All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Map, DataRecord
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ResultSetRecord extends ArrayRecord
PERF: Record used by ObjectLevelReadQuery ResultSet optimization. The record corresponds to a single position ( is never called). In case the cached object used instead of creating a new one from the record, the not needed fields' values are never obtained from resultSet (that's especially important for expensive LOBs). If alternatively the record is used to populate an object then all the values obtained from resultSet and resultSet is nullified. In this case the fields' values not required after object population (those not involved in indirection) are nullified to save space in the record.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • loadAllValuesFromResultSet

      public void loadAllValuesFromResultSet()
      Obtains all the value from resultSet and removes it. resultSet must be non null.
    • removeNonIndirectionValues

      public void removeNonIndirectionValues()
      Remove values corresponding to all fields not related to indirection.
    • removAllValue

      public void removAllValue()
    • hasResultSet

      public boolean hasResultSet()
      Indicates whether resultSet is still here.
    • removeResultSet

      public void removeResultSet()
    • clear

      public void clear()
      PUBLIC: Clear the contents of the row.
      Specified by:
      clear in interface Map
      clear in class ArrayRecord
    • checkValues

      protected void checkValues()
      Reset the fields and values from the arrays. This removes the optimization if a non-optimized method is called.
      checkValues in class ArrayRecord
    • containsValue

      public boolean containsValue(Object value)
      PUBLIC: Check if the value is contained in the row.
      Specified by:
      containsValue in interface Map
      containsValue in class ArrayRecord
    • get

      public Object get(DatabaseField key)
      INTERNAL: Retrieve the value for the field. If missing null is returned.
      get in class ArrayRecord
    • getIndicatingNoEntry

      public Object getIndicatingNoEntry(DatabaseField key)
      INTERNAL: Retrieve the value for the field. If missing DatabaseRow.noEntry is returned. PERF: This method is a clone of get() for performance.
      getIndicatingNoEntry in class ArrayRecord
    • toStringAditional

      protected String toStringAditional()
      toStringAditional in class ArrayRecord
    • setSopObject

      public void setSopObject(Object sopObject)
      Description copied from class: AbstractRecord
      setSopObject in class AbstractRecord