Interface MapComponentMapping

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDirectMapping, AggregateCollectionMapping, AggregateObjectMapping, DirectMapMapping, DirectToFieldMapping, DirectToXMLTypeMapping, EISDirectMapping, ManyToManyMapping, ManyToOneMapping, OneToManyMapping, OneToOneMapping, UnidirectionalOneToManyMapping, XMLBinaryDataMapping, XMLDirectMapping, XMLFragmentMapping

public interface MapComponentMapping
A MapComponentMapping is any mapping that can be used as the key or the value in a mapping that uses a MappedKeyMapContainerPolicy. This interface is generally implemented by mappings that provide the value in a mapping to a Map. Mappings that provide the key generally implement sub-interface MapKeyMapping
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • createMapComponentFromRow

      Object createMapComponentFromRow(AbstractRecord dbRow, ObjectBuildingQuery query, CacheKey parentCacheKey, AbstractSession session, boolean isTargetProtected)
      INTERNAL Called when a DatabaseMapping is used to map the key in a collection. Returns the key.
    • clone

      Object clone()
      INTERNAL Called when cloning the container policy.