Interface SerializedObjectPolicy

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractSerializedObjectPolicy, SerializedObjectPolicyWrapper

public interface SerializedObjectPolicy extends Cloneable, Serializable
SerializedObjectPolicy (SOP) could be set on a non-aggregate descriptor. If SerializedObjectPolicy is specified Eclipselink writes out the whole entity object with its privately owned (and nested privately owned) entities and element collections into an additional (likely BLOB) field in the database. If SerializedObjectPolicy is set on an entity then SerializedObjectPolicies with the same field are set on all inheriting entities. The goal is to make reads from the database faster. The draw back is slower writes into the database. So SerializedObjectPolicy may make sense for read-only / read-mostly application for Entity, which always loads all its dependent entities and / or ElementCollections. To use SerializedObjectPolicy, ObjectLevelReadQuery should set a boolean flag
EclipseLink 2.5.1
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getDescriptor

      ClassDescriptor getDescriptor()
      get owning descriptor
    • setDescriptor

      void setDescriptor(ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      set owning descriptor
    • getField

      DatabaseField getField()
      get the field that stores sopObject in the database (sopField)
    • setField

      void setField(DatabaseField field)
      set the field that stores sopObject in the database (sopField)
    • clone

    • instantiateChild

      SerializedObjectPolicy instantiateChild()
      instantiate policy for child descriptor
    • initializeField

      void initializeField(AbstractSession session)
      unless the field is already initialized by parent descriptor, add the field to the owning descriptor and set field's type
    • initialize

      void initialize(AbstractSession session)
      initialize the policy
    • postInitialize

      void postInitialize(AbstractSession session)
      postinitialize the policy: determine which mappings are included, which fields should be selected
    • getSelectionFields

      List<DatabaseField> getSelectionFields()
      Lists the database fields that should be read by the query using the policy. To allow recovery in case of null or invalid sopObject, then this method should return all the fields define by descriptor (descriptor.getFields()).
    • getAllSelectionFields

      List<DatabaseField> getAllSelectionFields()
      Lists the database fields that should be read by the query using the policy, in case all inherited objects are read using outer joining. To allow recovery in case of null or invalid sopObject, then this method should return all the fields define by descriptor (descriptor.getAllFields()).
    • putObjectIntoRow

      void putObjectIntoRow(AbstractRecord databaseRow, Object object, AbstractSession session)
      Serialize the object and put the result into the row as a value corresponding to the policy field
    • getObjectFromRow

      Object getObjectFromRow(AbstractRecord databaseRow, AbstractSession session, ObjectLevelReadQuery query)
      Deserialize the object from the value corresponding to the policy field, nullify that value, set the object into the row using setSopObject, also return it. If the object is null or invalid, behaviour depend on whether the policy allows the query to recover or not (see comments to getFieldsToSelect and getAllFieldsToSelect methods): if recovery is possible then the method should return null, otherwise throw QueryException (query is a parameter of this method only because it's required by QueryException).