Interface AbstractContentAssistVisitor.CollectionExpressionHelper<T extends Expression>

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractContentAssistVisitor.AbstractConditionalClauseCollectionHelper, AbstractContentAssistVisitor.AbstractSelectClauseCollectionHelper, AbstractContentAssistVisitor.ConcatExpressionCollectionHelper, AbstractContentAssistVisitor.ConditionalClauseCollectionHelper, AbstractContentAssistVisitor.ConstrutorCollectionHelper, AbstractContentAssistVisitor.DeleteClauseCollectionHelper, AbstractContentAssistVisitor.DoubleEncapsulatedCollectionHelper, AbstractContentAssistVisitor.FromClauseCollectionHelper, AbstractContentAssistVisitor.GroupByClauseCollectionHelper, AbstractContentAssistVisitor.JoinCollectionHelper, AbstractContentAssistVisitor.OrderByClauseCollectionHelper, AbstractContentAssistVisitor.SelectClauseCollectionHelper, AbstractContentAssistVisitor.SimpleSelectClauseCollectionHelper, AbstractContentAssistVisitor.TripleEncapsulatedCollectionHelper, AbstractContentAssistVisitor.UpdateItemCollectionHelper, AbstractContentAssistVisitor.WhenClauseConditionalClauseCollectionHelper, EclipseLinkContentAssistVisitor.FromClauseCollectionHelper
Enclosing class:

protected static interface AbstractContentAssistVisitor.CollectionExpressionHelper<T extends Expression>
This helper is used to determine how to add proposals within a collection of expressions. Each expression is usually separated by either a whitespace or by a comma.
  • Method Details

    • addAtTheEndOfChild

      void addAtTheEndOfChild(T expression, CollectionExpression collectionExpression, int index, boolean hasComma, boolean virtualSpace)
      Adds the proposals because the cursor is at the end of the child at the given position.
      expression - The Expression being visited
      collectionExpression - The CollectionExpression is either the child of the given Expression or a temporary generated one that usually contains a single item
      index - The position of that child in the collection of children
      hasComma - Indicates whether a comma is present before the child at the given position; if the index is 0, then this is false by default
      virtualSpace - Indicates if this method is called because the cursor is at the end of the child at the specified index but by considering there is a virtual space at the end of that child
    • addIdentifier

      void addIdentifier(T expression, String identifier)
      Adds the given JPQL identifier as a valid proposal.
      expression - The Expression being visited
      identifier - The JPQL identifier to add as a valid proposal
    • addTheBeginningOfChild

      void addTheBeginningOfChild(T expression, CollectionExpression collectionExpression, int index, boolean hasComma)
      Adds the proposals because the cursor is at the beginning of the child Expression at the given position.
      expression - The Expression being visited
      collectionExpression - The CollectionExpression is either the child of the given Expression or a temporary generated one that usually contains a single item. This can be null if the position is at the beginning
      index - The position of the child that was scanned
      hasComma - Indicates whether a comma is present before the child at the given position; if the index is 0, then this is false by default
    • buildCollectionExpression

      CollectionExpression buildCollectionExpression(T expression)
      Either returns the given Expression's child, which is already a CollectionExpression or requests this helper to return a "virtual" CollectionExpression that is wrapping the single element.
      expression - The parent of the children to retrieve
      The given expression's child or a "virtual" one
    • canContinue

      boolean canContinue(T expression, CollectionExpression collectionExpression, int index)
      Asks this helper if the search can continue even though two child expressions are not separated by a comma.
      expression - The Expression being visited
      collectionExpression - The CollectionExpression
      index - The position of the child being scanned
      true if the check can continue even though the previous child was not separated by a comma; false to stop the check
    • hasDelimiterAfterIdentifier

      boolean hasDelimiterAfterIdentifier(T expression)
      Determines whether a delimiter like a whitespace or an open parenthesis was parsed after the identifier.
      expression - The Expression being visited
      true if something is present; false otherwise
    • maxCollectionSize

      int maxCollectionSize(T expression)
      Returns the maximum number of encapsulated expressions the Expression allows. Some expression only allow 2, others 3 and others allow an unlimited number.
      expression - The Expression for which its maximum number of children
      The maximum number of children the expression can have
    • preExpressionLength

      int preExpressionLength(T expression)
      Returns the length of anything that can be defined before the first child. An example can be "DISTINCT " in "AVG(DISTINCT".
      expression - The Expression being visited
      The length of anything that was parsed before the first child or 0 if nothing was parsed
    • queryBNF

      JPQLQueryBNF queryBNF(T expression, int index)
      Returns the JPQLQueryBNF that defines the fragment at the given position.
      expression - The Expression being visited
      index - The position of the element to retrieve the BNF defined in the JPQL grammar
      The JPQLQueryBNF that defines the fragment at the given position