Class XMLObjectReferenceMapping

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Mapping<AbstractSession,AttributeAccessor,ContainerPolicy,ClassDescriptor,DatabaseField,XMLRecord>, ObjectReferenceMapping<AbstractSession,AttributeAccessor,ContainerPolicy,ClassDescriptor,DatabaseField,UnmarshalRecord,XMLField,XMLRecord>, XMLMapping
Direct Known Subclasses:

TopLink OXM version of a 1-1 mapping. A list of source-target key field associations is used to link the source xpaths to their related target xpaths, and hence their primary key (unique identifier) values used when (un)marshalling. This mapping has a Vector of XMLFields as opposed to a single XMLField. It is important to note that each target xpath is assumed to be set as a primary key field on the target (reference) class descriptor - this is necessary in order to locate the correct target object instance in the session cache when resolving mapping references.
See Also: