All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, DatabaseType, SimpleDatabaseType, OraclePLSQLType

public class PLSQLCollection extends ComplexDatabaseType implements Cloneable, OraclePLSQLType
PUBLIC: Marker interface for Oracle PL/SQL Collections (Nested Tables and Varrays)
  • Field Details

    • nestedType

      protected DatabaseType nestedType
      Defines the database type of the value contained in the collection type.

      i.e. the OF type.

      This could be a JDBC type, PLSQL type, or a PLSQL RECORD type.

    • isNestedTable

      protected boolean isNestedTable
  • Constructor Details

    • PLSQLCollection

      public PLSQLCollection()
      The default constructor sets javaType to ArrayList.class
  • Method Details

    • clone

      public PLSQLCollection clone()
      clone in class ComplexDatabaseType
    • isCollection

      public boolean isCollection()
      isCollection in class ComplexDatabaseType
    • isNestedTable

      public boolean isNestedTable()
      Indicates if the instance represents a Nested Table (as opposed to Varray). Defaults to false, i.e. Varray.
    • getNestedType

      public DatabaseType getNestedType()
      Return the database type of the value contained in the collection type.
    • setIsNestedTable

      public void setIsNestedTable(boolean isNestedTable)
      Set boolean that indicates if the instance represents a Nested Table (as opposed to Varray)
    • setNestedType

      public void setNestedType(DatabaseType nestedType)
      Set the database type of the value contained in the collection type.

      i.e. the OF type.

      This could be a JDBC type, PLSQL type, or a PLSQL RECORD type.

    • getSqlCode

      public int getSqlCode()
      Specified by:
      getSqlCode in interface DatabaseType