, they must use the ModuleRemapper(int,ModuleVisitor,Remapper) version.
      moduleVisitor - the module visitor this remapper must delegate to.
      remapper - the remapper to use to remap the types in the visited module.
    • ModuleRemapper

      protected ModuleRemapper(int api, ModuleVisitor moduleVisitor, Remapper remapper)
      Constructs a new ModuleRemapper.
      api - the ASM API version supported by this remapper. Must be one of the ASMx values in Opcodes.
      moduleVisitor - the module visitor this remapper must delegate to.
      remapper - the remapper to use to remap the types in the visited module.
  • Method Details

    • visitMainClass

      public void visitMainClass(String mainClass)
      Description copied from class: ModuleVisitor
      Visit the main class of the current module.
      visitMainClass in class ModuleVisitor
      mainClass - the internal name of the main class of the current module (see Type.getInternalName()).
    • visitPackage

      public void visitPackage(String packaze)
      Description copied from class: ModuleVisitor
      Visit a package of the current module.
      visitPackage in class ModuleVisitor
      packaze - the internal name of a package (see Type.getInternalName()).
    • visitRequire

      public void visitRequire(String module, int access, String version)
      Description copied from class: ModuleVisitor
      Visits a dependence of the current module.
      visitRequire in class ModuleVisitor
      module - the fully qualified name (using dots) of the dependence.
      access - the access flag of the dependence among ACC_TRANSITIVE, ACC_STATIC_PHASE, ACC_SYNTHETIC and ACC_MANDATED.
      version - the module version at compile time, or null.
    • visitExport

      public void visitExport(String packaze, int access, String... modules)
      Description copied from class: ModuleVisitor
      Visit an exported package of the current module.
      visitExport in class ModuleVisitor
      packaze - the internal name of the exported package (see Type.getInternalName()).
      access - the access flag of the exported package, valid values are among ACC_SYNTHETIC and ACC_MANDATED.
      modules - the fully qualified names (using dots) of the modules that can access the public classes of the exported package, or null.
    • visitOpen

      public void visitOpen(String packaze, int access, String... modules)
      Description copied from class: ModuleVisitor
      Visit an open package of the current module.
      visitOpen in class ModuleVisitor
      packaze - the internal name of the opened package (see Type.getInternalName()).
      access - the access flag of the opened package, valid values are among ACC_SYNTHETIC and ACC_MANDATED.
      modules - the fully qualified names (using dots) of the modules that can use deep reflection to the classes of the open package, or null.
    • visitUse

      public void visitUse(String service)
      Description copied from class: ModuleVisitor
      Visit a service used by the current module. The name must be the internal name of an interface or a class.
      visitUse in class ModuleVisitor
      service - the internal name of the service (see Type.getInternalName()).
    • visitProvide

      public void visitProvide(String service, String... providers)
      Description copied from class: ModuleVisitor
      Visit an implementation of a service.
      visitProvide in class ModuleVisitor
      service - the internal name of the service (see Type.getInternalName()).
      providers - the internal names (see Type.getInternalName()) of the implementations of the service (there is at least one provider).