
public class TryCatchBlockNode extends Object
A node that represents a try catch block.
  • Field Details

    • start

      public LabelNode start
      The beginning of the exception handler's scope (inclusive).
    • end

      public LabelNode end
      The end of the exception handler's scope (exclusive).
    • handler

      public LabelNode handler
      The beginning of the exception handler's code.
    • type

      public String type
      The internal name of the type of exceptions handled by the handler. May be null to catch any exceptions (for "finally" blocks).
    • visibleTypeAnnotations

      public List<TypeAnnotationNode> visibleTypeAnnotations
      The runtime visible type annotations on the exception handler type. May be null.
    • invisibleTypeAnnotations

      public List<TypeAnnotationNode> invisibleTypeAnnotations
      The runtime invisible type annotations on the exception handler type. May be null.
  • Constructor Details

    • TryCatchBlockNode

      public TryCatchBlockNode(LabelNode start, LabelNode end, LabelNode handler, String type)
      Constructs a new TryCatchBlockNode.
      start - the beginning of the exception handler's scope (inclusive).
      end - the end of the exception handler's scope (exclusive).
      handler - the beginning of the exception handler's code.
      type - the internal name of the type of exceptions handled by the handler (see Type.getInternalName()), or null to catch any exceptions (for "finally" blocks).
  • Method Details

    • updateIndex

      public void updateIndex(int index)
      Updates the index of this try catch block in the method's list of try catch block nodes. This index maybe stored in the 'target' field of the type annotations of this block.
      index - the new index of this try catch block in the method's list of try catch block nodes.
    • accept

      public void accept(MethodVisitor methodVisitor)
      Makes the given visitor visit this try catch block.
      methodVisitor - a method visitor.