Class BasicTypeHelperImpl

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class BasicTypeHelperImpl extends Object
INTERNAL This class is a helper class providing type information. Its implementation uses Java reflection to calculate the type information.
  • Constructor Details

    • BasicTypeHelperImpl

      public BasicTypeHelperImpl()
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static BasicTypeHelperImpl getInstance()
      Gets instance of this class
    • getTypeName

      public String getTypeName(Object type)
      Returns the name of the specified type.
    • getJavaClass

      public Class<?> getJavaClass(Object type)
      Returns the class object of the specified type.
    • getObjectType

      public Object getObjectType()
      Returns the Object type representation.
    • getBooleanType

      public Object getBooleanType()
      Returns the boolean type representation.
    • getBooleanClassType

      public Object getBooleanClassType()
      Returns the Boolean class representation.
    • getCharType

      public Object getCharType()
      Returns the char type representation.
    • getSQLDateType

      public Object getSQLDateType()
      Returns the Date type representation.
    • getTimeType

      public Object getTimeType()
      Returns the Time type representation.
    • getTimestampType

      public Object getTimestampType()
      Returns the timestamp type representation.
    • getCharacterClassType

      public Object getCharacterClassType()
      Returns the Character class representation.
    • getByteType

      public Object getByteType()
      Returns the byte type representation.
    • getByteClassType

      public Object getByteClassType()
      Returns the Byte class representation.
    • getShortType

      public Object getShortType()
      Returns the short type representation.
    • getShortClassType

      public Object getShortClassType()
      Returns the Short class representation.
    • getIntType

      public Object getIntType()
      Returns the int type representation.
    • getIntegerClassType

      public Object getIntegerClassType()
      Returns the Inter class representation.
    • getLongType

      public Object getLongType()
      Returns the long type representation.
    • getLongClassType

      public Object getLongClassType()
      Returns the type representation of class Long.
    • getMapEntryType

      public Object getMapEntryType()
      Returns the type representation of class Map.Entry.
    • getFloatType

      public Object getFloatType()
      Returns the float type representation.
    • getFloatClassType

      public Object getFloatClassType()
      Returns the type representation of class Float.
    • getDoubleType

      public Object getDoubleType()
      Returns the double type representation.
    • getDoubleClassType

      public Object getDoubleClassType()
      Returns the type representation of class Double.
    • getStringType

      public Object getStringType()
      Returns the String type representation.
    • getBigIntegerType

      public Object getBigIntegerType()
      Returns the BigInteger type representation.
    • getBigDecimalType

      public Object getBigDecimalType()
      Returns the BigDecimal type representation.
    • getDateType

      public Object getDateType()
      Returns the java.util.Date type representation.
    • isEnumType

      public boolean isEnumType(Object type)
    • isNumericType

      public boolean isNumericType(Object type)
      Returns true if the class is any numeric type.
    • isIntegralType

      public boolean isIntegralType(Object type)
      Returns true if the specified type represents an integral type or a wrapper class of an integral type.
    • isFloatingPointType

      public boolean isFloatingPointType(Object type)
      Returns true if the specified type represents an floating point type or a wrapper class of an floating point type.
    • isWrapperClass

      public boolean isWrapperClass(Object type)
      Returns true if the specified type is a wrapper class.
    • isBooleanType

      public boolean isBooleanType(Object type)
      Returns true if type is the boolean primitive type or the Boolean wrapper class
    • isCharacterType

      public boolean isCharacterType(Object type)
      Returns true if type is the char primitive type or the Character wrapper class
    • isByteType

      public boolean isByteType(Object type)
      Returns true if type is the byte primitive type or the Byte wrapper class
    • isShortType

      public boolean isShortType(Object type)
      Returns true if type is the short primitive type or the Short wrapper class
    • isIntType

      public boolean isIntType(Object type)
      Returns true if type is the int primitive type or the Integer wrapper class
    • isIntegerType

      public boolean isIntegerType(Object type)
      Returns true if type is the int primitive type or the Integer wrapper class
    • isLongType

      public boolean isLongType(Object type)
      Returns true if type is the long primitive type or the Long wrapper class
    • isFloatType

      public boolean isFloatType(Object type)
      Returns true if type is the float primitive type or the Float wrapper class
    • isDoubleType

      public boolean isDoubleType(Object type)
      Returns true if type is the double primitive type or the Double wrapper class
    • isStringType

      public boolean isStringType(Object type)
      Returns true if the specified type represents java.lang.String.
    • isDateClass

      public boolean isDateClass(Object type)
    • isBigIntegerType

      public boolean isBigIntegerType(Object type)
    • isBigDecimalType

      public boolean isBigDecimalType(Object type)
    • isOrderableType

      public boolean isOrderableType(Object type)
      Returns true if the specified type denotes an orderable type
    • isAssignableFrom

      public boolean isAssignableFrom(Object left, Object right)
      convenience method for java's isAssignableFrom that allows auto-boxing, taking java class or a descriptor as arguments. It will return true if both sides are in the same category (Numberic, Date or Boolean) otherwise it will use java's isAssignableFrom on the argument classes. Returns true if either arguments is null.
    • isStrictlyAssignableFrom

      public boolean isStrictlyAssignableFrom(Object left, Object right)
      convenience method for java's isAssignableFrom that allows auto-boxing but follows more closely Java's Class.isAssignableFrom method results, and returns true if either arguments is null.
    • extendedBinaryNumericPromotion

      public Object extendedBinaryNumericPromotion(Object left, Object right)
      Implements binary numeric promotion as defined in JLS extended by wrapper classes, BigDecimal and BigInteger.
    • getPrimitiveType

      protected Class<?> getPrimitiveType(Object wrapper)
      Returns the primitive for the specified wrapper class.
    • getWrapperClass

      protected Class<?> getWrapperClass(Object primitive)
      Returns the wrapper class for the specified primitive.
    • binaryNumericPromotion

      protected Object binaryNumericPromotion(Object left, Object right)
      Implements binary numeric promotion as defined in JLS.