Module org.eclipse.persistence.core
Package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.factories
package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.factories
ClassDescriptionINTERNAL: a helper class that holds DatabaseType's.INTERNAL: a helper class that holds DatabaseType's.Helper class to abstract the XML mapping for DirectToXMLType.INTERNAL: Define the EclipseLInk OX project and descriptor information to read an EclipseLink project from an XML file.INTERNAL: a helper class that holds DatabaseType's.INTERNAL: Event listener class used to lazy-load the descriptors for EIS and XDB, as they have external jar dependencies that may not be on the classpath.INTERNAL:INTERNAL: Define the TopLink OX project and descriptor information to read a OracleAS TopLink 10g (10.0.3) project from an XML file.INTERNAL: Define the TopLink OX project and descriptor information to read an AS 11g (11.1.1) project from an XML file.INTERNAL: Wrap the isset parameter object array as a Collection.INTERNAL: Wrap the isset parameterType class array as a CollectionINTERNAL: If the policy is the default NullPolicy with defaults set - then represent this default policy by null.Inner class used to map Map containers where the key is String and the value is a DatabaseType.INTERNAL: Amend the EclipseLink project and descriptor information to write out an EclipseLink project to an XML file, replacing actual .class references with String equivalentsINTERNAL: a helper class that holds DatabaseType's.INTERNAL: a helper class that holds DatabaseType's.INTERNAL:INTERNAL:INTERNAL: a helper class that holds DatabaseType's.INTERNAL: a helper class that holds DatabaseTypes.INTERNAL: a helper class that holds DatabaseType's.INTERNAL:INTERNAL: Builds EclipseLink Sessions from the XML Session Config model.INTERNAL: a helper class that holds DatabaseType's.INTERNAL: This class was generated by the TopLink project class generator.INTERNAL: OX mapping project for the 11gR1 sessions XML schema.INTERNAL: OX mapping project provides back compatibility for toplink 10g and 11g sessions XML meta-data reading.INTERNAL: This class is used by the Mapping Workbench Session Configuration to write the session config to XML.