Interface VariableDeclarationStateObject

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractIdentificationVariableDeclarationStateObject, AbstractRangeVariableDeclarationStateObject, CollectionMemberDeclarationStateObject, DerivedPathIdentificationVariableDeclarationStateObject, DerivedPathVariableDeclarationStateObject, IdentificationVariableDeclarationStateObject, RangeVariableDeclarationStateObject

public interface VariableDeclarationStateObject extends StateObject
This defines a variable declaration, which has a "root" object and an identification variable.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getManagedType

      IManagedType getManagedType(StateObject stateObject)
      Returns the IManagedType for the given identification variable. The search does not traverse up the query hierarchy if this declaration is for a subquery.
      SELECT e FROM Department d JOIN KEY(d.employees).addresses a
      In the above query, the managed type associated with the identification variable:
      • d is "Department"
      • a is "Address"
      stateObject - The StateObject that should be an simple identification variable or an encapsulated identification variable with the identifier KEY or VALUE
      The IManagedType representing the domain object declared by the given identification variable
    • identificationVariables

      Returns the IdentificationVariableStateObject that are used by this state object. It is possible more than one declaration exists, like a range variable declaration has also joins and join fetches.
      The list of IdentificationVariableStateObject