Class XMLBinaryDataMapping

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, BinaryDataMapping<AbstractSession,AttributeAccessor,ContainerPolicy,Converter,ClassDescriptor,DatabaseField,XMLMarshaller,MimeTypePolicy,Session,XMLUnmarshaller,XMLRecord>, DirectMapping<AbstractSession,AttributeAccessor,ContainerPolicy,Converter,ClassDescriptor,DatabaseField,XMLMarshaller,Session,XMLUnmarshaller,XMLRecord>, Mapping<AbstractSession,AttributeAccessor,ContainerPolicy,ClassDescriptor,DatabaseField,XMLRecord>, XMLConverterMapping<XMLMarshaller,Session,XMLUnmarshaller>, MapComponentMapping, MapKeyMapping, XMLMapping, XMLNillableMapping

Purpose:Provide a mapping for binary data that can be treated as either inline or as an attachment.


  • Handle converting binary types (byte[], Image etc) to base64
  • Make callbacks to AttachmentMarshaller/AttachmentUnmarshaller
  • Write out approriate attachment information (xop:include)

XMLBinaryDataMapping represents a mapping of binary data in the object model to XML. This can either be written directly as inline binary data (base64) or passed through as an MTOM or SWAREF attachment.

The following typed are allowable to be mapped using an XMLBinaryDataMapping:

  • java.awt.Image
  • byte[]
  • jakarta.activation.DataHandler
  • javax.xml.transform.Source
  • javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart

Setting the XPath: TopLink XML mappings make use of XPath statements to find the relevant data in an XML document. The XPath statement is relative to the context node specified in the descriptor. The XPath may contain path and positional information; the last node in the XPath forms the local node for the binary mapping. The XPath is specified on the mapping using the setXPath method.

Inline Binary Data: Set this flag if you want to always inline binary data for this mapping. This will disable consideration for attachment handling for this mapping.

SwaRef: Set this flag in order to specify that the target node of this mapping is of type xs:swaref

See Also: