All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:
ExpressionBuilder, QueryKeyExpression

public abstract class ObjectExpression extends DataExpression
Superclass for any object type expressions.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • descriptor

      protected transient ClassDescriptor descriptor
    • derivedExpressions

      public List<Expression> derivedExpressions
    • shouldUseOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance

      protected boolean shouldUseOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance
      indicates whether subclasses should be joined
    • shouldUseOuterJoin

      protected boolean shouldUseOuterJoin
      Is this query key to be resolved using an outer join or not. Does not apply to attributes.
    • castClass

      protected Class<?> castClass
      Allow an expression node to be cast to a subclass or implementation class.
    • joinSource

      protected Expression joinSource
      Defines that this expression has been joined to the source expression.
    • onClause

      protected Expression onClause
      Allow for an ON clause to be specified on a join condition.
    • hasBeenAliased

      protected boolean hasBeenAliased
      Allow hasBeenAliased to be marked independently from the existence of the tableAliases collection.
  • Constructor Details

    • ObjectExpression

      protected ObjectExpression()
  • Method Details

    • treat

      public Expression treat(Class<?> castClass)
      Return an expression that allows you to treat its base as if it were a subclass of the class returned by the base This can only be called on an ExpressionBuilder, the result of expression.get(String), expression.getAllowingNull(String), the result of expression.anyOf("String") or the result of expression.anyOfAllowingNull("String") downcast uses Expression.type() internally to guarantee the results are of the specified class.


           Expression: employee.get("project").as(LargeProject.class).get("budget").equal(1000)
           Java: ((LargeProject)employee.getProjects().get(0)).getBudget() == 1000
      treat in class Expression
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object expression)
      INTERNAL: Return if the expression is equal to the other. This is used to allow dynamic expression's SQL to be cached.
      equals in class DataExpression
    • addDerivedExpression

      public void addDerivedExpression(Expression addThis)
      INTERNAL: Add the expression as a derived child of this expression. i.e. e.get("name"), "name" is a derived child of "e".
    • additionalExpressionCriteria

      public Expression additionalExpressionCriteria()
      INTERNAL: Return the expression to join the main table of this node to any auxiliary tables.
    • additionalExpressionCriteriaMap

      public Map additionalExpressionCriteriaMap()
      INTERNAL: Used in case outer joins should be printed in FROM clause. Each of the additional tables mapped to expressions that joins it.
    • assignTableAliasesStartingAt

      public int assignTableAliasesStartingAt(int initialValue)
      INTERNAL: Assign aliases to any tables which I own. Start with t(initialValue), and return the new value of the counter , i.e. if initialValue is one and I have tables ADDRESS and EMPLOYEE I will assign them t1 and t2 respectively, and return 3.
      assignTableAliasesStartingAt in class Expression
    • anyOf

      public Expression anyOf(String attributeName, boolean shouldJoinBeIndependent)
      PUBLIC: Return an expression representing traversal of a 1:many or many:many relationship. This allows you to query whether any of the "many" side of the relationship satisfies the remaining criteria.


           Expression: employee.anyOf("managedEmployees").get("firstName").equal("Bob")
           Java: no direct equivalent
           SQL: SELECT DISTINCT ... WHERE (t2.MGR_ID = t1.ID) AND (t2.F_NAME = 'Bob')
      anyOf in class Expression
      shouldJoinBeIndependent - indicates whether a new expression should be created.
    • anyOfAllowingNone

      public Expression anyOfAllowingNone(String attributeName, boolean shouldJoinBeIndependent)
      ADVANCED: Return an expression representing traversal of a 1:many or many:many relationship. This allows you to query whether any of the "many" side of the relationship satisfies the remaining criteria.


           Expression: employee.anyOf("managedEmployees").get("firstName").equal("Bob")
           Java: no direct equivalent
           SQL: SELECT DISTINCT ... WHERE (t2.MGR_ID (+) = t1.ID) AND (t2.F_NAME = 'Bob')
      anyOfAllowingNone in class Expression
      shouldJoinBeIndependent - indicates whether a new expression should be created.
    • isDowncast

      public boolean isDowncast(ClassDescriptor rootDescriptor, AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL Return true if it uses a cast class and query is downcasting. It will look into inheritance hierarchy of the root descriptor.
    • isTreatUsed

      public boolean isTreatUsed()
      INTERNAL Return true if treat was used on this expression
    • convertToCastDescriptor

      public ClassDescriptor convertToCastDescriptor(ClassDescriptor rootDescriptor, AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL Return the descriptor which contains this query key, look in the inheritance hierarchy of rootDescriptor for the descriptor.
    • copyDerivedExpressions

      public List<Expression> copyDerivedExpressions(Map alreadyDone)
    • derivedExpressionNamed

      public QueryKeyExpression derivedExpressionNamed(String attributeName)
    • derivedManualExpressionNamed

      public Expression derivedManualExpressionNamed(String attributeName, ClassDescriptor aDescriptor)
    • doNotUseOuterJoin

      public void doNotUseOuterJoin()
    • doUseOuterJoin

      public void doUseOuterJoin()
    • existingDerivedExpressionNamed

      public QueryKeyExpression existingDerivedExpressionNamed(String attributeName)
    • get

      public Expression get(String attributeName, boolean forceInnerJoin)
      Return the expression from the attribute dervied from this expression.
      get in class Expression
      forceInnerJoin - - allows the get to not force an inner-join (if getAllowingNull was used elsewhere).
    • leftJoin

      public Expression leftJoin(Expression target, Expression onClause)
      Defines a join between this expression and the target expression based on the ON clause.
      leftJoin in class Expression
    • join

      public Expression join(Expression target, Expression onClause)
      Defines a join between this expression and the target expression based on the ON clause.
      join in class Expression
    • getAllowingNull

      public Expression getAllowingNull(String attributeName)
      Description copied from class: Expression
      ADVANCED: Return an expression that wraps the attribute or query key name. This is only applicable to 1:1 relationships, and allows the target of the relationship to be null if there is no corresponding relationship in the database. Implemented via an outer join in the database.


      getAllowingNull in class Expression
    • getCastClass

      public Class<?> getCastClass()
    • type

      public Expression type()
      PUBLIC: Return an expression that wraps the inheritance type field in an expression.


      type in class Expression
    • getDescriptor

      public ClassDescriptor getDescriptor()
      getDescriptor in class DataExpression
    • getFields

      public Vector getFields()
      INTERNAL: Not to be confused with the public getField(String) This returns a collection of all fields associated with this object. Really only applies to query keys representing an object or to expression builders.
      getFields in class Expression
    • getSelectionFields

      public List<DatabaseField> getSelectionFields(ReadQuery query)
      getSelectionFields in class Expression
    • getForUpdateOfFields

      protected Vector getForUpdateOfFields()
      INTERNAL: Returns the first field from each of the owned tables, used for fine-grained pessimistic locking.
    • getManualQueryKey

      public Expression getManualQueryKey(String attributeName, ClassDescriptor aDescriptor)
    • getAdditionalTables

      public List<DatabaseTable> getAdditionalTables()
      Return any tables in addition to the descriptor's tables, such as the mappings join table.
    • getOwnedTables

      public List<DatabaseTable> getOwnedTables()
      Return any tables that are defined by this expression (and not its base).
      getOwnedTables in class Expression
    • hasBeenAliased

      public boolean hasBeenAliased()
      Description copied from class: Expression
      INTERNAL: Answers if the database tables associated with this expression have been aliased. This insures the same tables are not aliased twice.
      hasBeenAliased in class DataExpression
    • clearAliases

      public void clearAliases()
      clearAliases in class DataExpression
    • hasDerivedExpressions

      protected boolean hasDerivedExpressions()
    • isObjectExpression

      public boolean isObjectExpression()
      Description copied from class: Expression
      isObjectExpression in class Expression
    • isUsingOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance

      public boolean isUsingOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance()
      INTERNAL: indicates whether additional expressions for multitable inheritance should be used and are available
    • newDerivedExpressionNamed

      public QueryKeyExpression newDerivedExpressionNamed(String attributeName)
    • newManualDerivedExpressionNamed

      public Expression newManualDerivedExpressionNamed(String attributeName, ClassDescriptor aDescriptor)
    • postCopyIn

      protected void postCopyIn(Map alreadyDone)
      INTERNAL: Used for cloning.
      postCopyIn in class DataExpression
    • getRelationTable

      public DatabaseTable getRelationTable()
      Return null by default, only QueryKeyExpression can have a relation table.
    • isDirectCollection

      public boolean isDirectCollection()
      Return false by default, only possible for QueryKeyExpression.
    • postCopyIn

      public void postCopyIn(Map alreadyDone, List<Expression> oldDerivedFields, List<Expression> oldDerivedTables)
      INTERNAL: The method was added to circumvent derivedFields and derivedTables being protected.
      See Also:
    • getOnClause

      public Expression getOnClause()
    • setOnClause

      public void setOnClause(Expression onClause)
    • setCastClass

      public void setCastClass(Class<?> castClass)
    • setShouldUseOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance

      public void setShouldUseOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance(boolean shouldUseOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance)
      INTERNAL: set the flag indicating whether subclasses should be joined
    • shouldUseOuterJoin

      public boolean shouldUseOuterJoin()
    • shouldUseOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance

      public boolean shouldUseOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance()
    • writeForUpdateOfFields

      protected void writeForUpdateOfFields(ExpressionSQLPrinter printer, SQLSelectStatement statement)
      INTERNAL: writes the first field from each of the owned tables, used for fine-grained pessimistic locking.
    • getJoinSource

      public Expression getJoinSource()
    • setJoinSource

      public void setJoinSource(Expression joinSource)
    • getOuterJoinExpIndex

      public Integer getOuterJoinExpIndex()
    • setOuterJoinExpIndex

      public void setOuterJoinExpIndex(Integer outerJoinExpIndex)
    • getFirstNonAggregateExpressionAfterExpressionBuilder

      public ObjectExpression getFirstNonAggregateExpressionAfterExpressionBuilder(List aggregateMappingsEncountered)
      INTERNAL: Parses an expression to return the first non-AggregateObjectMapping expression after the base ExpressionBuilder. This is used by joining and batch fetch to get the list of mappings that really need to be processed (non-aggregates).
      aggregateMappingsEncountered - - collection of aggregateObjectMapping expressions encountered in the returned expression between the first expression and the ExpressionBuilder
      first non-AggregateObjectMapping expression after the base ExpressionBuilder from the fullExpression