Class MappedKeyMapContainerPolicy

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, CoreContainerPolicy<AbstractSession>, CoreMappedKeyMapContainerPolicy<AbstractSession>

public class MappedKeyMapContainerPolicy extends MapContainerPolicy implements CoreMappedKeyMapContainerPolicy<AbstractSession>
A MappedKeyMapContainerPolicy should be used for mappings to implementers of Map. It differs from MapContainerPolicy by allowing the MapKey to be an otherwise unmapped column in a table rather than a mapped element of the value in the map. This container policy holds a reference to a KeyMapping that will be used to construct the key from the database and a reference to its owner which creates the value for the map. The key of the map can be any implementer of MapKeyMapping and the data representing the key can either be stored in the target table of the value mapping, or in a collection table that associates the source to the target. The data can either be everything necessary to compose the key, or foreign keys that allow the key to be retrieved
See Also: