Class CollectionMemberDeclarationStateObject

All Implemented Interfaces:
StateObject, VariableDeclarationStateObject

public class CollectionMemberDeclarationStateObject extends AbstractStateObject implements VariableDeclarationStateObject
An identification variable declared by a collection_member_declaration ranges over values of a collection obtained by navigation using a path expression. Such a path expression represents a navigation involving the association-fields of an entity abstract schema type. Because a path expression can be based on another path expression, the navigation can use the association-fields of related entities. An identification variable of a collection member declaration is declared using a special operator, the reserved identifier IN. The argument to the IN operator is a collection-valued path expression. The path expression evaluates to a collection type specified as a result of navigation to a collection-valued association-field of an entity abstract schema type. The syntax for declaring a collection member identification variable is as follows:

BNF: collection_member_declaration ::= IN(collection_valued_path_expression) [AS] identification_variable


BNF: derived_collection_member_declaration ::= IN superquery_identification_variable.{single_valued_object_field.}*collection_valued_field

See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String AS_PROPERTY
      Notifies the visibility of the AS identifier has changed.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • CollectionMemberDeclarationStateObject

      public CollectionMemberDeclarationStateObject(AbstractFromClauseStateObject parent)
      Creates a new CollectionMemberDeclarationStateObject.
      parent - The parent of this state object, which cannot be null
      NullPointerException - The given parent cannot be null
    • CollectionMemberDeclarationStateObject

      public CollectionMemberDeclarationStateObject(AbstractFromClauseStateObject parent, ListIterator<String> paths, boolean as, String identificationVariable)
      Creates a new CollectionMemberDeclarationStateObject.
      parent - The parent of this state object, which cannot be null
      paths - The segments that represent the collection-valued path
      as - Determine whether the AS identifier is used or not
      identificationVariable - The identification variable declaring the collection-valued path
      NullPointerException - The given parent cannot be null
    • CollectionMemberDeclarationStateObject

      public CollectionMemberDeclarationStateObject(AbstractFromClauseStateObject parent, ListIterator<String> paths, String identificationVariable)
      Creates a new CollectionMemberDeclarationStateObject.
      parent - The parent of this state object, which cannot be null
      paths - The segments that represent the collection-valued path
      identificationVariable - The identification variable declaring the collection-valued path
      NullPointerException - The given parent cannot be null
    • CollectionMemberDeclarationStateObject

      public CollectionMemberDeclarationStateObject(SimpleFromClauseStateObject parent, String collectionValuedPath)
      Creates a new CollectionMemberDeclarationStateObject.
      parent - The parent of this state object, which cannot be null
      collectionValuedPath - The derived collection-valued path expression
      NullPointerException - The given parent cannot be null
  • Method Details

    • accept

      public void accept(StateObjectVisitor visitor)
      Description copied from interface: StateObject
      Visits this StateObject by the given visitor.
      Specified by:
      accept in interface StateObject
      visitor - The visitor to visit this object
    • addAs

      Makes sure the AS identifier is specified.
      This object
    • addChildren

      protected void addChildren(List<StateObject> children)
      Description copied from class: AbstractStateObject
      Adds the children of this StateObject to the given list.
      addChildren in class AbstractStateObject
      children - The list used to store the children
    • getCollectionValuedPath

      public CollectionValuedPathExpressionStateObject getCollectionValuedPath()
      Returns the model object representing the collection-valued association-field of an entity abstract schema type.
      The collection-valued association-field of an entity abstract schema type
    • getExpression

      public CollectionMemberDeclaration getExpression()
      Description copied from interface: StateObject
      Returns the actual parsed object if this StateObject representation of the JPQL query was created by parsing an existing JPQL query.
      Specified by:
      getExpression in interface StateObject
      getExpression in class AbstractStateObject
      The parsed object when a JPQL query is parsed and converted into a StateObject or null when the JPQL query is manually created (i.e. not from a string)
    • getIdentificationVariable

      public IdentificationVariableStateObject getIdentificationVariable()
      Returns the model object representing an identification variable evaluating to a collection-valued association-field of an entity abstract schema type.
      The identification variable portion of this declaration
    • getManagedType

      public IManagedType getManagedType(StateObject stateObject)
      Description copied from interface: VariableDeclarationStateObject
      Returns the IManagedType for the given identification variable. The search does not traverse up the query hierarchy if this declaration is for a subquery.
      SELECT e FROM Department d JOIN KEY(d.employees).addresses a
      In the above query, the managed type associated with the identification variable:
      • d is "Department"
      • a is "Address"
      Specified by:
      getManagedType in interface VariableDeclarationStateObject
      stateObject - The StateObject that should be an simple identification variable or an encapsulated identification variable with the identifier KEY or VALUE
      The IManagedType representing the domain object declared by the given identification variable
    • getParent

      public AbstractFromClauseStateObject getParent()
      Description copied from interface: StateObject
      Returns the parent of this StateObject.
      Specified by:
      getParent in interface StateObject
      getParent in class AbstractStateObject
      Returns the parent of this StateObject, which is null only when this is the root of the hierarchy
    • hasAs

      public boolean hasAs()
      Determines whether the AS identifier is used or not.
      true if the AS identifier is part of the expression; false otherwise
    • hasIdentificationVariable

      public boolean hasIdentificationVariable()
      Determines whether an identification variable was defined.
      true if an identification variable is defined; false otherwise
    • identificationVariables

      public ListIterable<IdentificationVariableStateObject> identificationVariables()
      Description copied from interface: VariableDeclarationStateObject
      Returns the IdentificationVariableStateObject that are used by this state object. It is possible more than one declaration exists, like a range variable declaration has also joins and join fetches.
      Specified by:
      identificationVariables in interface VariableDeclarationStateObject
      The list of IdentificationVariableStateObject
    • initialize

      protected void initialize()
      Description copied from class: AbstractStateObject
      Initializes this state object.
      initialize in class AbstractStateObject
    • isDerived

      public boolean isDerived()
      Determines whether this collection member declaration is used as a derived collection-valued path expression.
      true if this collection member declaration is used as this form: "IN collection_valued_path_expression" in a subquery; false if it's used as this form: IN(collection_valued_path_expression) [AS] identification_variable" in a top-level or subquery queries
    • isEquivalent

      public boolean isEquivalent(StateObject stateObject)
      Description copied from interface: StateObject
      Determines whether the given StateObject is equivalent to this one, i.e. the information of both StateObject is the same.
      Specified by:
      isEquivalent in interface StateObject
      isEquivalent in class AbstractStateObject
      stateObject - The StateObject to compare its content to this one
      true if both object are equivalent; false otherwise
    • removeAs

      public void removeAs()
      Makes sure the AS identifier is not specified.
    • setAs

      public void setAs(boolean as)
      Sets whether the AS identifier is used or not.
      as - true if the AS identifier is part of the expression; false otherwise
    • setDerived

      public void setDerived(boolean derived)
      Sets whether this collection member declaration is used as a derived collection-valued path expression.
      derived - true if this collection member declaration is used as this form: "IN collection_valued_path_expression" in a subquery; false if it's used as this form: IN(collection_valued_path_expression) [AS] identification_variable" in a top-level or subquery queries
    • setExpression

      public void setExpression(CollectionMemberDeclaration expression)
      Keeps a reference of the parsed object object, which should only be done when this object is instantiated during the conversion of a parsed JPQL query into StateObjects.
      expression - The parsed object representing an IN expression
    • setIdentificationVariable

      public void setIdentificationVariable(String identificationVariable)
      Sets the new identification variable that will range over the collection-valued path.
      identificationVariable - The new identification variable
    • setPath

      public void setPath(String path)
      Changes the path expression with the list of segments, the identification variable will also be updated with the first segment.
      path - The new path expression
    • setPaths

      public void setPaths(List<String> paths)
      Changes the path expression with the list of segments, the identification variable will also be updated with the first segment.
      paths - The new path expression
    • setPaths

      public void setPaths(ListIterator<String> paths)
      Changes the path expression with the list of segments, the identification variable will also be updated with the first segment.
      paths - The new path expression
    • setPaths

      public void setPaths(String... paths)
      Changes the path expression with the list of segments, the identification variable will also be updated with the first segment.
      paths - The new path expression
    • toggleAs

      public void toggleAs()
      Toggles the usage of the AS identifier.
    • toTextInternal

      protected void toTextInternal(Appendable writer) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: AbstractStateObject
      Prints out a string representation of this StateObject, which should not be used to define a true string representation of a JPQL query but should be used for debugging purposes.
      Specified by:
      toTextInternal in class AbstractStateObject
      writer - The writer used to print out the string representation
      IOException - This should never happens, it is only required because Appendable is used instead of any concrete class