Module org.eclipse.persistence.core
Package org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings
package org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings
ClassDescriptionPurpose: Provides a means to configure bidirectional relationship maintenance for OXM mappings.Purpose:Purpose: Used in conjunction with XMLAnyObject/CollectionMapping and XMLCompositeObject/CollectionMapping to specify when (if at all) to keep parts of the unmarshalled document as nodes.Purpose: An abstract superclass for XMLAnyObjectMapping and XMLAnyCollectionMapping.Purpose:The XMLAnyAttributeMapping is used to map to an attribute in an object to any xml attributes contained on a specific element in the XML Document.Any collection XML mappings map an attribute that contains a heterogenous collection of objects to multiple XML elements.Any object XML mappings map an attribute that contains a single object to an XML element.Purpose:Provide a mapping for a collection of binary data values that can be treated as either inline binary values or as an attachment.Purpose:Provide a mapping for binary data that can be treated as either inline or as an attachment.PUBLIC:PUBLIC:TopLink OXM version of a 1-M mapping.Composite collection XML mappings map an attribute that contains a homogeneous collection of objects to multiple XML elements.Composite direct collection XML mappings map a collection of simple types (String, Number, Date, etc.) to and from a sequence of composite XML nodes.Composite object XML mappings represent a relationship between two classes.XML Direct Mappings map a Java attribute directly to XML attribute or text node.Purpose: This mapping provides a means to keep a part of the xml tree as a collection of DOM elements.Purpose: This mapping provides a means to keep a part of the xml tree as a DOM element.This mapping is used to map a back-pointer.INTERNAL All mappings which can be added to org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.XMLDescriptor must implement this interface.INTERNAL All nillable mappings which can be added to org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.XMLDescriptor must implement this interface.
The default policy is AbstractNullPolicy.TopLink OXM version of a 1-1 mapping.Transformation XML mappings are used to create a custom mapping where one or more XML nodes can be used to create the object to be stored in a Java class's attribute.